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Old June 5th, 2003, 12:50 PM
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Default Re: Increasing turn speed

Perhaps offer in-game rewards and penalties. You could mod a benign uber-race into the game with untouchably powerful tech and resource production. Get a friendly human to take on this non-competing empire and instruct them to award small gifts and/or punishments according to upload histories=-)
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Old June 5th, 2003, 03:37 PM
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Default Re: Increasing turn speed

Wow this is beginning to get deeply mathematical. Long calculations cut short, this confirms Woundwort's bad feelings about someone being penalized even if submitting within the time frame.

Dividing the time into "deadline" and "grace period" is more complicated but excactly what would be needed, I guess. In NGC3, I liked the idea of having 72 hours time for a turn if needed - there are times when I just can't play for 2 or 3 days in a row. On the other hand, most of the time I am able to submit within 24 hours - and eager to get new results soon then.

So, something like 48 hours deadline with additional 12 hours only used in kind of "emergency" was more what I wanted and expected, but of course thats not what is in the game description... Plus, with 20 players, the need to use the "extra" 12 hours arises more often than not, even if all are trying to make their turns asap.

I think we will just have to live with 60-70 hours average deadline, or let the turn submission league develop and then attack those on the bottom first

[ June 05, 2003, 14:38: Message edited by: Roanon ]
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Old June 5th, 2003, 03:59 PM
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Default Re: Increasing turn speed

Originally posted by Roanon:
Wow this is beginning to get deeply mathematical.
Nah - that was just light math with a few generalizations loosely based on the law of large numbers for a limited case of five players. If I wanted to get deeply mathmatical, I would be using symbol manipulation, which would have the added benefit of giving an exact formula for who is most likely to get dropped first and how many turns it will likely take given their probability distribution relative to everyone else's - but that would be way too much work just for this; a simple example will do just fine, and is much easier.

[ June 05, 2003, 15:02: Message edited by: Jack Simth ]
Of course, by the time I finish this post, it will already be obsolete. C'est la vie.
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Old June 5th, 2003, 04:28 PM
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Default Re: Increasing turn speed

Just to clarify, in NGC3 there will never be anyone kicked for being late in submitting turns. What was stated at the start of the game stays that way.

The problem I see is that whne the turns for some reason (i e real life issues) get's slow for a while, a lot of people (me including) downgrade the game in priority.

I play several PBW games, when I get several turnfiles sent to me at once, I play the ones that I prioritize highest first.
my general priority runs something like this:
1. Is the turn due soon, if so take this first.
2. Is this a fast turnaround game, if so do this quick.
3. Do the rest (This can be tomorrow if there is much RL(tm)) do do.
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Old June 5th, 2003, 05:55 PM

tesco samoa tesco samoa is offline
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Default Re: Increasing turn speed

I would not play in a game like that.

If you want quick turn around.

State the game is this many hours auto. No exceptions.

if a game is 72 hours and I do a turn every 48 hours ( due to emails with players etc... ) And I am the Last player to post each time. I should not be kicked.

Your idea does not take into account the actual game itself. Because not all SEIV gaming takes place within SEIV.

Kicking one player could ruin the whole game.

I have seen players drop out of a game due to RLI which has completey ruined a game's RP.

Imagine what would happen if the biggest empire was the Last player to submit there turn all the time.... Gonzo... Or you force them to submit their turns when their not ready because they do not want to be kicked.

And what happens if say in a 48 hour game everyone submits their turns within the first two hours... One player happens to be Last or near Last. He is a quick submitter... but due to ranking... a bad player in this system.
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Old June 5th, 2003, 06:22 PM
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Default Re: Increasing turn speed

I gotta go with Tesco on this one.

I'm not sure there is much that can be done. The PBW game is posted with time paramneters and any additional requirements in the notes. I don't think anyone should be scrutinized out of the corner of one's eyes just 'cause they are perpetually the Last to upload (but do so within the stated requirements).

I, too, sometimes look at a game where I am excited about getting my turn back to see how I did and (briefly) let some thoughts run through my mind about the (single) player holding the game up. But I remind myself that everyone doesn't allocate the time and passion I do to the game and that they have other hobbies or RL events to spend time on.

I haven't started a new game on PBW lately ('cause I'm in enough at the moment), but I like the simple: "36-hour T/A; miss 3 turns during the game without requesting "permission" and you're automatically booted."

And, as always, there is the player who loses interest 'cause he is losing (pardon the pun ). He'll likely drop which makes the game unfair as the people next to him gobble his territory up or his allies begin to suffer. I don't believe in this. I play till the finish (or until my team agrees to "throw in the towel")...but not everyone feels this way.

And, assuming it's possible, I'd hate to see some kind of award system for people who submit more promptly than others that results in direct game benefits. I'd hate to see my position in a game suffer for reasons that really have nothing to do with game play ability.

I once posted a poll on what makes games interesting. Fast turnaround, 6 players, game sponsored by a "heavyweight", and (already) knowing the people in the game were the winning items. I'd have to say, now that I have been on the forum a while and tucked a few PBW games under my belt, I can understand why the poll came out the way it did. I know right now of many people who I would like to play with who submit turns well within the time limits, won't quit, and offer good play.
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Old June 5th, 2003, 06:24 PM
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Default Re: Increasing turn speed

The best method to increase turnaround times is to play in smaller games with under 10 players that share similiar playing habits to yourself.
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Old June 5th, 2003, 07:38 PM

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Default Re: Increasing turn speed

I STILL think the "Poo on a Stick" is a great idea muhahaha

For some it would be the thought of getting hit by poo would speed them up, and for "ONE" we know they would think of it as Candy

Actually, I don't think punishment is a great idea, but someone mentioned about a Special Race ran by someone not in the game and bestow gifts/or punishment. But instead of Punishment, it could be just a "Silly" thing. I don't know if there is a Universal Message that all empires would get, but something like "The Narrewian Empire just got hit by a Comet of Poo, no life lost, stocks of toilet paper soar!"

Something Silly, nothing visous. Just have fun is all.
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Old June 5th, 2003, 08:49 PM
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Default Re: Increasing turn speed

Also, please note that PBW has players from all around the world (which should be obvious ). In some games, I am often the Last to upload for no reason other than the turn processes while I am asleep, and everyone else plays their turn before I have even woken up in the morning. Should I be kicked for that? Hardly.
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Old June 5th, 2003, 09:06 PM
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Default Re: Increasing turn speed

It seems to me that it would be appropriate for the game host to contact players who are habitually late and ask them if they could submit earlier. Perhaps they have a real life situation that keeps them from submitting earlier, but they may just be procrastinators %^).
If it's explained the them that usually they are delaying the turn by about "x" hours after the next to Last submitter, they may be willing to "try harder" and submit earlier. It would certainly be worth a try...Greybeard
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