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Old May 28th, 2002, 10:49 PM
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Default Re: Ambitious Star Trek Mod Idea

I just made a quick website containing most of the information in this thread:

TNG Mod Homepage

I hope to add some more detailed information about the Mod shortly but I have to clean up the house first before my wife gets home!
Space Empires Depot | SE:V Balance Mod
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Old May 28th, 2002, 11:33 PM
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Default Re: Ambitious Star Trek Mod Idea

I don't think a FTL system is needed, so it would just use the normal warp point system of SEIV - but ships would probably use QN propulsion.
Umm... for impulse engines, this is fine. However, for warp drive, it is not. The sub-space field generated about starships that allows for warp travel effectively nullifies the mass of the ship. This means that velocity is dependant solely on the amount of energy put in, and not the size/mass of the ship. Larger ships tend to go faster because they have more powerful engines and power systems. So, pure QNP would not be entirely appropriate. Just think about it: galaxy class starships are some of the fastest and largest ships in Starfleet.
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Old May 29th, 2002, 12:13 AM
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Default Re: Ambitious Star Trek Mod Idea

Fyron - Valid point. But their engines are also bigger too, right? I would like all ships to move around the same speed with a max around 10-12 at most like the regular SEIV game but with the bigger ships requiring more space for engines. The added bonus is that it makes it more viable for smaller ships to remain in the game longer too since the big ships will have a reduced fire power.

Some Ideas for custom racial techs:

Phasers; Pulse Phasers + ?

Pulse Disruptors; War Shrine + ?

Plasma Torpedoes; Quantum Singularity Core + ?

Phased-Polaron Beams; Cloning Facility + ?

Compressor Beam; Spiral-Wave Disruptor + ?

Commerece Facility + ?

Plasma Projectors; Cutter beams; Assimilators; Larger Hull sizes + ?

Feel free to suggest your own ideas for custom techs (doesn't have to be canon - but similiar)

Common Techs:
Bridge; Combat Bridge; Life Support; Crew Quarters
Engineering (Aux Control, Self-Destruct, +2 Repair)
Engines (Fusion-Ion-Impulse-Quantum)
Armor (Regular-Polarized-Ablative-etc...)
Shields (Regular + Multiphasic)
Sensors (All kinds)
Supply Components + Anti-Matter reactor

Common Weapons:
Torpedoes (Photon + Quantum)
Tractor Beam

New Common Facilities:
Capital (Bonus +research +intelligence +happiness)
Command Centre (Bonus +ship training +)

These are just some ideas off the top of my head...feel free to add suggestions...

[ May 28, 2002, 23:40: Message edited by: Captain Kwok ]
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Old May 29th, 2002, 12:19 AM
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Default Re: Ambitious Star Trek Mod Idea

I mentioned some Ideas for the Scifi-Crossover mod a LONG time ago:

Edit: For Feddies.


Pulse Phasers: Meson BLasters with about 5X damage but crippled accuracy.

Phasers: Anti-Proton Beams with No damage loss with distance.

Photon Torpedoes: Anti-Matter torpedoes with added range and damage.

Quantum Torpedoes: Added range.

Tri-phasic Torpedoes: 2X the quantum torp damage.

Armor & Shield:

Ablative Armor: Crystaline armor with slight added damage resistance but no shield energy.

Metaphasic shields: Phased shielding with slightly added strength and slight recharge rate.

Ship Systems:

Replicators: Able to repair damaged/crippled ship in space without the help of space yards or rapair bays, Only effective for engines, weapons and command. Engines recieve half of the storage capability, weapons only 75% effective than original. Half of supplies are used for replication of needed materials. Requires Engineerings.

Warp Core: Quantum Reactor but this generates supplies up to 80% of the original supply capabilities rather than make it limitless.

Computer Core: 1 more movement added to engines. 80% accuracy in weapons. Size should be ridiculously large to compensate for the tremendous bonuses.

EPS Conduits: 30 Extra shiled strength. Decreased hull strength due to the volatility of the conduit.

Security: Doubles as Boarding party and Security Stations but half the effectiveness of both.


Scanner Array: Long range scanners with boosted range.


Ramscoop: Generates 50 supplies for every storm or sun. Adds 75 supplies to the generation of supplies if Warp core is installed.

Impulse drives: Jacketed-Photon engines with extra supplies capabilities and extra movement bonus.

Nacelles: Adds movement bonus. (Size should be large)

Starfleet Academy: Doubles as a ship training facility and Fleet training facility.
Starfleet Command: Extra combat bonuses for every ship fighting in the system.
Starfleet Communications: Extra 10% experience for fleets. Extra 10% combat bonuses for satellites.

BTW, I've cut the farfetched Ideas from my original post

[ May 28, 2002, 23:51: Message edited by: TerranC ]
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Old May 29th, 2002, 01:13 AM

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Default Re: Ambitious Star Trek Mod Idea

If I could also suggest possibly including other races in the trek universe at some other date..I realize that such a project would take a sizeable effort, and thus is better kept small. I'd volunteer myself to assist but unfortunately I'm afraid that I know nothing on how to do scripting or editing in this game, so I can't see how I'd be of any use. I do know some people that might be inclined to use artistic talents if they thought the result might be interesting.

Also, newbie question..how on earth do you edit the preferences here? The Last post made is on top for me, and it's driving me up a wall..
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Old May 29th, 2002, 01:22 AM
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Default Re: Ambitious Star Trek Mod Idea

For the propulsion system, how about:

- Impulse drives give the "afterburner" combat movement ability.
- Nacelles are 70-100KT each, and provide 7-10 MP.
- ships from escort to frigate and colony ship require one nacelle (7 to 10 engines per move). (Cheap stuff)
- ships from destroyer to battlecruiser require 14-20 EPM. (2 nacelles) (Most ships)
- Battleships require 3 nacelles (21-30 EMP). (Future Riker's Modded Galaxy)
- Dreadnaughts require 4 nacelles (28-40 EMP). (Beastly warships)

- M/ARCs (AKA warp core) provide from +3 to +8 bonus movment points, depending on tech and size of the reactor.

Tweaking the engines-per move in the range given allows you to require larger nacelles on slightly larger ships. There is always the possibility of putting one more of the smaller nacelles on, but that's just wasting space on your design.

Any ship with insufficient nacelles is completely immobile on the strategic map, no matter how powerful their reactor is.
Once you get enough nacelles for 1 MP, then the reactor kicks in. 80% to 90% of your speed will be based directly on the reactor's output.



We all know about the Exploding Panels of Doom (tm). This is really easy to simulate, and once again, I bring up the non-armor armor solution .
For low tech, this NAA will consist of just the bare deck plating & maybe a touch of outer hull plate.
For trek ships, the required number of crew quarters should be quite large (look at all the windows!), so this is not a problem. When the shields are breached, or just plain weak, hull ruptures will happen, and space will be filled with red cloth.
For medium to high tech, we get ablative armor. very nice, fewer hull breaches, but the panels are still exploding after a few hits. Non-Armor ablative armor! Most of the initial bLasts past the shields will be absorbed, but it starts leaking after a while.

Now, how do shields fit in?
Shields are quite good at first, but once they're down to 50% or less, the fireworks begin. That's a job for non-armor-armor! Take some non-armor armor, and increase the size to be appropriate for a shield generator. Leave the hitpoints, so the armor effect is not disturbed. Don't forget the crystalline effect; we want the shields to be partially breached when they're weak, remember?

So, we have a non-armor ablative armor and shields. The shields are, say 20KT, and 20 hitpoints. The ablative armor can be 4KT and 20 hitpoints.
If the shield generates 200 hitpoints, it should get a crystalline amount of about 20 as well.

Don't be afraid. The way crystalline works is thus:
40 shields, 50 crystalline, 50 damage:
- breach shields, 10 damage left
- 10 damage hits armor/internals, shield raised to 10.
10 shields, 50 crystalline, 50 damage:
- breach shields, 40 damage left
- 10 + 40 damage to armor/internals, shield raised to 40.

So, the crytalline effectively negates 50% of the damage hitting internals.
What happens?
The shields start out at 100%. Shots will strike, and fizzle.
The shield energy drops, but 100% absorption continues.
Once the SE4 shield meter reaches zero, the Trek shields become porous. Due to the crystalline effect they are now absorbing 50% of the damage.
Since the armor is non-armor armor, we have our Exploding Panels of Doom happening (yay!)
Now, since the shield generators are also non-armor-armor, they will be struck down fairly quickly. The crystalline ability of the shield generators is worn down, and soon it becomes less than the 50% of the weapon damage in each burst.
Our 50% absorption now starts to fade, and the shields finally collapse to a true 0%.

At this point, the hull/armor is torn up pretty bad, and the ship has probably lost a critical system or two.
Without reinforcements to save the day, the ship quickly breaks up.

Also, newbie question..how on earth do you edit the preferences here? The Last post made is on top for me, and it's driving me up a wall..
Preferences are under "my profile", a link right beside the post buttons, and the register/search/faq/forumhome bit. Top right of your screen.
The Last-post-on-top is part of the forum, and I don't think you can change it.
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[ May 29, 2002, 00:26: Message edited by: Suicide Junkie. ]
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Old May 29th, 2002, 01:35 AM
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Default Re: Ambitious Star Trek Mod Idea

Yeah, they'd take up more space, but it would not be proportional. The same percentage of space used for engines would get a higher movement rate on larger ships. I like SJ's ideas. In fact, that is similar to what I had come up with for the Sci-Fi Crossover Mod.

Here are the facilities that I had made for that mod. They aren't much, but at least it's something.
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Old May 29th, 2002, 01:44 AM
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Default Re: Ambitious Star Trek Mod Idea


In reply to your PM:

I can help at my free time: but I'm busy a lot which accounts for my slow reaction to PBW turns.
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