September 7th, 2003, 05:15 PM
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Re: The Walkers, updated 9-28-03
Thanks Primitve, positive feedback is always welcome
As for the game setup: Medium Galaxy - 133 systems, cluster formation, wormholes anywhere in system, low tech start, high tech cost, stellar manipulation turned off (it alwaus crashed my computer later in the game), 20 races - 15 handpicked, only 5000 point .emp races used - 5000 racial points, no neutrals, high difficulty and bonuses, no cheats allowed, single planet start with a high value, Version 1.49 (never made the upgrade to gold). I think that covers everything.
September 8th, 2003, 08:14 PM
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Re: The Walkers, updated 9-28-03
2402.1 � 2402.7 ~ A Second Chance
�Ma�am, something is coming through the wormhole,� came the shrill voice of the ensign.
�Cut audio and video feed to Serenity,� ordered Admiral Nefta as she recognized exactly what was making its way through the strange anomaly that has been come to be known as a wormhole. �Vigilance, move to intercept,� she didn�t even wait for confirmation of the vessel�s origin before she gave the order to attack. �Do not allow them to flee back through the wormhole,� she ordered in her usual icy tone. �Angels, encircle the vessel, but do not fire until my command.�
�What do you plan to do Admiral?� asked Captain Orton.
�Open a hailing frequency to the Terran vessel,� she commanded ignoring Orton�s inquiry. �This is Admiral Nefta, commanding officer of this Battle Group, declare your intentions or be destroyed.�
�Please spare us,� came the immediate response. �We are nothing more then a ship full of colonists seeking to build a new home for ourselves. We mean you no harm.�
�To what system are you destined?� asked the Admiral.
�We seek the Alpha Epsilon system,� answered the captain of the colony ship.
�I am unfamiliar with that name, what are the coordinates of the systems primary star?�
After a short pause the Captain told her the coordinates and added, �Please, I say again, we mean you no harm. We do not seek to see our peoples continue this needless war. We are a handful of extremists from the Terran Confederacy who have opted to begin a new society for ourselves away from the war-mongering of our govern��
Nefta cut him off, �These are the coordinates for the Parvenium System.� She appeared to not have heard a word he said. �Thank you for the information captain, please give my regards to the Almighty when you meet him.�
�Wait! We do not w�� the com was silenced.
�You may fire at will� commanded Nefta with an evenness to her voice that revealed none of the hatred welling up inside her. �May the Almighty have mercy on their souls,� she added to herself in a whisper as she watched the colony ship, and all of its passengers, being enveloped in a ball of fire and molten steel.
�It makes no sense,� thought Lord Chagnon as he listened to the details of the day�s intelligence report from Vice Lord Defcon. �Especially with the transmissions we have been receiving these past few tenths.� His mind wandered into contemplation.
��Admiral Nefta�s battle group then intercepted the Terran frigate and destroyed it without incident. She reported that it was headed for the Parvenium system to destroy our new colonies there and that we should watch the wormhole approaches to that system closely,� and with that Defcon finished his statement and sat down.
�How did she find out they were destined for the Parvenium system?� Chagnon wondered, not really paying attention as Defcon sat down.
Vice Lord Mandron then stood up and began his portion of the report, �Our r�relations with the Aquilaeians continue to look promising as we have learned a great deal f�from them in a relatively short t�time.� He paused to collect himself and then went on, �and we have l�learned of a situation with the Aquilaeians that may be adv�� he was cut off by Chagnon rather brusquely.
�Were there any other transmissions received?�
�W�what do you m�mean my Lord?� Mandron replied becoming more nervous.
�Were there any other transmissions received from the Terrans?� Chagnon said annunciating every word perfectly while speaking rather slowly.
�W�well nothing n�new, just the s�same continuous transmission that h�has been sent every d�day.�
�So they continue to offer peace even after they sent another ship to attack us,� said Defcon.
�Perhaps there is more to this then we are seeing,� offered Vice Lord Exnon. �Isn�t it convenient that Admiral Nefta�s entire communications array failed just as the Terran vessel was exiting the wormhole?�
�I agree,� said Chagnon, �I think that Admiral Nefta is withholding something from us. Nevertheless, I feel that we need to begin taking this plea for peace from the Terrans more seriously.�
�I also agree,� said Vice Lord Junon. �It makes no sense for these Terrans to continue to ask for a trade alliance and peace, and not be serious about it.�
�But what of the recent attack,� echoed Defcon? �Surely that must prove something of the Terrans intentions.�
�If it was indeed a Terran attack vessel then it would indeed disprove their apparent plea for peace,� replied Chagnon. �However, if we were to take a closer look into the situation I believe that we would find trickery and deceit on Nefta�s part. Her heart has been twisted by vengeance and I think her mind has been clouded enough for her to make unwise decisions as of late. Yet, I believe we should offer her the benefit of the doubt and not act on her recent actions. Instead I think that we should accept the treaty proposal by the Terrans and give them a second chance. If there is peace, there will be no need for Nefta to remain in the Churba system where she can cause trouble.�
�Are you certain this is a wise decision� asked Defcon? �After all, it was the Terrans who started this war.�
�But we still don�t know if the initial attack was a mistake on their part. They may have mistaken us for someone else� put in Exnon.
�Besides,� offered Vice Lord Junon, �ours is the way of peace. It is our duty to accept a legitimate cry for an end to the bloodshed, and it seems a wise solution to whatever problems Nefta may pose.�
�While I agree with the wisdom in your reasoning,� said Defcon, �I do not agree that Nefta should be recalled. She is a brilliant tactician I, for one, think her talents should not be wasted.�
�Who said anything about a recall?� asked Chagnon. �We will simple re-station her in the Parvenium System. If the Terrans indeed plan to attack there we will be ready for them. Besides, I have always believed in giving everyone a second chance.� He said puting extra emphasis on everyone. Then he stopped for a second as if realizing something for the first time, �Now Mandron, weren�t you saying something of the situation with the Aquilaeians?�
�Well y�yes I was� said Mandron. �We have ascertained th�that their home planet is of a rock c�composition. Therefore, they know how to colonize r�rock planets.�
�So how will this knowledge benefit us Mandron?� asked Chagnon.
�With our recent partnership with the Aquilaeians,� said Junon answering for him, �Mandron and I believe that we may be able to trade for their knowledge of rock colonization. This would allow us to expand at a much higher rate, and to make our search for the Almighty much more effective.�
�So what do you propose we trade them?� asked Chagnon.
�It seems prudent to offer them knowledge of our own gas colonization techniques, and maybe throw in a few extra tons of organic resources in our next shipment; we have no need for them anyway.�
�This seems like a wise plan,� said Chagnon, �good work, the both of you.�
�Thank you Chagnon,� they said in unison.
�And finally for our Last order of business, we turn to Junon for our research progress update,� Chagnon said with a bit excitement to his voice. �How goes our research into these religious technologies?�
�Very well, my Lord� replied Junon. �We should be finished with our current line of research within the next tenth.�
�Excellent work Junon. If you stay on schedule then you will have finished a full two tenths ahead of our projections� remarked Exnon.
�Yes indeed, Exnon� agreed Junon. �Of course the extra research we are receiving from the Aquilaeians is helping, and the fact that our research center on Hope is over 50% complete is helping the process along immensely.�
�So you are nearly finished then with the current project?� asked Defcon.
�Yes we are. Why?� asked Junon
�Well, seeing as how we are going to be ending this conflict with the Terrans very shortly, I believe it would be wise to research another theoretical area of study.�
�That would seem wise� put in Chagnon. �Do you have any suggestions?� he said half jokingly.
�As a matter of fact, I do. I believe that it would be a wise course of action to do an in depth study of some military sciences. While the Terran threat may have subsided, we can never be sure that another enemy won�t appear. Let us prepare ourselves by deepening our understanding in this area so that we will have a wider variety of other areas to research into if the need should present itself.�
�May I put in a suggestion?� asked Exnon.
�Go ahead� said Chagnon.
�Thank you my Lord,� and after a pause went on, �While I agree now would be a good time to look into more military technologies, might I suggest that we not forget the lifeblood of our fleets. Let us look into making our engines more efficient. Perhaps Junon could even develop a new type of engine that is even faster then our current ion variety. And if the council doesn�t agree that engine research is necessary may I then suggest looking into more efficient means of re-supplying our vessels.�
�Both of these suggestions seem valid� agreed Chagnon, �what do you think Junon?�
�Well, in my opinion, I would have to agree with Defcon. The opportunity to open up new avenues of research through a deeper understanding of military sciences while we are in a time of peace is one that we must take advantage of. Plus the idea of revealing new things to research because of the theoretic nature of the project is appealing to me.�
�But�� Exnon tried to offer an argument only to be cut off by Chagnon.
�So it is settled then. Junon once you finish the current project you will begin to look into further our understanding of the military sciences. Nefta will make her way to the Parvenium System and we will accept the Terran offer for peace, while we will offer this trade to the Aquilaeians. Let us hope that all of our plans are executed as smoothly as they have been discussed.� And with that Chagnon dismissed them all.
Fortunately all of the plans were executed exactly as planned. Junon began his research into the military sciences and quickly finished soon after. It was decided that because of the relative ease with which he finished that is would be wise to continue his research in that area. At the same time, a treaty was signed with the Terrans and Nefta was restationed in the Parvenium System without incident. Shortly thereafter, we upgraded our treaty with the Terrans to a military alliance. How quickly enemies can become friends.
The Aquilaeians accepted our trade proposal and we acquired the technology to colonize rock based planets. We quickly designed the Asteroid Class colony ship and began producing them to colonize the newly available planets. Our first target was the Parvenium System and its three fully colonizable planets. We also sent out a modified Revelation scout ship, it was now equipped with a DUC canon, into the southern wormhole. As expected the wormhole led into a new cluster of star systems. This ship�s mission would be to explore this new cluster for any outward signs of the Almighty while the mass colonization of systems in our home cluster commenced. It wasn�t long until a new race, the Star Empire of Romii, was encountered. While no agreements were reached, there was no violence between us. At the same time, the Aquilaeians gave us their star maps and revealed to us the contents of the rest of the systems in our cluster. Along with the new Revelation scout ship, we also completed construction of a Purveyor Class transport vessel. This ship would aid in the rapid colonization of our star cluster. All seems to be going well.
September 9th, 2003, 07:06 PM
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Re: The Walkers, updated 9-28-03
Just for anyone who is interested:
Vandron 17th place with 98.6k pts
Terrans 16th place with 106.1k pts
Rebel Alliance 15th place with 108.5k pts
Aquilaeians 6th place with 190.1k pts
Star Empire of Romii 2nd place with 257.7k pts
2402.8 � 2403.4 ~ A Race
The next few tenths continued to go by very smoothly. Vice Lord Exnon brokered a trade alliance with the Star Empire of Romii and finalized our partnership with the Terrans. Interestingly, it has been learned that the Aquilaeians and the Terrans are at war with each other. It is now believed that in the initial Terran attack, Revelation One was mistaken for an Aquilaeian vessel by the Terran�s and hence attacked. We have also learned that the Rebel Alliance has no treaties of any kind with anyone, and despite Exnon�s best efforts, our relations with them continue to remain unchanged. However, it seems that the Terrans have taken over many of the Rebel�s systems and so they may cease to be a major player in galactic politics anyway.
Over this same time period Vice Lord Junon was quite busy as well. He finished research on another military science project which opened the way for research into a number of new fields. Once that was complete he took on three new projects simultaneously: ship capture, point defense, and repair. Amazingly, he finished all three projects within one tenth and moved on to reaching a new technical level of ship construction. With this new technology, a new design was created, the frigate class Overtaker MK1. It was equipped with a boarding party and the new point defense canons as well as its own shield and DUC. At least one of these vessels went into production for each fleet in the navy.
But the most interesting development during these few tenths occurred in Vice Lord Exnon�s field, that of exploration and colonization. Nearly two more star clusters were charted between the combined efforts of the Aquilaeians, Terrans and Vandron, while the empire grew from encompassing two systems to three and gaining six planets. However, the most important occurrence was the discovery of six worlds with strange ruins on their surface. Four of the six ruins were located on ice planets, while the fifth was on a rock world and the sixth on a gas giant. A colony ship was immediately diverted to this fifth, rocky planet to begin looking into these strange ruins�
�Can�t this oversized crate go any faster?!� Captain Impo yelped as his Asteroid class colony ship made its way into the Gliese System. The Gliese system had many colonizable planets, and there were many ships in production aimed at populating all of them, however, for Captain Impo, his ship, and crew the final destination was the highly classified world of Gliese I. From space Gliese I was a serene looking world with a methane atmosphere and broad sweeping plains. But even more appealing was the fact that it was believed to hold ancient knowledge, and maybe even clues as to the whereabouts of the Almighty himself. Therefore, they were to proceed with all speed to its surface and begin investigating this strange world. Unfortunately it appeared that the Aquilaeians had the same plans.
�Captain,� called out the com officer, �it appears that an Aquilaeian vessel is also on approach to Gliese I.�
�Damn,� thought Impo, �we must not allow them to reach her first� ordered the captain to no one in particular. �Open a com channel; let�s see if we can delay them.�
He waited for the channel to be opened and then declared, �This is Captain Impo of Asteroid Two�ah�how are things going for you guys?�
�Things are going well Captain Impo, thank you for inquiring�, came the reply. �Do you require anything further?�
�Umm, not really, I�ah�just wanted to ask a few questions that�s all.�
�Sorry Captain, we really don�t have time for questions, we are on an important mission to Gliese I.�
�Oh right, of course you are� and then to his crew he bent over and whispered �In the name of the Almighty can�t this thing go any faster!� He then straightened and said �So Captain�ah�hey, I don�t even know your name.�
�My name is insignificant Captain Impo.�
�Sorry, just trying to be friendly. Say, is that a colony ship of some kind you�re driving there?�
�Really Captain, I am tempted to silence communications with you, but since you are an ally I will indulge you this one time.�
�Captain,� the scanner operator whispered, �they have come to a stop.�
�Excellent, continue toward the objective at full speed� Impo said in a hushed voice.
�What was that Captain?�
�Ah�nothing�I�ah�asked about your objective on Gliese I and if your ship was in need.�
�As I said before, Captain we are in no need of assistance, and as for our mission to Gliese I, I cannot give you any specifics.�
�I see then�you know, you still haven�t told me your name.�
The agitation was beginning to become apparent in the Aquilaeian captain�s voice. �If you must know, my name is Captain Jurgus Robin. Anything other frivolous information you would like to know.�
�Sure�I mean�ah�did you see that nebulae back in the Churba system, aint she a beaut�?�
�Why are you asking me these stupid quest�� and then it dawned on him. �Captain if you don�t mind my asking what your destination was again?�
�Oh�ah�that�s not to important right now�I mean, did you see the colors in that thing?�
�Please answer the question Captain Impo.�
�Sure thing Jurgus, we�re going to Arguile VII for a little excavation and colonization. So about that nebulae��
Jurgus cut him off �Arguile VII is in a different direction from that which you are headed. Are you sure that is where you are going?�
�Sure I�m sure that�s where we�re going,� and then quietly asked the ensign how close they were to their destination.
�We�re about three sectors away Captain, it appears we now have a sector lead on the Aquilaeian ship.�
�Excellent, cut communications to the other vessel, full speed towards Arguile I� commanded Impo.
�What was that? You bast�� and with that the communication was ended between the two ships. The Aquilaeian vessel immediately resumed its course for the planet and began gaining on the bulky colony vessel.
�Hurry up damnit! We can�t let them beat us there!�
The two ships raced along toward the surface of the planet with only a few thousand miles separating them. Each vying to stave off the others advance towards the planet.
�They are going after the exact same thing we are� thought Impo. �Eject all waste from our holds. Maybe that will slow them down a bit.� But the Aquilaeian vessel plunged right through the garbage hurled its way.
�Head straight for the ruins,� ordered Impo in a slightly mad voice, �and disregard any atmospheric resistance.�
�But sir, if we enter the atmosphere at the wrong angle our ship could be destroyed.�
�I understand your concern ensign, just follow your orders.�
�Yes sir� came the scared reply.
�Sir,� called out the scanner operator, �the Aquilaeian vessel has slowed its approach to account for the atmospheric disturbances.�
�Excellent, press onwar�� and with a thump he was thrown to the floor as the ship was rocked by the howling winds and storms of Gliese I. The outside of the vessel began to glow red as the heat from the entry began its onslaught on the vessel.
�Watch yourself navigator,� yelled out Impo as he made his way up to his chair, �try to put us down as easily as poss�� again he was thrown to the ground.
�Sir we have a hull breach in compartment 78, near the engines sir!�
�Don�t worry about it, this ship is only built for a one way trip anyway� he yelled above the din of the blaring claxons. �Where is that Aquilaeian ship?�
�They have stopped about 100 miles from the surface of the planet sir.� screamed the scanner operator.
�Good work crew, we beat those birds to the prize. Now let�s put this thing down in one peace.�
After a rocky landing Captain Impo immediately deployed all crew members and passengers and began construction on what would become a self sustaining colony around the mysterious ruins. After weeks of researching the ruins it was decided that whoever had built these structures was highly advanced and had been here a long time ago. While no direct evidence of the Almighty was found, the possibility of a highly advanced race that had existed long ago lent itself to many new theories about his origins. Apart from these discoveries, and perhaps even more important, was the fact that new levels of physics, astrophysics, and scanners were taken from these ruins and transmitted back to Serenity. The High Command was quite pleased with Captain Impo�s efforts and promised him a promotion as soon as he could get back home to Serenity. The fact that so much knowledge had been received from this one planet meant that the other five such worlds became a top priority for colonization, not only for what could be learned, but also for what might be lost to other prying races.
[ September 09, 2003, 18:08: Message edited by: chewy027 ]
September 9th, 2003, 07:24 PM
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Re: The Walkers, updated 9-28-03
Sorry for the wait, but the story is now archived on SE.net.
September 9th, 2003, 08:16 PM
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Re: The Walkers, updated 9-28-03
Besides going home from work, this is one of the things I really look forward too each day.
September 9th, 2003, 08:53 PM
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Re: The Walkers, updated 9-28-03
Originally posted by EvilGenius4ABetterTomorro:
Besides going home from work, this is one of the things I really look forward too each day.
What, you don't have an internet connection at work ???
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire
September 9th, 2003, 10:40 PM
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Re: The Walkers, updated 9-28-03
Thanks for the positive feedback guys, how can i improve the story?
Terrans 19th place with 81.4k pts
Vandron 15th place with 122.6k pts
Rebel Alliance 13th place with 135.1k pts
Aquilaeians 4th place with 269.1k pts
Star Empire of Romii 1st place with 433kpts
2403.5 -2404.2 ~ Preparation
�While I am extremely satisfied with the new advances we�ve achieved from our research on Gliese I, I am perturbed at what our presence there may cost us�, began Chagnon. �It appears that this system had been previously claimed by our allies, the Aquilaeians, and that they are not very pleased that we have colonized a world there. Let alone the fact that the world contained those ancient ruins, which we beat them to, that it was a world that was fully colonizable to them, and that we have other colony ships on the way to colonize other planets there.�
�I am working around the c�clock on appeasing them my lord� answered Vice Lord Mandron.
�This is not an enemy that I wish to make� the room was silent for a moment before Chagnon went on. �By our shared star charts we know that they are much larger than us, and they have a larger and more powerful navy then we do. We also know that they are aware of these same circumstances.� He paused for as second before he went on, �In addition to that, they are our closest and most important allies�, he put extra emphasis on the Last word.
�Might I suggest moving in more ships to help solidify the systems defenses,� put in Vice Lord Defcon.
�And give them a signal that we are willing to fight to keep the system?� replied Exnon. �Is that precaution worth the message it will send?�
�That is something we will have to risk,� replied Chagnon. �I will not abandon the millions of colonists in the event that they are attacked.� He looked over to Defcon, �send more ships to bolster those defenses, make sure those wormholes are well patrolled.�
�And what of the colony ships headed towards the system?� asked Exnon. �Should they continue on their course?�
�Yes,� answered Chagnon, �and make sure that all of the colonists began preparations for space yards as soon as they make landfall�we may need those extra ships from that system if, indeed there is trouble, which, I hope to the Almighty, there is not.�
�I agree Chagnon� put in Defcon. �That system is completely isolated from the others we control. We would have a hard time getting to it if the Aquilaeians were to cut it off.�
�There is also the matter of the Rebel planet in the system� added Exnon. �Perhaps we could enlist their aid.�
�Not likely� came the reply from Mandron, �they have been m�most uncooperative.�
�I see� finished Exnon, �then I too agree that we must make ourselves ready for whatever may lie ahead.�
�Perhaps we could make some seemingly unfavorable trades with the Aquilaeians to make them forget about the Gliese System� suggested Vice Lord Junon. �We have many resources stockpiled, many of which came from the Aquilaeians in the first place. We could offer that in exchange for certain technologies.�
�A good idea Junon,� he turned to Mandron �see what you can do with that idea�
�Right away my lord� and with that Mandron left the room.
�Any other pressing issues at the moment?� asked Chagnon. �Good, then see to it that this situation with the Aquilaeians doesn�t get out of control, and remember, our main objective here is to remain at peace. It would not be wise to enter an unnecessary war when it can be avoided.�
Unfortunately, despite the members of the High Commands best efforts, the situation with the Aquilaeians continued to degenerate. Vice Lord Mandron pleaded for the cause of peace, but his transmissions went unanswered [he was able to broker a trade and research alliance with the Star Empire of Romii however]. Therefore, more defense ships were sent off to the Gliese system, as colony ships arrived by the tenth to inhabit the planets there. Both of the fully colonizable planets were the first to be taken by our colony ships, and a system capital was immediately established on the gas giant in the system which was renamed Gliese Prime. At the same time, a mining colony was founded on Gliese VII to produce minerals for the system. The continuing colonization of this system did not make our allies happy. At the same time, colonization of a system adjacent to Gliese, the Alpha Leo System [named by the Terrans] was also undertaken. This system was partially inhabited by the Rebel Alliance, and this made relations with them bitter as well. The empire is growing, but at a high cost.
On a lighter note, Vice Lord Junon made incredible headway with the projects he was working on. He reached what was determined the highest level possible of projectile weapons, and made headway into two new fields: stellar harnessing and phased energy weapons. These phased weapons were nothing short of incredible as they could pass directly through normal shields. It was decided that these new weapons would take the place of the DUCs as the new fleet standard once a sufficient level was reached. As it was now, none of the races which they had encountered new of the marvel that was energy shielding. It was precisely because of this, that Overtaker Class Frigates were stationed at key wormholes in the event of an Aquilaeian attack. It was believed that should there be such an attack, because none of the Aquilaeian vessels were shielded, the Overtakers could board and capture the most powerful ships of the oncoming battle Groups and decimate the attacking forces in conjunction with our own battle Groups. Illustrating this tactic was the fact that several Rebel Colony ships had recently been captured coming through wormholes. This, in and of itself, is particularly noteworthy in that we were able to deconstruct these ships and unlock the keys to colonizing ice worlds. With this information in hand, production on Arctic Class colony ships began. Apart from all this, Junon also completed his research into a new level of ship construction, and the destroyer class vessel was born. Immediately, Redemption Class Attack ships began to be produced all around the cluster in preparation for what appeared to be an inevitable confrontation with an old ally.
[ September 10, 2003, 00:32: Message edited by: chewy027 ]
September 10th, 2003, 02:10 AM
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Re: The Walkers, updated 9-28-03
How can you improve the story? Go to war! I bet you can war against the Aqualarians and the Rebels at the same time.
"You rebel scum!" - one of the best lines out of Star Wars.
September 10th, 2003, 06:04 AM
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Re: The Walkers, updated 9-28-03
I think war may be coming from the Aquilaeians, of course I won't start anything myself simply becasue i'm trying to roleplay the Vandron as best I can, and they're a peaceful lot. Still it is tempting, the Aquilaeians are just now starting to finish off the Terrans and are ripe for an attack, oh well. It's a pity really about the Terrans, I was so looking forward to giving Admiral Nefta her revenge. I guess i'll have to write it in some other way.
September 10th, 2003, 06:25 AM
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Re: The Walkers, updated 9-28-03
Originally posted by chewy027:
...I was so looking forward to giving Admiral Nefta her revenge. I guess i'll have to write it in some other way...
She murdered ~40 millions for one sibling. Should be enough. Aquarlians are pure evil. Andreas made a _very_ good job here
It is forbidden to kill; therefore all murderers are punished unless they kill in large numbers and to the sound of trumpets. - Voltaire
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