Status files for the basic tech mod are
here (changes) and
here (will be added).
The biggest changes so far are in Armor. First, Armor tech has been expanded to 15 levels. Second, Stealth, Scattering, and Ablative Armor are now set up in a grid research, similar to the missile/warhead idea posted in the earlier thread.
It works like this: Researching higher Armor tech (in 3 level increments) gives you stronger armor in all types. Researching higher Stealth tech gives you stealthier armor with slightly higher defense bonuses. Scattering Armor has been renamed to Reflective Armor and provides higher defensive bonuses when researched. Researching Ablative Armor gives you a better structure/tonnage ratio. There are 10 levels each of Stealth and Reflective Armor techs, and 3 levels of Ablative Armor tech. There are 5 breakpoints in Armor tech for stronger armor.
A component named Stealth Armor II (8) has level 8 cloaking and second-tier armor (100kt in this case). It requires Armor 4 and Stealth 8. Reflective Armor III (4) has third-tier armor (160kt) and a 40% defensive bonus. Ablative Armor II (2) has a structure/tonnage ratio of 4.67, while Ablative Armor IV (1) has a ratio of 5.25. This grid setup creates a large number of potential paths to full tech for a given area.
Heading out for now; hopefully much more tomorrow!
"The Unpronounceable" Krsqk