Re: Giants in North America
Well, that's a very simple question to answer.
How are the *human* nations we already have different from one another?
It will just take some creativity and imagination on the part of whoever wants to do a nation mod to make them distinct and exciting-and without that creativity, it doesn't matter what the origins are-and in this case, there isn't a lot known about the culture in question.
They were mound-builders, they worked with regular human natives-who may have bred with the original "dog-headed giants" to produce hybrids. They seem to have preceded the Indian tribes that were in the area when the settlers showed up. They used stone weapons but also seem to have had some metal-working ability. They may have been involved in a massive states-wide war around 1000ad. There's quite a lot of anomalous material in the United States that could be tied in-the copper pit-mines in Michegan, the iron furnaces in Ohio, the article in Smithsonian Magazine about the lost city in the Grand Canyon, Vikings and Chinese explorers. The mounds and mound-builders themselves-and ofcourse your basic, everyday Indian culture, myths, legends, spirits, and monsters. All sorts of interesting, weird details that could be drawn on.
It's kind of like brine shrimp-just add giants and your imagination!
You've sailed off the edge of the map--here there be badgers!