gonna address a few here:
baldrick, re: internal promotions:
I see the "reality" of it, but I don't see the point. especially if you were going to favor promotion to a class that you already *have* (copy captain's class, etc) I think there are plenty of opportunities to hire or find officers as it is.
I suppose that if you promote someone to a class of your choice, that could be good.
Dari, re: "officer professions"
hey, if you would like to introduce another class, I would love to hear about it, either on a new thread here, or in private at
[email protected]
as for the skills, (I actually had to look this one up! I guess my memory for AI is not what it used to be) you are correct that you would need to create new skills for a new class. That is bad design / lack of vision on my part.
I don't think I will spend time correcting such a minor thing, but I will certainly admit that it is wrong.
"Random artifact switching" : this happens when you carry a certain number of artifacts (too many). and the more you have, the more chaotic they become. they are too powerful. this is by design.
I can imagine a "stasis chamber" device or "stabilizer" , that maybe reduces the chance or inc's the threshold of this... there must be a cost