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Old June 1st, 2002, 10:34 PM
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Default Re: Anyone remember Warp War? can it be done in SEIV

I agree.I mentioned the unstable WP in my Omni-Mod thread the idea was that when a ship uses its FTL travel the warp it makes in the case of Slipstream and Fold Space Generator would only Last X number of turns
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Old June 2nd, 2002, 12:58 AM
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Default Re: Anyone remember Warp War? can it be done in SEIV

Lord Kodos:

Hey, have you tried the "unstable warp points" system yet? I'd really like to hear back on the destabilization/random event idea you had. A very cool idea I might add....

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Old June 2nd, 2002, 01:01 AM
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Default Re: Anyone remember Warp War? can it be done in SEIV

what do you mean by that.As far as i know that warp Lasts for X turns is impossible unfortunetly
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Old June 3rd, 2002, 03:29 AM
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Default Re: Anyone remember Warp War? can it be done in SEIV

Yes, I remember Warp War - a neat pocket game from Metagaming. A very nice and simple design, yet interesting to play and including ship design and so on.

One way to make warp points unstable is to jam the random event list full of warp-point closing events, and then turn up the event chance per turn to 100%. Still, this will only close one warp point per turn in the whole quadrant. If it's a no-warp-point quadrant, though, this will be somewhat close, depending on how much creation is going on. You could also make Close Warp Point a very cheap component (or even a built-in ability of all ship hulls).

An psychotic solution would be to design a modded AI that does nothing but generate ships that have no property except the ability to close warp points... but that's er, silly and would be a lot of work and have issues...

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Old June 3rd, 2002, 05:09 PM
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Default Re: Anyone remember Warp War? can it be done in SEIV

PvK, that's a great idea! (The first one, I mean. The pschotic one is LOL. Galactic Felix Ungers!)
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Old June 3rd, 2002, 07:15 PM

Shadowstar Shadowstar is offline
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Default Re: Anyone remember Warp War? can it be done in SEIV

I've been trying to do something like this for my Starscape mod, only what I want to do is make a Hyperdrive component.

The basic idea is that it is a component which will allow the ship to create a temporary warp point that leads into a sort of alternate reality of the game. The idea is that once your ship enters this alternate reality, it can travel across the map by going through the empty spaces between stars, and when it enters a system space all you see is a cool background graphic (something I can create with my artistic skills) and a warp point in the middle. Going through the central warp point would have the ship emerge from hyperspace in a random location in the system.

The alternate reality could be generated by the game based on the minimap (or the same data anyway). All it needs to do is have a bunch of empty areas that can be moved between simply by flying the ship off the edge of the screen. Areas with systems in them would use the custom graphics and have a single permanent warp point in them that leads to the corresponding system in the "real" reality.

It should also be possible for ships to encounter each other in the hyperspace reality and fight it out in deep space. Also, it should be impossible for ships with "open warp point" abilities to open warp points in hyperspace. It should also be impossible to close warp points in hyperspace (doing so would render a system completely unreachable).

Starscape games would run in maps without warp points and the hyperdrive tech would be available at the beginning of the game, or possibly with some research (different grades of hyperdrive would make the ship move faster when it was in the other reality).

The problem is, of course, that the game code would need to be altered on a fundamental level, which probably means altering the executable, as I am fairly certain with all my experimenting that such changes are not possible with the tools provided. This would be a true mod, not just an alteration of the data files, but an actual modification of the core game code. As I am no programmer, I would not be able to do this.

However, if someone else could, I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one who would be appreciative of the effort. Who knows? It could end up becoming the greatest SEIV mod ever made!

If there are people really interested in helping me develop this kind of mod who have the skills required, I would love to get started. I can contribute graphics, sound effects, and documentation, as well as game-mastering the Starscape games (I will be moving my mod over from Stars! so that will come naturally). I will also create the components. Those who help will get credit on the Starscape website.

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Old June 5th, 2002, 06:02 AM

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Default Re: Anyone remember Warp War? can it be done in SEIV

Another way to do this would be 'warp gates' -- components or possibliy facilities that allow you to open a temporary wormhole for ships to pass through. If MM would create these you could have a game with no warp points and have to research warp gats to travel beyond your home system. You could also create a very 'Babylon 5' style game very different fromt he default config.
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Old June 5th, 2002, 06:59 PM
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Default Re: Anyone remember Warp War? can it be done in SEIV

An psychotic solution would be to design a modded AI that does nothing but generate ships that have no property except the ability to close warp points... but that's er, silly and would be a lot of work and have issues...
Actually, I included a similar race in my personal space monsters mod. I have stellar manipulation monsters who travel around doing nothing but opening/closing warp points, destroying nebulae, creating planets, etc. It makes for an interesting game combined with the swarm race. It's not a good thing when a warp point from the swarm homeworld opens up into your home system.
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Old June 7th, 2002, 05:27 AM
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Default Re: Anyone remember Warp War? can it be done in SEIV

well is anyone going to make this?I would like to include it in the LotR.As of now the other tcs it contains are:

Galactic War
Planetary Invasion
Junkyard Mod(Puke do you mind?i may edit it a little though)
i would love to include Warp War and any other TCS out there.
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Old June 8th, 2002, 01:14 AM

Shadowstar Shadowstar is offline
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Default Re: Anyone remember Warp War? can it be done in SEIV

I think I'll move this to another thread...
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