I finished the basic version of necronomicon file. It contains all common spells of all schools (531), but not national ones. Columns: paths(primary first), spell name, research level, research school, battle/ritual.
I tested it with my spellbook script and with the following command:
egrep -v '(F|W|A|E|S|D|N|B)* [^ ]* [0-9] (Conjuration|Alteration|Enchantment|Construction|H oly|Thaumaturgy|Evocation|Blood_Magic) (battle|ritual)' necronomicon
...but it's not a perfect way, I'm afraid. It found two typos (Conuration, Enchantmen) so there could be more. Please report if you find any. It was a very tedious work, and I occasionaly caught myself writing wrong spell levels or battle instead of ritual (or vice versa).
Dust off your regular expression skills and have some fun ! Also check following linux commands:
egrep, awk, wc, diff, sort, uniq, cut, cat, and
cowsay. The last one is not installed by default.
And don't forget to praise me.
- national spells
- additional columns: number of effects, range, area of effect, duration, underwater/surface/anywhere, spell type, damage, and other boring stuff.