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Old November 30th, 2006, 07:36 PM
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Default Re: MP Game, Early Era, Random Nations, Victory Po

Anything interesting going on?
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Old November 30th, 2006, 07:41 PM

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Default Re: MP Game, Early Era, Random Nations, Victory Po

The calm before the storm I think.
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Old November 30th, 2006, 10:18 PM
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Default Re: MP Game, Early Era, Random Nations, Victory Po

Not really calm. Ulm had his last hurrah... to limited effect. Now Caellum and Tien Chi are consuming my lands. Soon they will head eastward. So I suppose it is calm... if you are in those safe Eastern Lands looking at the lighting and dark clouds in the distance.
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Old December 1st, 2006, 09:01 AM
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Default Re: MP Game, Early Era, Random Nations, Victory Po

Maltrease said:
Not really calm. Ulm had his last hurrah... to limited effect. Now Caellum and Tien Chi are consuming my lands. Soon they will head eastward. So I suppose it is calm... if you are in those safe Eastern Lands looking at the lighting and dark clouds in the distance.
Yes, the Ulm is no more. They fought a good battle at the end, killing almost half of my army. Large portion of those who died were diseased (I've put them in front of my army and gave them kamikaze orders). But still casualties were heavier than I expected.

Tien Chi Empire will build a monument on the field of battle to honor the barbarian nation that lived and died on these lands.

By the way Maltrease, what happened to your army that was apparently scripted to retreat from the fort that was conquered by Caelum this turn? Did it survive? From your and mine duel last week it seems that the mechanics of retreat from the besieged castle may have changed in Dom3. IIRC in Dom2 any defenders that would retreat from the storm of the castle would perish. Is this indeed no longer the case, as we suspected?
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Old December 1st, 2006, 06:13 PM
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Default Re: MP Game, Early Era, Random Nations, Victory Po

Caelum is definately not consuming Ulmish lands. We took 1 province at the beginning of the war in an attempt to sneak attack Helhiem and then offered it back.
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Old December 2nd, 2006, 06:01 AM
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Default Re: MP Game, Early Era, Random Nations, Victory Po

Just wanted to let you know that from 11.12 to 12.12 I will not be able to play my turns.
I'll probably be able to sneak in a turn 10.12 night, but won't be able to make another until probably 13.12 night.
If you feel like waiting for me, go ahead. If you are mean then just ignore my stale turns and try not to abuse them agaisnt me
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 10:48 AM
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Default Too late...

Drat! Just missed getting my turn in, before you took the server down.

Hope I have not missed my turn.

Any idea when they are back up? Been down 12+ hrs now AFAIK.
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 11:06 AM
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Default Re: Too late...

Meglobob said:
Drat! Just missed getting my turn in, before you took the server down.

Hope I have not missed my turn.

Any idea when they are back up? Been down 12+ hrs now AFAIK.
Same here :X
Atleast I think I missed the last turn :X
I'm in the IDF. (So any new reply by me is a very rare event.)
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 12:57 PM
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Default Re: Too late...

The giant's 'Skratti hunt' was apparently a cover for a large scale invasion of Mictlan land. As we sat in the peace tent drawing up terms with the scholars, war drums were heard to the east...the giants were on the move. Initial reports were of two medium sized giant armies spilling Mictlan blood, I was sent to investigate. No rest for our well-blooded veteran toops, I set a hard march straight from the peace tent into a fresh war.

Our conscripted militias were no match for the powerful Jotun Hirdmen, particularly as they were supported by large groups of Amazon bow-women. As I arrived on the scene the giants had yet to take a single casualty. They were in for a surprise now however, as our Jaguar warriors laid an ambush in the jungle directly in the path of the advancing gaints.

They were initially joyful as they charged what appeared to be another lightly defended Mictlan village, though this villiage did have a larger than normal group of conscripted soldiers formed up to meet them. As the first volley of sling bullets fell though, the giant host trembled as the very trees seemed to become a terrifying group of holy warriors with death in thier eyes.

The giants were driving a herd of foul-spawn mutations ahead of them as chaff, and a pack of wolves protected thier other flank. Our conscript warriors engaged the foul spawn as our mighty Jaguar Warriors fell on the wolves with such ferocity they barely had time to attack before they were killed to an animal. As death rushed towards the stunned Hirdmen, their Jarl captain was heard to remark "holy crap, did we ever step in an ant hill!" He fired his magical black bow into our warriors as we swarmed over the giant ranks like a viscious swarm of pirranah tearing appart cows trying to cross the river.

As the crows decended on the the pile of gaint bodies, I got a report that 10 of our holy warriors had fallen at a cost of over 70 Jotuns. I had allowed 4 or 5 Jotun surviors to flee to spread word ahead of us that the end of the nation of giants was at hand. Seeing I still had the other half of the giant army to deal with, ordered the other two-thirds of our army to our eastern front and prepared to fulfill the holy crusade I had been charged with. Our bloody god demanded the heart of the Jotun prophet for the affront of invading holy Mictlan lands under pretense, and I would not fail him. The pile of Jotun bodies would stack high enough to be seen from the holy Mictlan ziggarat. The other Jotun army obviously hoped thier Amazon bow-women would fare better agains our lightly armored troops, but they were in for a surprise as I had a plan to deal with them.
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Old December 3rd, 2006, 02:10 PM
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Default Angerboda\'s wrath...

In the dark, damp, chilled halls of Nielfelheim, Angerboda sat on the blood throne, shaking in uncontrollable rage. Not from the armour of twisting thorns which constantly caused Angerboda's blood to flow, no, it was the news from the hirdman. Beaten again, first the Marverni savages and now Mictian barbarians, it was too much, Angerboda's hand moved swiftly forward, grasping the blithering hirdman. In seconds all blood was drained from his body, the remaining husk tumbled to the floor, breaking into pieces. "Out, everyone out, or you will suffer this fools fate", giants, men, mutants, amazons fled, fighting to escape Angerboda's gaze.

In time Angerboda rose and made her way upto the highest tower in Nielfelheim. Only one thing could sooth her anger and from the paraphet she looked down on the courtyard below and smiled. Five gates stood open, surrounded by dozens of skratti and her lesser kin, there minds bent in concentration to control the monsters that emerged. Countless where there number, they lined the walls of Nielfelheim, waiting the word to march. Besides the creatures from the underworld, giant beasts conjured by the black arts stood, virtually unkillable and unstoppable. "Yes", said Angerboda, "let Mictian have his little victory, Neifelheim is called the land of monsters, it is time all realised how true that was and besides, winter is coming..."
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