Re: Some questions about game
If you're going to use stationary defenses at a warp point, you need to...
1. Also have mobile elements -- fighters if you're feeling thrifty, plus ships if you're not -- to chase the attackers down after they move...
2. ...or, perhaps, plasma missiles might fit that role if your opponents aren't PD-heavy, because plasma missiles -- especially IV and V -- are *fast*, and in numbers they'll hit pretty hard. But you'll need a lot if you intend to slow down a warfleet.
3. ...or, find ways to prevent their rushing past you. Mines, for instance, always hit if not swept, and ISTR that they detonate before battle. Engine-killing weapons work well; if you have, say, a Starbase (!) at a warp point, putting massive-base-mount ion beams on it, plus, say, MBM tractors and repulsers, you can do some nasty stuff. Especially if you're Religious w/ the Talisman so you always hit at the maximum range.
Added: Be sure to have something in the area to finish off the crippled ships. A heavily armed flotilla might well come with repair ships, and if at the end of battle the enemy is immobilized, he'll still be at YOUR side of the warp point -- and once he finishes repairs, he can leave that sector and wander through your system w/o fighting the warp point defenses again. And bases and other immobile stuff can't start fights to finish him off before that happens, so you'd want to bring something else in even if it's only fighters rush-built for the occasion.
-- The thing that goes bump in the night
[This message has been edited by Taqwus (edited 12 June 2001).]
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