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Old April 3rd, 2007, 11:10 AM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: New Mod: The Hoburg Kingdom

Further testing seems to suggest that the PD is a bit over the top, although that might be because I'm playing against the AI. In any case, it is certainly very strong.
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Old April 3rd, 2007, 06:35 PM

normalphil normalphil is offline
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Default Re: New Mod: The Hoburg Kingdom

PD is supposed to be very powerful, LE Tien Chi level. Literally an extremely large well-organized and outfitted national militia. But I've gone back and looked at it.

Province Defense
For the first twenty points you get 4 militia-grade per point and one strength 2 priest
3 Landwehr per point (morale nine with crossbows and leather cuirasses)
1 Landwehr Lancer per point (morale nine with light lances and leather cuirasses)

For twenty and over you get 4 normal-grade per point and one strength 2 mage
3 Line Infantry per point (morale twelve with crossbows and plate cuirasses)
1 Lancer per point (morale twelve with light lances and plate cuirasses)

55 gold (strength 10) 30 Landwehr, 10 Landwehr lancers, 1 chaplain (value 410)
210 gold (strength 20) 60 Landwehr, 20 Landwehr lancers, 1 chaplain, 1 chemist (value 840)
465 gold (strength 30) 90 Landwehr, 30 Landwher lancers, 30 Line Infantry, 10 Lancers, 1 chaplain, 1 chemist (value 1640)
820 gold (strength 40) 120 Landwehr, 40 Landwher lancers, 60 Line Infantry, 20 Lancers, 1 chaplain, 1 chemist (value 2480)

20- isn't much of a problem, for all that it's STRONG. The basic issue is that everybody has a crossbow (except the cavalry, and there aren't enough of them for everyone else to rout after they all die). You really can't hold that against them.

20+ /is/ a problem, though. Maxing provincial defense /should/ be a case of diminishing returns, and it just isn't right now to any significant degree. Also, that isn't a Landwehr force, its become a frickn' field army. I'll drop it down to 1 line-infantry per point, and nothing else.

Revised Province Defense
For the first twenty points you get 4 militia-grade per point and one strength 2 priest
3 Landwehr per point (morale nine with crossbows and leather cuirasses)
1 Landwehr Lancer per point (morale nine with light lances and leather cuirasses)

For twenty and over you get 1 normal-grade per point and one strength 2 mage
1 Line Infantry per point (morale twelve with crossbows and plate cuirasses)
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Old April 4th, 2007, 06:55 PM

normalphil normalphil is offline
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Default Re: New Mod: The Hoburg Kingdom

Version 0.8

Starting units and province defenses reduced. Non-hero cavalry given a new 'gore' attack at reduced attack skill. Adds a late-game unit summon. Some text changes.
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Old April 5th, 2007, 06:00 PM

Shovah32 Shovah32 is offline
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Default Re: New Mod: The Hoburg Kingdom

Nice mod. Ive just started playing and have yet to use any national summons but im liking it. Its turn 15 and i have 11 Officers of the great hoburg kitchens cranking out armies for me and im putting up my second fort now so i can produce chemists and kitchen officers at the same time. I went for an E4F4S3 insane wizard(awake) with great economy scales(and drain 2).

Will report more after ive played for longer.
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Old June 27th, 2010, 04:31 PM

normalphil normalphil is offline
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Default Re: The Hoburg Kingdom v0.8

Version 0.91


Well, I’ve kept at this intermittently and I think it’s pretty much done, barring tweaks.

I dropped the Officers of the Great Kitchen a few revisions ago, since I never could get them to be something other than quick to build mini-forts.

Lowered the castle production bonus. Dropped shields for all infantry- LA Man may have it, but these guys don’t.

Lowered the cost and size of the national summons, as well as the providence of their weapons.

Kept the insane pretender choice as a copied R’yleh insanity instead of giving it shattered soul, purely for in-game text reasons. For some reason his default name seems to always be “Azzo”.

I ran with the “Manufactories Endeavors” national summons concept to the point that there’s a potential mid-game faction internal change-over with Kleinstampfers, if you structure the side properly. Otherwise they’re welcome support units. Just don’t get them wet.

I dropped the Riesengarde, (sacred giants) and then later added the Riesengarde (capital-only Mournful with uniforms). I gave them traitor princes with uniforms as amphibious officers for synergy.
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