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Old February 25th, 2005, 04:53 PM

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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

: A personal Communication from Prince Carlton Leader of the ASSB (Alien Space Security Board)
: From Ambassador Korla-Kola, of Kor

Carl! Holy Gribnitz! I thought for sure the Purity Police would have found this channel and shut it down by now. Guess they still have figured out all the inner workings of us Secularists, eh?

Listen Carl, this situation is pretty grim on this end. I'll do my best to work something out. We might be able to do something using backchannels, but the Priests here are gain ground daily. Things are very different here than they were when we were at the interstellar academy together. Right now is tough for me to talk. This line might be, ahem, compromised and I'm running out to catch a shuttle to the Core to attend a War Council meeting. I'll contact you in a few days the way we worked out back in Gravimetrics 305 class so long ago...


OOC: Hey, I literally am running out to catch a flight to AZ in two hours, and just HAPPENED to check the forums. Will talk more when I return monday? (I already turned in my orders for the game, BTW). Thanks, Alarik
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Old February 25th, 2005, 10:58 PM

Space_Viking Space_Viking is offline
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

The Sonne Council disbanded in disarray over the news of commencements of hostilities between two respected allies... but the decision to remain neutral in this dreadful conflict remained unchanged.
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Old March 1st, 2005, 12:44 AM

Space_Viking Space_Viking is offline
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

The Sonne ambassador to the Corelian alliance, petals held in calm repose, emanated waves of complex colors. Glowing glyphs appeared above him, and the universal translator spoke in mellifluous tones.

"After some consideration, we have determined that in breaking the peace with both ourselves and the Corelian Alliance, the Exiles of Kor have embarked upon a reckless path towards conflict. Yet we shall endeavor to find a solution before the current fires become a conflagration that consumes whole worlds.

Please state what concessions must be granted by the Exiles of Kor, and we shall state your case to their council."
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Old March 1st, 2005, 03:09 PM

AMF AMF is offline
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

The Secular government of KorSpace has received the Sonne announcement with puzzlement.

Here is our position in the matter of Priintlot and Aragor:

Priintlot has always been shared between the Exiles and the Plant People. Some time ago, the Corelians decided to destroy the plant people. At that time, they petitioned us to allow them free action against plant colonies in KorSpace. Although the plant people are our allies, because they are ruled by a bizarre computer intelligence, we allowed the Corelians entrance into KorSpace with the condition that upon weeding of plant colonies, those former plant planets were to be turned over to Kor. The Corelians then proceeded to conquer a number of plant colonies in Priintlot and elsewhere, but failed to turn them over to Kor. Suddenly we had multiple Corelian colonies in systems that were deep in KorSpace.

When we pressed the Corelian government for an explanation, they replied that they had the right to keep the conquered planets on a technicality: since they had conquered, rather than cleansed, plant colonies they had every right to keep them. They claimed that they had only agreed to turn over plant colonies they had cleansed.

On the other edge of KorSpace, the system Aragor has been shared by Corel and the Faithful for over ten years, in relatively amicable circumstances. Approximately two years ago, our engineering corps began to terraform asteroids in Aragor into planets usable and colonizable by the Faithful. These engineers proceeded to create about ten such planets over the last year. There was never any complaint from Corel in this regard. However, about five months ago, Corelian colonists claimed three newly created KorSpace planets in Aragor. Two months ago, they claimed another as well as one in Priintlot.

As soon as we discovered Corelian colonies on sacred KorSpace planets, we demanded an explanation. In reply, the Corelians claimed the right to all of the Aragor and Priintlot systems - truly a provocative and extremely surprising response, obviously intended to elicit action on our part.

We have tried to defuse the situation for the past five months, only to learn from multiple sources that the Corelians fully intended to attack us and in fact had fleet elements in the souther portion of the quadrant.

It became clear that the Corelians had nefarious intentions against the Faithful. To this end, the Secular Government decided that information and sensor net contacts with Corel must be ended. Such sensor shares were a by-product of our partnership with the Sonne people. Hence, we informed the Sonne ambassadors that we would no longer be sharing sensor nets with them, since they are tied into Corel sensors.

After this, the Corelians maintained their extreme demands. It became clear that more pressure was needed until the Corelians would realize that their demands are unreasonable. To that end we cut trade with them and placed our fighter wings on Combat Space Patrol. We have not declared war on the Corelians, and we have no desire to do so. But when we cut contact with them, their vessels ignored warnings to not come within the standard 10 light-second weapons-free zones around our vessels. By repeatedly ignoring such warnings, our vessels were forced to defend themselves. In many cases, Corelian forces ambushed and destroyed Faithful forces. In many other cases, the Faithful, due to their unswerving beleif in the power of Kor, were able to sucessfully defend themselves.

Note that, as of last month, we have pulled all forces out of the 10-light-second perimeters of all Corel planets and forces. This last month has seen only one, very minor incident between our military forces, in which two Corelian warships stumbled upon Kor Faithful fighters and were destroyed.

Given this recent history between our two peoples, and, in light of our shared past and biology, the Secular government of KorSpace is willing to listen to possible solutions to this crisis. We have no desire to risk further inflaming of our Purity Police forces or our populace and we would like to avoid an expansion of this conflict.

With that in mind, we welcome any proposals from the Sonne council but feel a need to emphasize that the following are non-negotiable:

KorSpace is inviolable and prior agreements must be held to. The Priintlot system and any other systems in KorSpace must be vacated of all Corel forces.

Aragor is a shared system, not part of KorSpace. We recognize the status of Aragor as a homesystem of the Corelian people, but we have also shared this system for over ten years. Such joint habitation must continue. the Faithful will not countenance being kicked off of worlds they reside on.

Worlds that are created by the Faithful are sacred to Kor. Therefore, worlds that we have created, except where we create them specifically for others (and thereby without the sacred rituals), must be forever a part of KorSpace and inhabited by the Faithful. This includes those planets created in Aragor which Corelians stealthily colonized. Such planets must now be purified, a costly and involved process of prayer and rituals.

Aside from these inviolable precepts, the Faithful are willing to entertain any options put forth. Prior to this crisis, the Secular Government volountarily demilitarized Aragor and pulled from it all military forces. That is something we will consider again. Other options are also possible.

We look forward to the Sonne proposals so that war may be avoided. We will also continue to work through backchannels to reach a potential agreement with the Corelians.

Korla-Kola, First Speaker of the Secular Government
At the whim of the Most High Priest
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Old March 1st, 2005, 03:33 PM

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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

|||begin delta level encoding|||
Personal transmission to Prince Carlton Leader of the ASSB (Alien Space Security Board)
Via unique gravimetric wave-pulse algorithm


Listen buddy, I think this is secure. If you're reading it then you remembered that experiment we did at the academy. I don't think this is traceable, but, well, if I disappear under mysterious circumstances, then I guess I'm wrong in that.

So, the Secularists are trying to hold on here, and the last month helped us out a bit. Every time the Purity Police broadcast sensor feeds of combat against Corel Space Forces, we lose a few more seats to the priests. Eventually, they'll take over the Grand Council and the Edicts, and then we'll all be in trouble. They're pretty worked up, pretty fundamentalist, and, well, let's just say that I'd have to take a stealth-boat to the far side of the quadrant to get out in one piece...

On the flip side, the Secularists and humanists are still getting most of the votes in the more populous megaplexes, and everytim an uunderground samizdata broadcast of Corelians being killed reaches the 'net, it makes the hawks look pretty bad.

I'm still able to keep up the face of moderation, but we have to find a quick solution to this if we're to avoid a Jihad. if that happens, the entire quadrant is screwed - once the Purity forces get control it will be almost impossible to keep them from declaring all out war against all "infidels."

Here's what I think I can sell: Priintlot is KorSpace, so that's off the table. It will be very tough on us if your government demands a presence there. Is there a way we can evacuate the Corelian colony there? is there anything that can be done with that? Is there anything I can do to make that easier?

As for Aragor, I think we have a lot more freedom of action. If we can come up with a way to declare victory in Aragor, even if it doesn't really result in substantive changes, we might be able to stand all this down since then the Pure Forces would save face and the Priests could claim the "infidels" were beaten down.

And, as to the future of Aragor: our Engineering Corps is just an arm of the Civil Corps, with a large contingent of Priests. However, the priests are only involved in purifying newly created planets right at the point they are created. Hence, they are not involved in the schedules. Furthermore, the schedules are classified, so the populace doesn't know it either. So, I think we can prevent any further planetmaking in Aragor because the priests and the electorate will never be in the loop.

And, just between you, me, and the durasteel bulkhead, odds are the priests will demand the destruction of the plant people if we head them off here. They smell blood, or chlorophyll, and if they can't get it from Corel then they'll get it from the plants.

I'll keep this channel open as long as possible, but I am off to a bunch of other meetings at Makkah for the rest of this stellar week.


|||end delta level encoding|||

Edit: Hey, OOC: I am, beleive it or not, actually out of town again this weekend. I fly out tomorrow noon (EST, wednesday the 2nd) and return very very late Sunday night EST. I'll do my Ultimate 001 orders tonight...
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Old March 1st, 2005, 06:22 PM
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

The Corelian Alliance Ambassador faced the Sonne Ambassador.
"Ambassador." The word hung in the air.
"My Government wishes me to inform you that we have suffered huge losses as a result of Kor actions. Five colonies destroyed."
She paused.
"Further more we sought your guidance and help relying on our treaties with the Sonne. Since you choose to degrade those treaties we ask that you refrain from further development in our mutual border systems. My Government also wishes to express that we will strive to maintain cordial relations and will do nothing to jeopardize our supply of nuetronium crystals. We have found our trade with you to be profitable in the past and have hopes that the future holds as much profit. You can count on us as much as we counted on you."
Ambassador Bass Sighed.
"Off the record the Kor Attack came as a surprise to us as we thought we could make a deal, but it appears that a miscalculation was made on both sides. Beware in your dealings with the Kor."
With a small wave Ambassador Bass left the room.
The fact that slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but does not provide an excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later, someone will come along with a sharper sword and hack off our arms
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Old March 11th, 2005, 03:58 PM
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Default Re: 001 Ultimate PBW game

Korry, My father the President asked me about you. I am at home on vacation lucky I have plenty to do around the house. We were all stunned about the Fall of the flower people. We had no clue the Negation were at war with them. My father is attempting to recall Admiral Leary's fleet but we are not sure if anything is getting through to them. We are sorry about the colony ship but it refused to turn back. There is a lot of finger pointing about that event. I don't know how reliable communications will be between us so all the best to you and yours
The fact that slaughter is a horrifying spectacle must make us take war more seriously, but does not provide an excuse for gradually blunting our swords in the name of humanity. Sooner or later, someone will come along with a sharper sword and hack off our arms
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