Communion Fatigue question--- strange obeservation
I have made some tests with Pythium concerning communion. Since many times communion slaves are accidentally killed, it is worthwhile to find out how exactly fatigue is accumulated in communions.
The conventional wisdom is that, spell base fatigue is distributed among all(master and slave), then each one using his own path to adjust for fatigue and finally add the caster emcumbrance.
I found this to be totally untrue.
For the following examples, we take Theurg(1A1W2S2H,base 4 fat) as master, and Theurg Acolyte (1S1H,base 3 fat) or Theurg Communicant(no path, base 3 fat) as slaves.
The enviornment is either drain 1 or drain 2 in the experiments.
Case 1
With 2 TA as slaves
Spell Master Fat. Slave Fat.
Divine Blessing 3 6
Horror Mark 8 16
Air Shield 6 12
Dessication 13 26
Case 2
With 2 TC as slaves
Spell Master Fat. Slave Fat.
Divine Blessing 2 8
Horror Mark 8 32
Air Shield 5 20
Dessication 14 28
Case 3
With 4 TA as slaves
Spell Master Fat. Slave Fat.
Divine Blessing 1 2
Horror Mark 2 4
Air Shield 2 4
Dessication 4 8
We can see that in all cases, slave fatigue is mutiple of master (2x or 4x), this hints that emcumbrance is either ignored(unlikely) or somehow distributed among the communion.
Second, contrary to most people believe, TC is in many cases a worse slave than TA, and accumulates fatigue much faster and therefore dies much faster. Get 32 fatigue for a simple 2S 20 fatigue spell is just unbelivable.
Third, no matter how many slaves you add, master always gets less fatigue (at most half) than slaves and there seems to be no way to prevent master from overdraining slaves to death. The only solution I can think of is to let master cast no more than 5 spells and just retreat or stay behind troops. Maybe you let the one with less spell path to be the master? But that certainly is counter-productive.
So can anyone with insights or developers themselves shed light in this matter? Thanks!