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Old December 16th, 2007, 08:12 AM
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Default Re: (Not really) new map : World of Symetry

Zeldor said:

Sounds like a great thing. I like to play 2 against AI They will be allied, right?

I have a more sadic project with a little more AIs on the map :
- 24 worshippers of enslaved gods armies (using their nations modded to play in ME, with starting armies at their actual positions, agressive and not allied with anybody)
- Guards of Pharaex (owning the borders of the plain, allied with Pharaex, here to limit his expansion untill there is a hole in their line, will mostly have strong PD and immobile commanders)
- Keepers of the Gateways (starting with the gateways provinces, allied with Pharaex)
- Revolted Big Monsters (owning the second cave province of each road to the gateways, not allied with pro Pharaex factions but they and the keepers will have an high PD to prevent the other faction of invading them fast -the two will be defensive and should rather expand some time in the underworld- ; the first province of each road will be indie but with a sufficient army to prevent a rush of the big monsters against the players)
- A troll/troglodyte/gnome Nation (owning a realm of secondary underworld provinces, allied with the revolted monsters and blocked by them untill they are defeated by players or keepers)
- Pharaex Empire (starting with the plain, strength determined by indie setting ; his modded nation will produce more big monsters in his capitol - not too often, they will cost 1000 ressources or so and lots of gold ; I will use indie setting to allow the player to set the strength of this nation (all Pharaex provinces except Eternia will be attacked by indies in turn one, the higher their strength will be, the weaker he'll start)

All factions but the troll nation and Pharaex won't be full nations - capitols won't be connected with the main map (and they'll have immobile placeholder pretenders there).

To resume my idea :
- the player(s) nations have to defend themselves in early game against the nearest followers of enslaved gods armies (also if some of these factions survive and success to make or take forts / developp a strong army they may end making holes in the plains guard and so allow the main Empire of Pharaex faction to exit the plain)
- if the players start to expand in the underworld, revolted monster faction will be freed, if they invade them keepers and troll factions will be freed too ; and if they reach a gateway, Pharaex Empire will be able to counter attack in the underworld
- anyway if the players wait too much, revolted monsters or keepers will be destroyed, and the trolls will free Pharaex faction themselves (and may even win, taking Eternia before the players)

(for the moment it's just an idea, I've just made the map version with more white pixels for the special nations capitols, modding all the special nations/editing the map will take some time, and probably far more to have things working as expected)

ps @Zeldor : don't forget to re-send your orders for King of the Isle
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Old December 16th, 2007, 07:24 PM

Panpiper Panpiper is offline
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Default Re: (Not really) new map : World of Symetry

I'm not quite clear on your intent. Are you talking about basing this 'sadic' (sadistic?) map on World of Geometry or World of Symetry? I'm hoping it's an adventure upgrade of the World of Geometry myself.
Chaos Undivided Race Mod
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Old December 16th, 2007, 08:14 PM
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Default Re: (Not really) new map : World of Symetry

On world of geometry of course.

The symetry version was just made for MP, as people often find the version with caves too big.

ps : it's "sadique" in french, usually english = shorter than french so my translation guess was "sadic"
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Old December 16th, 2007, 10:08 PM

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Default Re: (Not really) new map : World of Symetry

Twan said:ps : it's "sadique" in french, usually english = shorter than french so my translation guess was "sadic"
Sadique translates to sadistic in English. It should have been obvious to me what you meant, but I forgot or didn't notice your tag saying you're from France. I'm from Quebec and speak French (though my written French is pretty awful).

I am very much looking forward to this version of the map.
Chaos Undivided Race Mod
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Old December 28th, 2007, 01:43 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: (Not really) new map : World of Symetry

I've noticed what I think is a little bug.

Province 210 doesn't have a connection to province 199, though the border between them is yellow and it would seem they are supposed to connect.
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Old January 16th, 2008, 06:12 AM

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Default Re: (Not really) new map : World of Symetry

Also provinces 46 and 68 seem to be erroneously connected.
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Old January 16th, 2008, 04:35 PM
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Default Re: (Not really) new map : World of Symetry

Thanks, fixed the two errors.

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Old October 21st, 2008, 03:16 AM

Janlm Janlm is offline
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Default Re: World of Symmetry

Hello, I am playing on this map currently in a multiplayer game. And I discovered that one of the water provinces (154) is mistakenly treated as a land province by the game.
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Old November 10th, 2009, 12:03 PM

Deathjester Deathjester is offline
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Default Re: World of Symmetry

Originally Posted by Janlm View Post
Hello, I am playing on this map currently in a multiplayer game. And I discovered that one of the water provinces (154) is mistakenly treated as a land province by the game.
I just corrected that. I also corrected another neighbour error between 148 and 154.

See the attached file for the corrected version!

Nice map!
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Old December 10th, 2009, 05:28 AM
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Default Re: World of Symmetry

I have fixed the following additional issues:

-- deleted 46-68
-- deleted 192-212
-- added 43-63
-- added 199-210
-- 19: mountains
-- 188: swamp
-- changed text color to black

The tga file is the same.
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