Back from my romp through Chicago and the uppity Hamptons
To first answer Gusty-boy's question:
The mod can be found on PBW in the mod section. And no, from the get go, I know there is positivly no way to get the AI to act territorial or recognize certain planets as "important." So this mod is only for humans.
Lots of good questions Bman, and please reapply to the game. I wasn't going to accept anyone until after I got back.
1) I was hoping this to be a defensive game, as I think SE4 sort of lacks a pure defensive mode for most players, but I do see your point. However, nothing stops a player from carrying around 500 fighters as well...I will up the number of ships somewhat. I've never played a game that had more than 200 ships actually, so that number sounds astronomical to me.
2)I think the Medium/high for research is a great idea. I will append that as well.
3)Yes, ancient and cluster aren't such great ideas, and even spiral has a good number of choke points even for a large galaxy so that leaves only midlife...or what ever it is called. the default one.
4)I hope it does explode!, and after enough people apply (if that happens), we'll collectively decide the size and number of capitals to win.
5) only racial ability I am disallowing is the ancient trait. All others seem fine to me, and won't really unbalance the game, as none of them give advantages to troops, as far as I know.
These should be on the read me, but as I think my read me is a bit confused, I'll try to restate.
6)If your capital is glassed, nothing really happens to you empire other than the fact that you lost a homeworld, and are one less capital away from winning. You keep playing.
7)Yes, you continue on, and try to get it back, as it is one of few, you will want to retake it as quickly as you can. It isn't just another highly developed is the key to winning.
8)Ok. This mod changes the data files so that it takes 1000k of damage to kill 1 million pop. That's a hell of a lot. So unless, your enemy has 25 dreadnoughts devoted to napalm5, it won't happen easily...least not to your homeworlds with 4-8 billion.
8a)If your capital is glassed, the world, as a capital is gone forever. It really isn't beneficial to anyone to glass capitals (or other planets for that matter). In making damage 1000k to 1mil pop, I hope it is now more expensive and awkward to go-a planet killing, than it is to capture them. The planet (once capital) can be recolonized, but it is no longer a capital, and the future colonizer of that world, cannot build a new palace it is no longer a capital.
8b)If you need 4 to win and so many capitals are glassed that only 3 remain, then the game ends as a stalemate. That may seem disappointing, and I tried to allow for the re-establishing of capitals, but it is just too difficult a thing to manage. The less minute, and complicated rules we have, the better....and I doubt many capitals will get glassed.
9)Scrapping capitals is disallowed. I can't do that in the game, from a host point of view, but it will be obvious to the attacker. And as capitals start with billions of pop, and you can only abandon a world with 50 mil or less, this also can't be done "overnight."
9a)TO that trading planets is disallowed. Allowing others to glass your planet so as to prevent a third party from winning is disallowed.
And please, SIGN UP! Newbies! Old-hands! Pros! Vagabonds!...well, just make sure you plan to stick around.