How many scenario's have you completed? I know you initially mentioned 6-7. Are needing maps or other assistance that would help get you to the 6-7 scenario range? I have some maps that might be useful and save you considerable time. They are large, 100x100 but they can be cropped if needed.
Sounds good. I�m interested.
So here is a list/description of scens:
a) Erndtebrueck (used Double Duce�s map):
Countries: Germany + Belgium vs. Poland + Russia
Nato Mission: Defend and protect the Luftwaffe installations
in the area Wittgenstein-Erndtebrueck
Red Mission: Take, conquer or destroy the enemy installations in the area, if possible advance in direction
Siegen (west) and prevent the Belgiums stationed there, from taking part in the main front.
b) Garstedt
Countries: Germany vs. Russia
Nato Mission: Our planned headquarter at the other side of the river is important for our operation on the middle front. We prepared it already. The personal will arrive next week. Atm. there are only some police forces. We fear that red special forces and maybe air landing troops will try to take the area and possibly even cross the river into Garstedt. The adminstration buildings and chemical plant there are important for our war efforts.
Red Mission: Our Speznas have succesfully infiltrated the area east of Garstedt. With the help of your comrades from the Paras, take or destroy all enemy presence and buildings there. Depending on the enemy strength your 2nd task is to cross the river and destroy the chemical plant there and block millitary traffic passing the town.
c) Braunweiler
Countries: Germany + USA vs. Russia
Nato Mission: You are tranfered to the east. Your BGS troops (while only lightly armed) are needed to bolster the front around Braunweiler. Severall elements of russian troops have broken our line and are advaning west. We have almost no armor in reserve. But luckily US paratroopers could be fast deployed and form a 1st line of defense there. Also some Bundeswehr troops have dugged in behind them for a 2nd line.
We expect enemy line infantry, recon, mechanized vehicles and maybe some arty to assault the area. No reports of much armor.Since the air war is still raging some russian fighter bombers may attack. Failure to hold can be deadly for our men in the whole area.
Red Mission: General Gorowkov reports yesterday that we crushed the american+german troops east of Braunweiler. Our men advance west. We don�t expect much resistance behind the lines since the stupid westeners don�t have enough reserves. So Col. Gurkow you should rush into Braunweiler and close the trap around the imperialists. We promise you a lieutenant general title if you succeed. As our glorious airforce is still contesting the skies with the yankees and the krauts you get some air support also. There shall be no excuse for failure in this mission that could decide the fate of the whole central front.
Mission4 isn�t named yet. It will be a offensive one from Nato.