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Old October 8th, 2003, 08:42 PM

JLS JLS is offline
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Default Re: Question re AI Modding

Member # 3718

posted June 22, 2003 17:37


Assuming no changes from se4 Version 1.78

On average the most AI State Changes, from the Exploration State is to:
1: Defend Short Term State
2: Infrastructure State
3: Not Connected State

Ok, from the first Exploration State; your AI just went into Infrastructure State, as we have previously discussed, by either (A)or(B)

A: Your AI had an agreement with another Player and Your AI no longer had Systems, reasonably close to Explore, your AI would go into the Infrastructure State.

If (A) was the only Variable, the AI or AI�s will live happily ever-after. Remain in Infrastructure and (may) Consider Not Connected State, at some point.

However, ALL: AI Settings Files, Anger Files, Politics Files and Accept Treaties; WILL always be in play. It is probable at some point, that/those AI may not like; living happily ever-after forever, and break the (Existing Treaty with the other Original Player)


B: If there is an Enemy Near but not in the Claimed Territory, then your AI may go into Infrastructure State

If (B) is the only variable to consider, and other Player had no agreement, then from the Infrastructure State.

If the Enemy Players System are Nearby, the AI may Consider the Prepare Attack State then to consider the actual * Attack State.
(This is why continuing a new game, when you start next to Psychos, like the XiChung; is not usually a winnable choice, in any se4 Game)
The AI may just consider the Incursion State early with a quick Muster, if that AI considers the enemies systems, is not well defended.
(C):The AI (may) Consider a Prepare for Defense State.
If the (adjacent system vs. Home/System) Ship strength numbers are not even near favorable
((D)): If your AI, IS IN any State mentioned above, and ANY ENEMY Player has entered your territory, then your AI WILL Change to Defend Short Term State for a few turns :

Your AI will now; analyze its current Situation, IF-THEN :

IF enemy is still in its territory after a few turns go by, it will remain in the Defend Short Term State * that may continue to * Prepare for Defense State, and in the end; to Defend (Long Term) State.
(E) Enemy is NOT IN that AI�s territory and there are NO Systems to Explore; then your AI may revert to the ~(B) Infrastructure State

FROM (E)to(B)THEN and IF , Enough time since the Last Attack has passed from your AI Settings File (XiChung @ Turns to Wait until next attack := 6) then your AI WILL consider from (B) Infrastructure State again, for an Attack or an Incursion

(F) However, from Defend Short Term, if no enemy is in that AI territory, or nearby and there are Systems to Explore still; then your AI may revert all the way back to the Exploration State and start the above process, from the Scenario you presented; all over again.


Definitions and Actions:

AI Defend Short Term Strategic State:
This would be the first stage for the AI Player, to boot the other Enemy player out of his territory and for that AI to analyze its current Status for that current Situation
(Continues for about 5 turns. Then this AI will make a decisive decision; for the next State Change)
As outlined in ((D)),(E), and (F).

AI Prepare to Attack State:
AI considers a nearby enemy system is weak and could be conquered. Your AI will now prepare a Fleet/Fleets and get ready to attack that system.

AI Attack State:
Your AI will now consider this to be a valid and doable Attack, if so, then the AI will attack that Enemy System and attempt to conquer it.

In both the above, Prepare for Attack, Attack States, your AI has some save guards, so your AI may revert to various other states, however, the State you DO want to see, as the next change, is the:

Secure Holdings State
Your AI�s attack has been completed and it was VICTORIOUS.

Your AI will send in ships to secure the system (a few pre-built defense ships will do well here, if any planets were captured +Happy , and your AI will now want to colonize any empty planets�
This is were your next best Colony Expansion Policy, should reap, the next best and safest rewards

When in the Secure Holdings State and that newly conquered System is now totally secured; your AI will revert back to ~(B) Infrastructure State...
And your AI, may start the process all over again, begining from ~(B) Infrastructure State

Also note: If any Enemy enters any Territory, also from the Secure Holdings State.
Your AI will revert, briefly; to the ((D)) AI Defend Short Term Strategic State:
To re-evaluate
Any questions, please don�t hesitate to ask.

AI States

EDIT: I will revise this post to be less technical as it is a copy of what I posted to answer a Players question on how does an AI get from Explore State to the Infrastructure State. As soon as time permits, I will clean this up to include all the AI states in more detail

[ October 11, 2003, 14:04: Message edited by: JLS ]
>~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~<

Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement

~~~ CLICK ON &gt;&gt;&gt; (((&gt; <font color="green"> AI CAMPAIGN v4.191 </font> &lt)) &lt;&lt;&lt; To Get ~~~
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Old October 9th, 2003, 02:32 AM

Niltrias Niltrias is offline
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Default Re: Question re AI Modding

Thanks! I've been wondering about those AI states since SEIV (non gold). this will definitly help my AI modding.
Bwah ha ha!
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Old October 10th, 2003, 07:03 PM
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Default Re: Question re AI Modding

I�m enjoying AIC Version 3.02. Started game with organic technology, increase maintenance and research technology level, and reduce repair and ground fighting capacities. Set the game for large cluster, both high levels for number of AI players and difficultly with no bonuses. Started with finite resources and simultaneous movement. No tactical movement allow, only could colonized our planet type (i.e. rock or ice or gas).
Started in the southeast corner of the cluster galaxy. Had on-going wars with two other AI races from turns fifteen to sixty. Formed a partnership with one AI race, later broke the treaty and attacked me on turn eighty or so. By turn hundred and ten, eliminated three AI races by ground assaults on they home planets, and holding my own against two of the major races.
The AI does fairly well at mining and defending warp holes and planets, use of fighters and other technologies. The largest AI fleet I witnessed so far has been eleven ships. If they lose a ship to my minefield, the next ship they send in is a minesweeper. The AI has a problem getting by a warp hole defended by fighters. One race would keep on sending ships armed with capital missiles with only a single point defense weapon on board to try to force open the warp hole. Only fought one AI race with fighters so far, that engagement I lost all my thirty fighters to his forty fighters. Had wrong orders for the fighter is why I lost that engagement. All my frontier planets have mines, fighters and weapons platforms for defense, before I start building any facilities. AI races will tried to destroyed my out laying planets and re-colonize themselves.
I never played a SE4 game with finite resources before. Interesting challenged collecting allow resources, finding enough room/planets to store your extra resources, building up your economic and always keep on expanding outwards. It�s forces you to expand quickly at first and defend your frontiers.
I have been wondering if there enough resources left, to finish this game. If all the other AI races had already colonize all the other planets, with finite resources when will the galaxy run out of resources? I�m had started construction of asteroid mining ships for both asteroids and ice / gas planets, but it only a stop gap measure.

Oh man, why do you have to hit me with those negative waves so early in the morning..
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Old October 11th, 2003, 02:50 PM

JLS JLS is offline
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Default Re: Question re AI Modding

Thanks Lighthorse, I would like to here more about your AIC Finite game at the AI Campaign thread. I like your settings for the Finite game, you may however tie your hands a little in Finite Play; with (only could colonized our planet type) and may make those Asteroids Fields one of the most valued of terrains to defend or too conquer. With this said, the AI as a result of se4 logic does NOT Asteroid or vacant planet Robo Mine and this will be a crippling AI disadvantage
Now if you want a chalange in a (only could colonized our planet type), you may take Ice or Gas against only the AI Players of Rock Type.

NOTE: Other then possibly Gas or Ice type AI to an extent; an increased AI Bonus should assist the AI for most se4 and MODS with (only could colonized our planet type). I will look for additional options as well for the AI within AIC with this style of play, thanks for the heads up, Lighthorse
- - -

Most of the AI Players with AIC; will have at least one (Seeker) Ship Class in there arsenal to keep the Human Players honest from jump; as to maintain at least some point defense capabilities on there ships, but worry not they will fleet with Ships that specialize in direct fire beam and CVs soon enough.

You may in many games see AI Player fleets and Ships in a sector or sectors that may exceed one to two Hundred in total Ship Numbers.
However, since the AI thru the PPI (please refer to reference) of the Vehicles Construction file is based on total Planets to support the AI Fleets. Then with (only could colonized our planet type or Breathable Atmospheres only) will naturally keep the total Colonized Planets down, hense having the effect of reduceing overall total SHIP counts. Resulting in most cases the AI with some MODS may have an inability to produce large amounts of ships. That ROCK type AI may out perform all other AI types (gas or Ice) if war was to start for AI versus AI. Also to say that even ROCK type AI Players may not perform well against the crafty Human Player that exclusively has the ability to Robo-mine the vacant unobtainable Planet types from (only could colonized our planet type) and Asteroids
- - -

Yes Lighthorse, with AI Campaigns Urban Centers; Cities, Large Metropolises thru World Culture Centers you will always have Base Economics that are not effected by Planet Values and this will represent Commerce. In addition, Systems with two or more Stars are the equivalent, of some of the best beachs on the Med or the beauty of the Caribbean and this will boost your economy greatly; when large Cities spring up in those Systems But this thread should not be about AIC, and is for AI Modding and options discussion in general

However, do not overlook the value of Planet Utilizations Facilities to bolster your Planets resource potential and values; when playing Finite in any MOD or se4

= = = = = = = =

1. The game picks a selection based on the AI State. There cannot be duplicate
AI states.
2. Item will be placed at whichever spaceyard is available and can get it done the fastest.
> 3. First item in the queue is selected, and evaluated. We construct if:
{Please veiw code}
a. There are less than X planets per each item, (if there are 13 planets and we already
have 4 ships of this design type, and the Planet Per Item value = 3,
then we buy another one). If PPI < (Num Planets / Num Ships of Type), construct.

4. If the Build at Least value is greater than 0, we check if the Planet Per Item condition
is still true. If it is, then we purchase another one, if not, we move to the next
queue item. If we do purchase another one, we continue in this loop until the
condition is false, or we have purchased the number in Build At Least.
5. When the Last item is reached, it restarts at the beginning.

- - -

Entry X Planet Per Item:
Number of planets per each item in 10ths.
(20 = 2.0: We want 1 item for every 2 planets we have.)

Entry X Must Have At Least:
Must have this many of this type in existance, or being built.
If not, then build more.
This comes before Planet Per Item. {and assumes the AI may afford this minimum count, so the MHAL numbers that are placed here must be resonable for the AI Players: Defense or Yard Bases and the Ship Minimums. The AI designer must consider the future late game upgrade costs and maintainence is affordable because MHAL is not based on probable and/or designed pre-planed Mining Colonies. Where as PPI will consider probable pre-designed Mining Colonies and Etc.}

[ October 11, 2003, 18:26: Message edited by: JLS ]
&gt;~~~~~~AI CAMPAIGN -NEW-v4.191a AIC ~~~~~~&lt;

Optimized for[i] Solitaire Play!
With or without all Warp points, Finite resources, same starts and Simultaneous movement

~~~ CLICK ON &gt;&gt;&gt; (((&gt; <font color="green"> AI CAMPAIGN v4.191 </font> &lt)) &lt;&lt;&lt; To Get ~~~
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Old October 11th, 2003, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: Question re AI Modding

Originally posted by JLS:


Definitions and Actions:

AI Defend Short Term Strategic State:
This would be the first stage for the AI Player, to boot the other Enemy player out of his territory and for that AI to analyze its current Status for that current Situation
(Continues for about 5 turns. Then this AI will make a decisive decision; for the next State Change)
As outlined in ((D)),(E), and (F).

AI Prepare to Attack State:
AI considers a nearby enemy system is weak and could be conquered. Your AI will now prepare a Fleet/Fleets and get ready to attack that system.

AI Attack State:
Your AI will now consider this to be a valid and doable Attack, if so, then the AI will attack that Enemy System and attempt to conquer it.

In both the above, Prepare for Attack, Attack States, your AI has some save guards, so your AI may revert to various other states, however, the State you DO want to see, as the next change, is the:

Secure Holdings State
Your AI�s attack has been completed and it was VICTORIOUS.

Your AI will send in ships to secure the system (a few pre-built defense ships will do well here, if any planets were captured +Happy , and your AI will now want to colonize any empty planets�
This is were your next best Colony Expansion Policy, should reap, the next best and safest rewards

When in the Secure Holdings State and that newly conquered System is now totally secured; your AI will revert back to ~(B) Infrastructure State...
And your AI, may start the process all over again, begining from ~(B) Infrastructure State

Also note: If any Enemy enters any Territory, also from the Secure Holdings State.
Your AI will revert, briefly; to the ((D)) AI Defend Short Term Strategic State:
To re-evaluate
Any questions, please don�t hesitate to ask.

AI States

EDIT: I will revise this post to be less technical as it is a copy of what I posted to answer a Players question on how does an AI get from Explore State to the Infrastructure State. As soon as time permits, I will clean this up to include all the AI states in more detail
JLS, could you post more on the Defend states with the AI actions?
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