Re: More Neutrals
I designed a special tech for the Neutrals, but have not found a way to make the facility get used in game setup. Apparently something about the initial facilities on a homeworld is hardcoded. I created a new "Racial Ability" for a tech called "Neutral Society" in RacialTraits.txt:
Name := Neutral Society
Description := Gains access to Neutral Society Technology. NOT FOR PLAYERS! NEUTRALS ONLY!
Pic Num := 0
General Type := Advantage
Cost := 1000
Trait Type := Tech Area
Value 1 := 1
Value 2 := 0
Required Trait 1 := None
Required Trait 2 := None
Required Trait 3 := None
Restricted Trait 1 := None
Restricted Trait 2 := None
Restricted Trait 3 := None
(Note, I re-arranged/numbered the racial tech areas while I was at it.) Then I made the technology in techarea.txt:
Name := Neutral Society
Group := Theoretical Science
Description := The science of lore of small societies which survive in the larger context of galactic politics.
Maximum Level := 1
Level Cost := 50000
Start Level := 1
Raise Level := 0
Racial Area := 1
Unique Area := 0
Can Be Removed := False
Number of Tech Req := 0
Then I created a facility:
Name := Seat of Government Facility
Description := Central government of a neutral race.
Facility Group := Population support
Facility Family := 255
Roman Numeral := 0
Restrictions := None
Pic Num := 68
Cost Minerals := 2500
Cost Organics := 5000
Cost Radioactives := 2500
Number of Tech Req := 1
Tech Area Req 1 := Neutral Society
Tech Level Req 1 := 1
Number of Abilities := 5
Ability 1 Type := Spaceport
Ability 1 Descr := Acts as a spaceport for this system.
Ability 1 Val 1 := 0
Ability 1 Val 2 := 0
Ability 2 Type := Change Bad Intelligence Chance - System
Ability 2 Descr := Strong sense of identity reduces success of enemy infiltration/sabotage by 50 percent.
Ability 2 Val 1 := 50
Ability 2 Val 2 := 0
Ability 3 Type := Change Population Happiness - System
Ability 3 Descr := Strong sense of identity increases population happiness.
Ability 3 Val 1 := 3
Ability 3 Val 2 := 0
Ability 4 Type := Combat Modifier - System
Ability 4 Descr := Clear command hierarchy and good morale makes for 20 percent combat bonus.
Ability 4 Val 1 := 3
Ability 4 Val 2 := 0
Ability 5 Type := Damage Modifier - System
Ability 5 Descr := Training and good morale makes for 10 percent boost in weapon effectiveness.
Ability 5 Val 1 := 10
Ability 5 Val 2 := 0
I then added the special ability "Neutral Society" to all of the neutrals. It works in that this facility is AVAILABLE to them when I look, but it doesn't get used in the initial setup of the homeworld even though I put an ability that it carries, 'Change Population Happiness' as the FIRST thing in the homeworld build queue. I can only guess that this setup is actually hard coded, as I said... <shrug>