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Old April 2nd, 2003, 07:41 PM

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Default Re: Have you applied for the Starfury beta yet?

lucky me then, I have 640mb of ram wit a 1.47ghz prosessor, oh and a GeForce4 Ti4400 128 ddr, jeez... I never realized how lucky I am
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Old April 2nd, 2003, 09:19 PM
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Default Re: Have you applied for the Starfury beta yet?

Actually, I will be taking some beta testers that have low end machines. I need to see if the performance is adequate on these systems. But it may be heartening to know that I've been testing it under a 900 MHz, 128MB Ram, GeForce2 system and I can keep up 30 FPS.

So feel free to apply even if you have a low end system. That may be what gets you in!

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Old April 2nd, 2003, 09:59 PM
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Default Re: Have you applied for the Starfury beta yet?

Dude, I need your new game....err maybe not just yet! I'm beta-ing for two of the most anticipated MMORPG games, and I wouldn't be able to do justice to this game.

I'm definitely not going to get much work done this summer with EVE, Planetside, and Starfury...that's just a recipe for disaster to my work sked! I'm currently averaging 4-5 hours a night, and I also picked up that new Starships Unlimited, so that's another time sink...but I'm loving it after a severe dry spell of boring game...E&B (After Lvl 65) and AO...and dumb@$$ MOO3!
Life is Good!
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Old April 2nd, 2003, 10:38 PM
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Default Re: Have you applied for the Starfury beta yet?

What would be involved with beta testing? if I just have to play it a lot I definitely could do that(I'm home taking care of my grandma all day long and can play PC game most of the time as she sleeps a lot, but I still have to be here if she wakes up and needs something) but what other expertise would I need(Like programing knowledge? Debuging?) Do you think They'd let me if this was my first betatesting gig? I would like very much to get into the videogaming industry and would like to have the experience.

[ April 02, 2003, 20:40: Message edited by: Hugh Manatee ]
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Old April 2nd, 2003, 10:44 PM

Hotfoot Hotfoot is offline
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Default Re: Have you applied for the Starfury beta yet?

Probably been covered before, but I have a query concerning Starfury.

I don't anticipate that the game will have a multiplayer component at release (I expect that the SP alone is going to be worth more than the price of admission), however, I have to ask if there are any plans for multiplayer at all to be in the game? Since it is sort of a "proof of concept" thing for SE5's combat system and such, it would make sense that establishing a working MP system at around the same time.

More than anything, Co-op comes to mind here.
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Old April 2nd, 2003, 10:58 PM

flipper flipper is offline
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Default Re: Have you applied for the Starfury beta yet?

Hey, newbie here -_- I signed up, but I saw one of the things the form asks for is a Intel Forum name. Heh, this is the first time I've come here, and I put none under that question.

So heres hoping that having an established account on these forums is not a nesscessity for the beta

Also hoping that having a lower system spec isn't required....my PC has very high spec and I hope that I still have a chance..

Add that to the fact I live in the United Kingdom....well...my chances are not all too good. Oh well. I can always just wait for the full release
Its flipper!

And no damnit, not the damned dolphin!
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Old April 3rd, 2003, 12:20 AM
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Default Re: Have you applied for the Starfury beta yet?

Well the beta forums will be hosted around here, so you might want to follow up on your email and give your account name
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Old April 3rd, 2003, 01:26 AM
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Default Re: Have you applied for the Starfury beta yet?

I think about half of the beta testers for SE4 lived outside of the US or Canada, so being in the UK is not really an issue.
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Old April 3rd, 2003, 01:45 AM
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Default Re: Have you applied for the Starfury beta yet?

Beta Testing 101...

1) The first step is running the install program and if any errors occur take note of them and post the problem in the beta forum.

2) Once you pass step one it's time to run the game. Again take notes of any errors, bugs, and glitches. Report any such events to the beta forum.

3) play the game trying as many options as you can. each time you notice errors, etc make a note and post them to the beta forums.

4) The real hard part... If the game is playing very well, and you are not experiencing any errors,.. stop playing and restart a new game, try more options. As a beta tester it's kind of your job to find errors. Be creative in your search, if the game 'wants' you to do one thing, try something else and see how it handles it.

5) whenever you encounter an error, give as much info as possible. Don't just say it crashes! say when and where it crashes and try to reproduce the error. Errors that can be reproduced at will are generally easier to fix. Sometimes you might be required to write down error Messages on a real notepad and then transcribe them after rebooting so that you can post the errors.

6) repeat,.. again,.. a few more times,.. once more,.. keep going,.. until Aaron and your fellow beta testers are having trouble finding errors.

7) enjoy the ride, remember to breath and feel the pride that will be generated throughout the beta test team. (the ultimate goal would be to swat all the bugs and have no need for future patches.)

..Advanced classes for beta testing are reserved for the boys in the trenches!


P.S. Aparently Aaron was pulling my leg when he said my system might not be fast enough! (thats the problem with e-mail, you can't see if the person has a silly smirk on his/her face whe you read it!

[ April 02, 2003, 23:57: Message edited by: David E. Gervais ]
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Old April 3rd, 2003, 02:14 AM
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Default Re: Have you applied for the Starfury beta yet?

What sort of system req's, will it run on a 200mhz?
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