need some help with my 1st mod
I have read the mod manual, and do not see any charts or advice to get the location of weapons and armors that are not common. Edi's list cannot be opened because i do not have office, only word.
In any event this is a very simple 1st effort. The goal is to have a national hero start the game as a Man commander, and to modify the tower guards. I would also like to start the game 300 gold short to "pay" for the hero. I have the text saved on
microsoft word. How do i make that a dm file? I saw the advice to someone else to save as allfiles, but i do not get that option.
here is what i have so far:
#modname �Beowulf�
#description � This mod gives Man a national Hero to start the game, and for more gold and resources, improves the noncapital infantry unit the Tower Guard. As a penalty for starting with a hero, man starts the game with 300 less gold.�
# icon
#version 1.0
# selectnation 30
#startscout �Beowulf� 2037
#selectmonster 63(tower guard)
# clear
# descr �The Tower Guard are the elite unit of Man, and serve as the last defense of the Tower of Chelms. They receive a defense bonus when defending castles.�
# ap 13
# mapmove 1
# hp 11
# prot 0
# size 2
# str 10
# att 11
# def 11
# enc 3
# prec 10
# mr 10
# morale 12
# gcost 14
# rcost 23
# weapon broadsword 8
# armor full chain mail 18
# armor full helmet 21
# armor Shield 2
# nametype 102
# castledef 1
# newmonster 2037
# name Beowulf
# descr �A knight of unequaled physical stature and renown, Beowulf slew the dreaded monster Grendal in a fierce single combat. Near death, poisoned, and without hope for himself, Beowulf cut out the creature�s heart and ate it to insure it remained dead. Beowulf immediately began to recover from his wounds, and no longer felt the creature�s poison burning his blood. He later swore allegiance to the Knights of Avalon and joined their cause. In return, he was gifted with a magical weapon and armor.�
# sprl(lord of war image)
# spr2(lord of war image)
# ap 15
# mapmove 3
# hp 27
# prot 10
# size 2
# str 17
#enc 2
# att 15
# def 15
# prec 11
# mr 16
# mor 14
# gcost 25
# rcost 1
# weapon �sword of sharpness� (weapon number)
# armor �shield of valor� (armor number)
# armor �chain mail of displacement� (armor number)
#armor � horned helmet� (armor number)
# fear 0
# forestsurvival
# maxage 300
#itemslots 13574
#startage 37
#poisonres 100
# goodleader
# heal
any help would be appreciated.
"War is an art and as such is not susceptible of explanation by fixed formula."
- General George Patton Jr.