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Old March 20th, 2002, 08:07 PM

Kling Kling is offline
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Default Order of events within a turn

I would like to know in general in what order things occur within a turn, planets building, moving vessels etc..

(More specific, is there any point in building fighters at a planet I know the enemy will reach during the next turn? Does his ships arrive first or are my fighters finished first?)

Is there any difference on how this is done in different Versions of SEIV?
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Old March 20th, 2002, 08:16 PM
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Default Re: Order of events within a turn

I don't have everything worked out in that regard, but if the enemy will be there this turn, your fighters will be too late to help. Construction happens after movement.
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Old March 20th, 2002, 08:40 PM
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Default Re: Order of events within a turn

Ya, I think geo is right about construction, unless possibly you order less than a full turn's worth, and the enemy ships take most of the turn to get there, and you're playing simultaneous mode ... but even then, I'm not sure.

However, orders you give to the planet (like to _launch_ existing satellites or fighters or mines) given that turn will be in orbit before they arrive (instantly in a turn-based game, or first thing during a simultaneous one).

The main change in when things happen by SE4 Version that I can think of is that in Gold the unmoving player will act first in combat, favoring the defender in warp point combats. In pre-Gold Versions, it would be in the order of the player list, so player #1 would always go first, and earlier players had an advantage in warp point battles (where ships start close enough for it to matter).

Other than that, there are several differences in the sequence of play between turn-based and strategic mode.

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Old March 20th, 2002, 08:56 PM

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Default Re: Order of events within a turn

Ok, that will help for now. Thanks a lot!
It would be nice with a complete sequence chart if someone could dig on up...

Completely off topic, what is this "ZULU time" i keep seeing every now and then?
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Old March 20th, 2002, 09:13 PM
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Default Re: Order of events within a turn

Zulu time is military jargonese for Greenwich Mean (Meridian? ) Time. G.M.T. is the standard used to synchronize events around the world.

You can't very well say "Noon" to someone in a different time zone and be sure they will know what you mean. Noon their time or noon your time?

But if you say "0200 zulu", they will know you mean 2AM in Greenwich and can adjust to their time accordingly.

Now, why they picked the word "zulu", I have no idea. Maybe somebody in the military can tell us.


[ 20 March 2002: Message edited by: geoschmo ]

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Old March 20th, 2002, 09:25 PM

Zarix Zarix is offline
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Default Re: Order of events within a turn

1. Politics (new treaties and wars come to effect)
2. Increase in resources.
3. Ship movement and combats.
4. Building and decreace in resources.
5. If you end up with more resouces than your empires max storage is, the excess vanishes.

That isn't from any manual, but I'm quite sure that things happen in that order. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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