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Old November 3rd, 2007, 04:36 AM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

Hmm, damn dyslexia, I was reading it backwards even after it got pointed out. Yeah, that needs to get fixed.
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Old November 3rd, 2007, 11:44 AM

shard shard is offline
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

Is the Coral King W3N2 an atlantis multihero? I would actually consider getting luck to pick him up; so far all i've got are escaped slave princes, which frankly i'm not sure what to do with, atlantis doesnt really lack for non-stealth thugs (which also have leadership).

I notice hes in the blackhero viewer, but not in the readme. Atlantis really needs some way of accessing nature without going N1 on the pretender and summoning naiads with all the kelp forests scattered about in the sea. Another suggestion; with all the priests the nation has (MA anyway) it wouldn't be out of the way to add healing would it?

PS - Yes I am biased
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Old November 3rd, 2007, 03:20 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

The Coral King is an EA Atlantis hero, and he should be in the readme.
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Old November 25th, 2007, 03:10 PM

LDiCesare LDiCesare is offline
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

I can't find anything in the Readme for Tir na n'Og or for Eriu.
It's a bit strange, since Tir na n'Og's Long Handed is about the best hero I ever saw. He's still in the .dm, but I can't find Eriu's Scathach. She's listed as a hero of Fomoria in the readme, though. I don't know if either nation has more heroes (Eriu seems to, but I don't know about Tir nan'Og)?
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Old November 27th, 2007, 06:53 PM

quantum_mechani quantum_mechani is offline
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

Just an oversight I think, the .dm file and readme are a bit of an organizational mess. I'll rearrange/update those next version.
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Old November 27th, 2007, 07:43 PM
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

Creating a pretender for Arcocephale ME with worthy heroes enabled I get a maverni hero as possible choice ("Champion of the Horn", unit 2850).
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Old November 27th, 2007, 07:43 PM
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

quantum_mechani said:
I am aware of the unfortunate issue with hornblower, so I've commented him out of the code until I can hopefully find a way around the problem.
On my system, I see that the "Champion of the Horn" has been commented out in heroes1_8.dm like this:

---#newmonster 2850


But it appears to ignore the leading "-" characters, and unless I delete the entire block, in SP I end up fighting against AIs worshipping the guy.
Whether he submitted the post, or whether he did not, made no difference. The Thought Police would get him just the same. He had committed— would still have committed, even if he had never set pen to paper— the essential crime that contained all others in itself. Thoughtcrime, they called it. Thoughtcrime was not a thing that could be concealed forever.
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Old November 27th, 2007, 07:47 PM
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

Yes it's stange the champion is commented out but still exists. It's probably the power of the faith.
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Old November 27th, 2007, 09:31 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

Commenting something out with ---- does nothing, it's just a note used by modders. You have to remove the # to get the game to ignore it. So

----newmonster 2850

or just

newmonster 2850

would get rid of it. But the easiest way is just add #restrictedgod 79 to that hero. He's still in the game then but won't turn up as a pretender.
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Old December 16th, 2007, 08:55 AM
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

I've recently had some extra free time on my hands and made some hero graphs to be possibly used in WH 1.9 . I've had troubles contacting Quantum about these graphics (he's understandably a busy man, with CB and all), so I've decided to post them here in order to get some comments. See, I'm going for military service in 3 weeks and I'd like fix any graphical glitches I might not have noticed before it's too late.

You can see them "in-game" in following picks;

The heroes are numbered for your convinience. These buggers are supposed to go the nations with most need for heroes. 1-3 are for Monkey nations (Lanka and Bandar Log of all ages). 4 and 9 for Helheim. 5 for LA Jotunheim (but he can probably be moved around). 7 and 8 for both ages of Oceania.

Most of these don't really have much backround or descriptions to speak of. If any of you feel like suggesting and or writing something, go ahead. Here are my thoughts on backrounds so far;

1: He's a big ape. He smashes face obviously, but for whom? Most likely a Lanka hero. Needs backround.

2: Since Bandar Log is a caste system, he can't really have "earned" the right to use a sword or armor. Perhaps he's rogue? Some smart markata that decided that he has had enough of the belittling of his people? He might a mercenary that has returned to serve the Bandar Log. I was thinking that his "gimmick" could be high defense and three arms (since he can use his tail as a hand). Perhaps a assasin, that would give his high def a real purpose.

3. I was thinking that he might be like "the white minotaur", but for monkey nations. Sometimes a Bandar with white fur is born and they are believed to be Rishi's (or Yogis) who have been rewarded with a strong body and spirit through reincarnation. Since Kailaisa, Bandar Log and Patala each have semi-usable sacreds, but weak priests, I think that Holy 3 hero could be really useful to have around without being overpowering. He could also spread dominion.

4. The Hanged King. I've made a bit of a backround for him. See this picture (stats are mere suggestion for QM) http://xs.to/xs.php?f=Hanged.png&h=xs321&d=07476

5. He has a backround and stats. Comments on graphic are welcome.

6. The graphic is half-finished. I'm not sure that its concept will hold as a hero. He's a huge holy stone tablet, into which the new laws of the Lawgiver are etched (possibly possesed by a spirit like Monolith, Oracle.. etc). Comments?

7. This one has a concept, but no actual written description. He is "Lord of Pearls" or "Pearlsmith" the guy who forges all that pearl gear.

8. Thanks to Sombre for the idea concerning this one. He is Amber Clan arch druid of the kelp forests of Oceania.

9. Not much thought behind this one. It's a kickass Valkyrie with a lighting spear. Needs a backstory.

10. I'm a bit unsure of this, hence it has no attack sprite yet. Supposed to be a Triton Prince hero with a black Capricorn (like Hildegard of Ulm) with Pearl Armor and Trident.

Disclaimer: All of the above are mere suggestions. QM has the final word on this.

I'll post the list of nations who have a "lack" of heroes (defined <3 heroes) even with WH 1.8 . "My" heroes are not included in these.

The Nations with only one hero: Helheim (not multihero!), Patala, EA/MA Oceania

Nations with two heroes: MA Mictlan, MA Shinyama EA Caelum, Kailaisa, Bandar Log, LA Agartha, EA/LA Atlantis, EA R'lyeh, LA Pythium
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.

If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.

See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.
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