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Old February 25th, 2008, 04:04 PM

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Default Re: Mesothalassa version 1.0 (Underwater Nation)

I really like this mod. Haven't tried out too many possibilities or used it in a particularly competitive setting but I've had fun with it.

I think this nation benefits more from clamming than almost any other nation with the possible exceptions of(in order of my expected benefit from clamming)R'lyeh, Monkey Nations(not Lanka) and MA Pythium/Marignon. R'lyeh because of it being underwater and a heavy astral power, the others because of national summons.

With my first game as this nation, I didn't use my pretender at all as I wanted to test out the nation first. I got a Golem out and equipped as soon as I could and then sent it out teleporting all over the place, generally causing havoc.

The golem and clayman summons are great, with the clayman summon in particularly being quite cost effective(with a W2 mage you get 2 claymen per gem, rather than 6 for 5 gems with the regular spell).
I haven't tried the Ice Golem yet(using water gems to outfit my Golems and site-search) but I find the drowned mage spell rather poor for what you get, although they are nice to lead undead - which I tended to have very few of(a reanimator would be nice).
The national battle spell similar to raise dead is also nice(the name escapes me), although the fact that it raises identical longdead makes it seem a little less fun.

The units are nice, particularly the sacreds, they are cost effective being cheap in both gold and resources but their cheapness, aquatic tag and capitol only status means they never become too dominant.

The PD is very vunerable to priests, but against anything else - particularly remote spells - it is nice. Wolves/Hawks are nicely held up by the undead while the mages in the back cast spells - particularly frighten - to turn the battle in their favour.

I'll write more when I have more time - and when I play more with this nation(which I will. Earth, Death and Astral magic make it very fun for me).

One thing that bothered me was the complete lack of non-indy recruitables in land forts - although iirc(I could be wrong) that may be unmoddable.
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Old February 25th, 2008, 08:18 PM
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Default Re: Mesothalassa version 1.0 (Underwater Nation)


Excellent, I am really glad you are liking the mod.

I am thinking of adding a few new underwater undead summons in the next version of this mod, including a very affordable priest meant to spam reanimation.

How is your transition to land progressing, and what is the composition of your land army? Is it primarily geared out golems or a mix of undead and indies?

Thanks again for the great feedback. Pretty soon I will compile some changes for the next version of this mod
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Old February 26th, 2008, 06:07 AM
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Default Re: Mesothalassa version 1.0 (Underwater Nation)

I find the transition from water to land particularly difficult with this water nation. However I find that transition hard anyway. I think adding more undead summons would make the transition far easier.
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Old February 26th, 2008, 05:16 PM

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Default Re: Mesothalassa version 1.0 (Underwater Nation)

My transition to land was fairly poor. Pretty much no undead(although there would have been tartarians at some point), a few raiding golems, some Shamblers/Icthyids and some recruited land indy troops.

Reanimation would have helped alot, and probably would have been alot more thematic.
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Old February 27th, 2008, 02:02 AM
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Default Re: Mesothalassa version 1.0 (Underwater Nation)

I have to agree with Juzza and Shovah32. A stronger national version of Reanimation would be in order. (Maybe 10 death gems for 30-40 undead, and researchlevel 3)
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Old February 27th, 2008, 05:46 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Mesothalassa version 1.0 (Underwater Nation)

10 death gems for 30-40 would still be pretty bad imo.

The only reason reanimation is costed 10/10 is because of jotuns getting special undead from it. Even for them it probably isn't worth it.
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