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Old May 8th, 2008, 03:41 PM
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Default The First Mega Game International Bank

(The charter for the bank is currently on hold until the game begins. At this point I'm leaning toward the removal of the organizational aspects of the concept and to refit it as a internal treaty for players to sign. A separate thread could be then used to contain public agreements, which would then become binding.)

First Mega Game International Bank

Charter: The First Mega Game International Bank is a coalition of share holding nations who provide for other nations temporary income to be repaid at a modest but fair interest rate. The share holders will directly receive profits equivalent to their investment. This bank is exclusively for the Mega Age II Kingmaker game.

Organizational Notes
1. Applications for loans will be submitted to the bank's email, first.mega.game.bank at gmail.com. From there a banking executive will process the application.
2. If a loan is accepted, the executive, not the applicant, will publicly post the transaction in the First Mega Game International Bank thread and notify relevant shareholders. The post will include the terms of the loan.
3. Share holders will notify executives upon the initial completion of their turn, what funds they have available for disbursement. Funds will be disbursed in the order in which the notifications are received.
4. Funds will travel directly between the share holders and the client. Executives will not hold onto funds meant for another player.
5. All shareholders must agree not to trade with blacklisted players and may be asked to provide assistance in "collection". "Collections" may also be outsourced to non-shareholders.
6. Only shareholders can request that a nation be placed on the blacklist. The shareholder must have cited reasons.
7. If an executive is removed from office or resigns another shareholder can take his place and be given access to the bank's email address.

Membership: Is open to all players.

Application for Membership
1. PM application to first.mega.game.bank at gmail.com. Label the email "Bank Membership".
2. Include your player name, race.
3. Also include your excess gold for your initial turn. (This will help with disbursing initial turn loans.)

Current Interest Rate: 7% compounded per turn
Current Funds Available: <not available at this time>

Blacklisted Nations

Applications for Loans
1. PM application to first.mega.game.bank at gmail.com Label the email "Loan Application".
2. Include your player name, race, and what you would like to loan and for what amount.
3. Offers of collateral or insurance provided by another nation will greatly improve your chances of acceptance.
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