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Old May 24th, 2007, 05:53 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

SSKG Griffon War Dairy - 14 April 1945

Tornadoes and Bridges, Certainly, one of oddest engagement I've been involved in. An almost bloodless victory, (well for our side) and one I'm not willing to take total credit for, Herr Patton, blew this one with the help of his troops.

With our positions adopted, we braced for what the day may bring. With no evidence of the enemy, I sent forth my Tornadoes, approx. 1km ahead of my line of defence. Visibility was fair for this time of year. My Tornado crews soon spotted the elusive enemy, Yanks as predicted.

The Tornadoes requested permission to fire on the enemy, mostly Recce elements crossing the two wooden bridges over a stream running behind the large wooded area blocking our view from our posns, request was denied, and I reiterated my original order to spot only. I quick check of my arty plot confirmed as per KG SOP two of my preplotted fire missions were for interdiction and were squarely on the bridges. I ordered all my arty to be split between the two bridges.

What happened next was the textbook reason not to bunch up your forces on the battlefield. Within 3 minutes, my fire missions were on the way, through the smoke and fire, my Tornadoes reported within the first 6 minutes both bridges had collapsed, and had been full of vehicles and troops when they went down. In next 6 minutes I ordered the arty to allow it's fire to spread over the two choke points. I gave my guns a short brake to allow my Tornadoes time to move in and report on the situation.

They reported from what could be seen, that there was much carnage and the enemy appeared to retreating in bad order. Some elements were advancing, those on our side of the stream. No fire rose to meet my Hubzs, so I ordered them in closer to attack the choke point. They expended about half their rockets, with the effect of great suppression and damage, no doubt raising the chaos factor. I had the Tornadoes disengage, and ordered the barrage to recommence.

The Tornadoes were ordered to leave a spotter behind, and brake off the other two to find the other advancing Yanks. A quick search turned up some recce elements and few halftracks. I ordered the Hubzs in to dissuade them from any further advance.

Coming in on their attack runs, both Hubz were fired at but were not hit. One attacked from side, and successfully took out a M8 0r M20 and caused two HT's to disembark their troops, likely with causalities and damage to the HT's. The other Hubz found two Spahwagen and 3 ht's racing down the northern paved highway, he attacked from behind them blowing up one HT the other two had troops running for cover, one SpW was damaged the other it's status unknown. Ammo running low, I recalled the Tornado Gp, the spotter bagged a jeep in a clearing on the way back.

A few more SpW's were killed by my Tiger's and one by a StuG, however, in less than 30min it was over with only a few scratches from stray arty rounds.

I surveyed the two bridges and surrounding battlefield early this morning as we passed though moving forward. There was a vast pile wreckage intertwined with both bridges, many Panzers and vehicles were abandoned more so than destroyed, weapons and kit were to be found all over, this foe had well and truly broke and ran. A couple things s stood out, found by Div engineers was a dead white horse with a US Calvary saddle, and when I poked around the area, I found a pearl handled revolver not far from the horse. I believe now, I know why such a rout, Patton himself was there, he was killed or injured, this combined with the rain of fire and the Hubzs' attack, sent them streaming to the rear.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img]Obersturmbannf�hrer PanzerBob
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old May 25th, 2007, 07:25 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

SSKG Griffon ORDERS- 17 April 1945

We have been assigned to setup a Defensive Position, while AG Rommel consolidates its gains on its push on Elements of the American Third Army. It appears we have played no small part in this. The Abwehr reports that General Patton was wounded the other day, while trying to rally his troops. It is reported he was visiting the front on a white horse to bolster moral, when he was caught in an artillery barrage. Well, that barrage was ours. Patton's removal from the field of battle had a domino effect and allowed our Army Group to push forward for the last couple days relatively untouched.

An advance of 40kms or so has left us south of the town of Fontainbleu; we are defending the cross roads in the village of URY to ensure HWY 51 doesn't fall into enemy hands. Third Army has a new head and has rallied his troops, we expect heavy patrolling, maybe a few probes, but, my feel is this new General will want to show his men they still have fight in them, and counterattack somewhere along HWY 51, and we are on a likely objective.

Army Group has provided an allotment of engineer stores, and Div has augmented our arty with 3x 10.5cm Bttys.

I want the village heavily mined and booby-trapped. All wooded areas are to have any easy passages mined as well, but leave a few open but covered, in order to lat some enemy forces into our Kill zones.

KG forces are to deploy to best cover the mined areas. Our Tigers should also look for any spots to dig in where they have long-range visuals and provide cover fire as well. The Panthers are to form our reserve/RRF, concealed but ready to roll. Our Tornado Gp will stay at max alert, ready to move at order.

Good Hunting Men.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img]Obersturmbannf�hrer PanzerBob
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old May 27th, 2007, 05:37 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

SSKG Griffon War Dairy - 18 April 1945

After 24hrs of probes, the Americans hit us as I predicted more or less. This was not a hasty attack, but was put in deliberately, and designed to miss the strongest of our defences. They hit our northern defensive line, but at the moment my hasty minefield is doing it's job and letting the Yanks though in small or unit sized groups and being jumped on by my hidden Grenadiers and well sited Panzers.

Two things of note, Our Tornado Gp is staying alive, it seems to have figured how avoid the Yank�s 50s, and preformed interdiction sweeps, spotting and looking for targets of opportunity, in particular their HQ. Did some damage, but neither found their HQ or Organic Arty.

The Other thing is a new US Panzer has had been discovered, from reports it is much larger that the Sherman and has a long cannon. I've just been handed an photo taken by one of Tornado Crews.

This ought to be intersting as one of these has been reported inside our defensive line...........

.......Cursed JABO's!! Several Mustangs showed up and made a concerted rocket attack on one of my Panthers, despite my AA's best efforts, the Panther and crew died. At least one JABO went away smoking.

The new American panzers, I now count 4, a troop perhaps on trials, are much tougher than their brother Shermans. The one that got loose in my lines however succumbed to heavy MG suppression and one lucky 10.5cm HE round from one of my StuH's. The others seem to be taking 75 & 88 hits easily. Of note, the cannon on this panzer has not as of yet penetrated the front armour on the several Panthers and one Tiger they've hit. Also for the first time, it appears that one of these panzers used its cannon & 50cal to fire at one of my HUBZ, I sent in for a closer look. The HUBZ was only shaken not hurt.

The American's appear to be trying to breach my lines with their armour alone, and not massing their force for this, or keeping any infantry closed up with them. (This maybe due to the effective suppression that was rained on them when they hit the minefield.)...............

.......Along with some JABO's making harassing attacks, a Yank Panzer Company or so is attempting a breakthough to the centre objective. The new Panzers arose from the smoke first but with no supporting infantry, they've become the focus of all fire, then two of my PzGren Sections quickly dispatched two of the new heavies with Panzerfaust. The third took a seires of hits before a Tiger got in a good side aspect shot.

The demise of the Heavies, moved the rest of the Company into an open field where I ordered all arty and local fire to concertrate on. This had the desired effect and broke the final fury of the enemy attack.

Loses, in this defensive battle were minimal, and mostly occurred during the final segement of the American attack. Besides the Panther the JABO's took, 2 more Panthers and 2 StuG's plus assorted casualities can be pegged down to the final attack.

In the failing light of the day, it's apparent now this attack was designed to fix us place while the Third Army withdraws even further. So even though we won the day, the enemy's objective of buying time was bought, with blood.

Of note: It turns out the new Panzer, so I'm informed, is called the Pershing, another US General of note, or the M26. A Catkiller so to speak, it has a 9cm cannon and has heavy armour. Our present Panzers and their coming follow on models, are it's equal, interesting after piling up so many Shermans, the Allies are finally fielding a Panzer worthy of their industrial might.

Again the Tornadoes, earned their keep, I'm glad these machines were wrangled away from the Luftwaffe.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] Obersturmbannf�hrer PanzerBob
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old May 28th, 2007, 12:09 PM

blitzkreig blitzkreig is offline
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

Interesting stuff, keep 'em coming.

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Old May 28th, 2007, 05:10 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

Thanks, Blitzkrieg

Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old May 30th, 2007, 05:00 PM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

SSKG Griffon ORDERS- 19-23 April 1945

We've been advancing along behind the steadily retreating, 3rd Third Army. I've managed to have two 12.2cm Bttys attached to my KG, I've also taken delivery of two of the much improved Tiger II Ausf D, (I refused Ausf B, because of the mechancal nightmare they'd become.) The D has the new ElectroTurbo engine and the Hawkeye FC System to name a few improvements. I also snagged onto a Hyena the newest Spahwagen, it has some night vision as well.

As Divisional Vanguard, we have attached additional Recce elements which include 4 Panthers UHU besides the usual units. These units have been assigned flank security.

My daily treks to Div Briefings, paid off today as FM Rommel was there. Several things came to light, First we are aiming towards the French West Coast in an effort to corral the Allied Forces back up onto their Normandy Beachead. Secondly, Patton is well and about to resume command of his Third Army, given Rommels' demeanor on this topic, this concerns me greatly.......

KG Griffon is to exercise more caution as the hunted wolf may find it's pack and turn and attack.........

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] Obersturmbannf�hrer PanzerBob
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old June 1st, 2007, 07:23 AM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

Excerpt from War Diary 24 April 45

As we rolled into the town of Longue (N of Samur) and secured it my hunch (and Rommels') paid off. My Forward Recce Element -FORE- my HUBZ Gp, spotted a large Panzer force in an echelon left formation. I ordered the FORE in for a closer look and to harass the enemy. Closer inspection, showed a force of largely panzers, with infantry riding on top, no trucks or halftracks. My HUBZ hosed off a few panzers of their infantry. As a plus they also took out a few panzers, including at least two M26's. I was able to walk my 122 Bttys into the main concentration. The resulting barrage had the effect of turning the main force south, instead of running to my north most flank security screen; they would be hitting the town where most of the KG was waiting for them.

A small panzer group with accompanying infantry struck first and was dispatched and a hail of MG's Mortars, arty and panzer cannon. Meanwhile the south flank Security Element ran into another similar size force. It eventually was forced to withdraw, with help from a Tornado and several Tigers including the new Tiger II's.

The first of several air strikes I called in materialized in the form of a couple of our 262�s. They came in fast and delivered their bombs and rockets in amongst the Yankee panzers and men, causing much chaos in damaged panzers and human suffering. They were something to behold, I had never seen jet airplanes in person before. This left a fairly battered force of which to attack our position in town. The first panzer to emerge from the smoke was a M26, a Panther 100m in front of the beast, fired and the shot bounced off the front, the return fire from the M26 almost vaporized the Panther and it�s crew. The second two Perishing met with long-range death as my Tiger II D�s knocked them out at 2400m from south of the town.

The last part of the battle, the death blow was dealt with 4-5 Panthers and several Tiger I�s, under a continuous rain of fire and several passes by the Swallows. I lost two more Panthers, 2 StuG to Sherman 76�s in the resulting melee.

We remain victorious.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img]Obersturmbannf�hrer PanzerBob
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Old June 1st, 2007, 09:56 AM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

Interesting set of reports so far Bob. Apart from the Pershings, are the Allies getting updated kit too? And I have to ask - what's happening in the Far-East with the collapse of the Russians? With a land route now possible through Russia, The Japanese could be getting plans for 262s if not actual aircraft to take out the B-29 menace. Type XXI boats out of Japanese bases could be ranging up and down the west coast...

With Russian support gone they may have a better chance at supressing the Chinese. With Manchukuo stabilized and possible imports or occupied territory in Russia, the Japanese resource problems may be cured giving the Americans a much harder run for their money.

Finally - did the bomb drop putting the Japanese out of the war? If so - why aren't there mushroom clouds over the fatherland? If not - what's happening in North Africa and the Middle East? Will we see a revived second front threatening Imperial India and stretching allied resources further?

I love "what ifs" ;-)
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Old June 2nd, 2007, 12:59 AM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

Thanks Pat, some good food for thought in your ponderings, and will be covered as the alt timeline marches on. I think I'll have to include some news clippings and letters to and from home to add more favour.

As the Allies, at present I'm going with the present OOB's as the Allies are having huge problems...


I would love to play against Allied OOB's MOD'd for an alt timeline that I HAVE NOT CREATED, to add to the surprise and suspense, US Brit & Canuk, A lot can all of a sudden be pretty hairy on the battlefield when tanks are fielded earlier or up armoured or FC is improved. Aircraft see service earlier or are loaded out for CAS,

I created a Canadian OOB once a few years ago where the decision was taken to buy Soviet kit with some Western upgrades. (The US was furious) It was a blast.

Must run, PanzerBob
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

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Old June 2nd, 2007, 06:41 AM
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Default Re: Alt History Campaign, 44-46 (sw) SS KG Griffo

KG Griffon War Diary 08 May 45

Since our last major engagement, we�ve been advancing with the Div along the northern Loire River valley. There have been some counterattacks by the Americans, but not in our sector. Most of our work on the advance has been policing up Third Army stragglers, Partisan actions and reacting to air attacks.

During this time, I�ve managed replace some of our equipment:

Beob/HQ Zug- SzPzW I Rommel (our new tracked APC)
Recce Gp- 2 more SdKfz 255 Hyena (Puma follow on with IR vision)
Panther Kp- 3x Panther F�s
Tiger Kp- 2 more Tiger II D�s
PzGren Kps- 3x Rommels� (for Kp & Zug CO�s)2x Schwarzpanthers (FC upgrade, IR Vision,Armour Mods on Jagdpanther.
SPG Zug- 1x Sturmpanzer IV

I�ve been informed that a large part of our good fortune is due to success by the Luftwaffe in a sweeping interdiction campaign. We�ve made a huge impact on fuel supplies and reinforcements, and it is showing in the ever-retreating Allied forces.

Our Divisional Objective is St. Nazaire.

We are to halt on a rough line, north-south axis between the village of Sauenay and the Loire River to prepare for the final drive on St Nazaire. The Americans are preparing to defend the area, perhaps in hopes of an evacuation.

[img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] [img]/threads/images/Graemlins/Lightning.gif[/img] Obersturmbannf�hrer PanzerBob
Eternal War(gaming) PanzerBob

"Whenever in future wars the battle is fought, panzer troops will play the decisive role..."
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