MP game - \"Pantheons\" Started
Summary of the rules:-
2 teams of 5
Inland map Indep 5 site 50% rest default
24 hour quickhost - slowing to 48 hour quickhost when one team wants it to.
We have 2 teams sorted out & nations allocated to teams but one player has dropped so we need a replacement. He is on team B and due to play Jotunhem but I guess there is a choice of 3 nations. Check with the team.
We are good to go as soon as we get a player.
back to original post:-
We were talking about playing a team game a while ago & have decided to try to set one up.
The basic rules would be standard 50% site frequency, L7 Indeps & 10 HoF.
There would be 2 teams of 3 or 4 or 5 depending on interest.
The map would be a small one that fit all the positions on it � Aran probably unless there were 10 players
Victory would be when only one team had any players left. This should be easier to achieve than a standard victory.
24hr quickhost until one team wanted to slow it to 48hr
I have got one team of Myself, Aku & Boron who are all hardcore but a bit green I would say � ie played intensely but not often beyond turn 40 or so at least MP.
There are many things to be sorted out & up for discussion (including the above)
- A host
- How to choose staring locations � something slightly less random than random would be good
- How to choose nations. We have 2 principle suggestions
---- Alternate choices starting with our opponents
---- We pick our 3 and our opponents choose what they want when they see these.
- Any special rules. Possibly banning some of these nations
---- Atlantis & Ryleh as they make the map choice more complex
---- Deadly themes. Hmm not sure why but they are pain for their neighbours maybe they will ban themselves
- Anything other people hate
- Any other suggestions or requests people have
This is quite preliminary & is a discussion document as much as a game start so what do you think?