I wrapped up a mod using the new unit maker.
Here are my impressions and a few bugs I found.
This was my first time using the unit maker to make a mod, so I was a bit slow with it, and I am not sure it saved me any time at all working on the mod. That being said, I think the more I use it, the faster I will get with it.
It did save me from the annoying typos I make that crash the game the first time I run a mod.
The weapon and armor list is very limited. I found myself adding weapons and armors after I had finished the unit in the creator.
You cannot enter negative values in the protection/resistance fields to create vulnerabilities.
Using "seduce" to create an ability like "#seduce 15" yielded "#seduce15" instead. I am not sure if this would have caused an issue in the game, i just added the space between the value and the command just incase.
Make monster is a tad limited, but that is no biggy.
Overall impression...
I love this tool. I am going to use it for now on. As I get better with it, I believe it will save me a lot of time, if it is not saving me time already. It eliminated the need for me to hunt down those first run typos I normally make thus saving me time and headache.
Excellent work, simply incredible!