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Old August 31st, 2002, 10:35 PM
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Default Re: Defeating the Talisman

In the hands of an expert the talisman can be devestating. But there are many tactics and ship designs that can overcome the Talisman. Build Fighter escorts for the missiles. Classic Guerillia warfare Strike where the enemy is weak retreat where the enemy is strong. And most of all if the Talisman Empire is trying to fight 2-4 other empires all at once I seriously doubt the Talisman can save him.
A well prepared warp defense point can also take the stuffing out of a Talisman fleet. Since both fleets start at point blank range. And I must point out that Combined arms( I have yet to try it) would probably win the day Missile Boats, Fighters, Drones, Beam Barges, And good ole dreadnoughts can probably go head to head with a Talisman fleet. At least that is what my Navel stratgist tell me.
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Old September 1st, 2002, 12:11 AM
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Default Re: Defeating the Talisman

In the hands of an expert the talisman can be devestating.
Okay, on your honor.... NOBODY tell Askan about the talisman!
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Old September 1st, 2002, 12:40 AM

bearclaw bearclaw is offline
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Default Re: Defeating the Talisman

I once was in a game against a Talisman player and found a pretty good way of dealing with him. As Geo said, I was able to take some extra risks because our first few battles were decicive in his favor so I wasn't risking much. More like a fighting retreat...

The key in my experiance was that he was using Null Space, Mesons, and some Plasma Torps. I used APB 12's. I designed my ships to maximize their chances to hit and gave them the Max Range/Don't Get Hurt stratagy. I then made some LC and BC's that were just Engine Killers, heavily shielded and as fast as possible. I gave them Point Blank/Don't Get Hurt stratagey. They would fly in, knock out enough engines before either getting turned to scrap or getting away. Then my BB's and DN's would sit out of range of all but his missles and pound on them. I included 2 PDC on each of my bigger ships which were enough at range to eliminate nearly all the missles. And those that did get through didn't penetrate my shields.

Worked great but only because he relied on shorter ranged weapons. BTW, if my engine killers didn't do their job, or weren't present, I either got a beating or we statemated.

So not the best tactic but it kept me from lossing too fast
Nick (bearclaw)
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Old September 1st, 2002, 02:12 AM

Zanthis Zanthis is offline
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Default Re: Defeating the Talisman

Just remember the talismon means he is putting beam weapons on his ship, and typically a fair number of them. Any fleet with a single method of attack is vulnerable to an enemy specifically defending against it.

Think to yourself: How do I kill a ship that is exactly the same speed as me, has a range of only eight, and will kick my butt if I get into that range.
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Old September 1st, 2002, 03:19 AM
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Default Re: Defeating the Talisman

Originally posted by Zanthis:
...Think to yourself: How do I kill a ship that is exactly the same speed as me, has a range of only eight, and will kick my butt if I get into that range.
Hmm, dunno. Might as well quit.

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Old September 1st, 2002, 03:44 AM
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Default Re: Defeating the Talisman

Originally posted by Zanthis:
Think to yourself: How do I kill a ship that is exactly the same speed as me, has a range of only eight, and will kick my butt if I get into that range.
[*]Close to point blank and kick his butt too[*]Avoid his ships and hit his planets instead[*]Get a possy and string him up

Basically everything we've been saying in this thread.
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Old September 2nd, 2002, 05:35 AM
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Default Re: Defeating the Talisman

You all been to http://home.earthlink.net/~petemmer/ ? its pretty good but needs some updating, im just wondering if they guy who started it is still around cause this should be in a new spot called "countering the racials." also what about not gettting any racial and goign like +30 or more in offense and defense and normal bonus' like that? just a thought.

O and as to combined arms:
And I must point out that Combined arms( I have yet to try it) would probably win the day Missile Boats, Fighters, Drones, Beam Barges, And good ole dreadnoughts can probably go head to head with a Talisman fleet. At least that is what my Navel stratgist tell me.
I think unless you had tactical on you wouldn't get nearly as nice results with a few ships, once you start dealing with 20+ ship fleets then you would get pretty nice results IIRC. hummm im just rambling
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Old September 2nd, 2002, 07:34 AM

Undertakr Undertakr is offline
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Default Re: Defeating the Talisman

Missle ships are pretty worthless against the talisman, once I see that's how you're going I just make extra PDC's and the talisman hits your missles 100% of the time (and missles usually do weak damage and have delays of more than 2 turns.)

If you go with beam weapons, you have to get close enough to me to where I hit you 100% of the time every single turn (Phased) and even if you have phased shields, I will get through them or I'll use Null Space and definately get through them.

Fighters are the same as missles, you better have a boat load (few hundred) to do any good against a talismaned fleet of dreads. I've had my fleet of 20 talisman dreads take out 60 fighters without blinking. I've taken our 40 dreads and lost 2 ships with my fleet of 23. Talisman thumps and thumps hard.
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Old September 2nd, 2002, 07:40 AM
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Default Re: Defeating the Talisman

Why not stick a Worm Hole Beam on every ship? Spread those Talisman ships all over the battle field, and take them out one by one.
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Old September 2nd, 2002, 08:23 AM

Phoenix-D Phoenix-D is offline
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Default Re: Defeating the Talisman

Undertakr, the Talisman is effective but it isn't everything. Particularlly since you are giving your opponent 110kt over you, if he's smart. 50kt Talisman + 30 Stealth + 30 Scattering + 10 ECM -10 sensors.

See, he can't dodge you anyway.. so he doesn't NEED those extra things. Just sensors. You on the other hand do need them, to dodge his shots.

PDCs are hyper-accurate even without the talisman. so that part is irrelevent..

Or your opponent can just take a page from military history and hit you when HE is ready, not when you are. It's an advantage, not a holy grail (pun not intended)


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