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Old February 26th, 2008, 01:49 PM
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Default Re: What kind of game would people like?

Less newbie games and more normal games! They need to cut their teeth somewhere...
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Old February 26th, 2008, 02:22 PM

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Default Re: What kind of game would people like?

Yeah, I want a no-rush game too. And one that does not give advantage to rushers And I want llamabeast in.

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Old February 26th, 2008, 03:47 PM
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Default Re: What kind of game would people like?

I like epic games on large maps with many players. I prefer early and middle age and strong indys.
I would like to try some team game, too. But I have to finish some of the games I'm in before I join another one.
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Old February 26th, 2008, 08:04 PM
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Default Re: What kind of game would people like?

I want a game that I will win.

Seriously, I would like to see some crazy game settings, Anything that changes up the rules.

There was one discussed (never went anywhere) that sounded uber-cool where players got to design thier own national troops with mods based on certain point rules, and they only get access to one pathof magic (like fire). And another where players would only be allowed to research one branch (such as construction).

I am greatly enjoying the no indy game, Foresti.

Strangly I did not like the mod nation only game i played.

I would like to see more late age. Also games with more provinces per player like around 40 per would be cool.

I would like to see a low or no magic game. Set research to very hard, sites on zero. Perhaps nerf the national spell casters and pretenders through modding.

How about newbie vs vet game with nerf mods for the vets. Lets see how good they really are.
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Old February 26th, 2008, 08:47 PM

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Default Re: What kind of game would people like?

Thanks for all the neat ideas guys.

I am somewhat disinclined to set up a weird-settings game that I don't intend to play myself, and I won't be joining games for a little while (since I'm going to Thailand in April). And of course I can only be in (and therefore give proper attention to) a finite number of games anyway.

However, I hope you all know that I am always happy to host games on the LlamaServer! So if one of fancies trying something crazy, just organise it. I would kind of like it if you asked me first, but I will almost certainly say yes.

Actually I would really like it if more people organised games on the server. Because then there will be a greater variety of interesting games going on, and it will be less work for me.
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Old February 26th, 2008, 08:57 PM
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Default Re: What kind of game would people like?

I'd like to see LA with no Ashen Empire or Dreamlands and possibly the site freq kicked up to MA level.

The question of provinces per player is tricky- it depends on the number of players. I like a fairly roomy map that gives a little space to develop in the early game, but if there are lots of players that makes the total map size so big that the end game becomes management nightmare for the survivors.

I also prefer some sort of victory conditions. More than once i have had to concede a game in which i was unbeaten because various, shall we say "less than stalwart", other players have prematurely declared the leader unstoppable, usually because they had most of the overrated elemental royalty or some other dang thing.

I played one game hosted by Reverend Zombie with the dominion victory he mentioned above, and it worked great. I do not understand the math involved well enough to set the level but RZ got it right. In the alternative, most VPs at turn x would do.
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Old March 23rd, 2008, 02:29 PM

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Default Re: What kind of game would people like?


I think that this summarizes what peoples want . We have newbie (<2), we have "hardcore" (>10) and we have intermediate (2<x<10). The problem is to go from newbie to hardcore or to survive enough early games to know what a late game is .

So what about some intermediate games to be filled by those people that begun 1 1/2 month ago 1 or 2 newbie games?
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Old March 23rd, 2008, 05:45 PM
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Default Re: What kind of game would people like?

Huge games are the best. In my opinion. Like 16 players on massive maps. Woot. Other than that I have no preferences.
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Old March 23rd, 2008, 05:56 PM

Tenebrion Tenebrion is offline
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Default Re: What kind of game would people like?

I still haven't managed to join a game, so I'm looking for a newbie match.
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Old March 23rd, 2008, 06:30 PM
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Default Re: What kind of game would people like?

Cor2 said:
How about newbie vs vet game with nerf mods for the vets. Lets see how good they really are.
Actually, this gives me an interesting idea. Maybe a big huge team game with two sides, perhaps themed after the Titans vs the Greek Gods. Of course you might have some thematic problems unless you could make every faction Arcos. Maybe you could toss in Pythium for variety though. I kind of like the great big war with two sides concept though -- it would be different way to play the game. A Lord of the Rings theme would be cool too, and you would have more faction variety. Only thing is you would need more modded nations.

I think the thing that has been bugging me about Dominions lately is that everyone is busy minimaxing the crap out of the game mechanics, which makes the "story" of why there is a war to begin with starts to feel a little threadbare. And of course, no self-respecting strategy gamer sacrifices power for the sake of thematic correctness right?

All the role-playing I've seen seems to be along the lines of "our powerful nation/god/whatever will crush yours for we are mightier", which is okay for a while, but starts to feel boring after a while. Maybe I've just been reading too much about WWII lately, but I want a good story to go along with my bloody mini-maxing war! [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/icon02.gif[/img]
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