Ok, so what I want to include is:
- QNP, naturally.
- Finite repairs: Drones can be launched to repair 1 point per turn, and Last about 5 turns without moving, or 2-3 turns with movement.
Allows SYs to remote-repair ships, and means you have to spend money to repair your ships.
- Partial-effect mines: No sweepers, but mine deployment more limited... Good for slowing down the enemy, but not all-or-nothing anymore.
- Limited Planetary Bombardment: Most weapons will not target planets. Weapon platforms limited in scope to compensate. Ground combat almost required.
- Long-term GC : as in P&N PBW, 1 GC turn per combat, tough (30 hp) but wimpy (1 damage) militia and lots of 'em (1 per million people).
- Everything Tech Gridded: Everything... missile tech depends on armor tech, propulsion, warheads etc, and so on. Not a huge difference to gameplay, but enhances the research side.
- Leaky Shields & Armor: Gotta be leaky
Everybody gets hurt somewhat during combat.
- Balanced Resource Costs: As in P&N.
- Heroes and Cannon Fodder: All ships will have roughly the same maintenance costs independent of size. Strength goes up linearly, and cost to build goes up as the square of the size.
Allows you to build a pile of small cannon fodder ships quickly, or slowly build large ships for an overall stronger army when you're done (but it takes forever).
Should encourage a health mix of ships... more large "hero ships" after long stints of peacetime, and hoards of small cannon-fodder ships during war. Middlesized ships for turbulent times where you're not sure how long peace will Last.
- Possibly - Reduced Point Defense... fighter escorts can shoot down missiles for you until they're shot down themselves by enemy fighters.
Any other suggestions and comments?
[ December 21, 2003, 13:50: Message edited by: Suicide Junkie ]