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Old January 15th, 2007, 04:01 AM
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Default Re: Kharam Dzu

HoneyBadger, I'm glad you like 'em. When I conceived of this nation of dwarven pirates the image of first generation diving gear immediately came to mind. As a result this nation is probably a little out of place even in the Late Ages, but the dwarves are always supposed to have a leg-up (or keg-up perhaps) in the realm of technology. Equipping them with 18th or 19th century-esque accessories seemed right. I've put aside my nation mods while working on Nova Deus and this on could really use an update... Great idea on the Nautilus, btw!
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Old January 16th, 2007, 02:45 PM
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Default Re: Kharam Dzu

Zepath: That's a great mod, respect !
Never had such a funny feeling while playing dom3 as with those dwarf pirates :-)
I wonder where you got all the ideas from ? The Beer Guard guy .... brilliant !
And after scanning the .dm file i found out about the parrot demon.... excellent !

Could you explain the "background" of the death magic skill ?
I understand it is thematic from the black skull and bone flag but somehow i feel that a seafaring race should have some air skills. Just can't imaging an dwarven pirate necromancer...

While playing i found myself recruiting only repeater-crossbowmen and bombards. (I still have to go underwater and try out those diver guys). Maybe it is my playstyle, but does not make the bombard (grenade thrower) the "normal" pirate guys useless ?

Some ideas i got while playing:
repeater-crossbowmen: Maybe those guys could use a nerf ? If the weapon idea is based on the chinese chu-ko-nu, the range and accuracy should be inferior to a normal bow.
As it is now the dwarfen repeater crossbowmen have longer range than a bigger human crossbowmen but twice the rate of fire ... seems unlogical to me, with all respect to the dwarfen craftmanship.
Adding castle defense bonus ?

Aging: All dwarfes seem to be rather young..

Bombards: maybe less damage and adding "strength not added" ? Also Armor-Piercing or just flame damage instead of Armor Negating damage ? And maybe less range / less accuracy..

Idea for new units:
Sniper: A commander. I think of sailing-age sharpshooters sniping at enemy captains from the top of the mast.

Catapult: In the description of the bombards, you described big catapults on ships. Could not the dwarfes dismantle such an catapult and use it on land instead of on ships ?

For all the shieldless, armorless guys like longbeards:
adding a unit like a "tower shield bearer". He once stole a big tower shield of an enemy and now carry this shield with both hands into battle to give the longbeards cover. Unit has ridicule fighting skill (useless kick), high enc and slow movement but thanks to the huge shield good shield protection and big size (2) to attract arrows.

Have to go back to the game and launch some raiding partys :-)
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Old January 16th, 2007, 11:45 PM
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Default Re: Kharam Dzu

How about a dwarf close-combat specialist with bladed armor and armed with daggers?

Sniper's very good.

I'm thinking seige engines might work a bit like Early Era Ermor's gladiators-you pay a fee to "rent" them for one battle-the cost of setting them up, and then they're "left behind". Included with small catapults (or better yet a horizontal vector mangonel-ballista, unless you're throwing fire, or throwing over a body of soldiers.) could be giant shields.
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Old February 9th, 2007, 02:56 PM

Sombre Sombre is offline
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Default Re: Kharam Dzu

This sounds very fun and I'll give it a go tomorrow. I'm surprised more people haven't had a look at this one.
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Old February 12th, 2007, 04:24 AM

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Default Re: Kharam Dzu

I got around to trying out this great mod and I had a blast. The nation is brimming with character, yet it surprisingly doesn't feel that out of place in Dominions.

I haven't played it enough to make any balancing suggestions, but it seems to me that rather than beer the pirates would be more concerned about rum or grog. I'm also curious to know why you decided to stick to only one nametype rather than giving the national heroes set names.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 03:04 AM

Theonlystd Theonlystd is offline
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Default Re: Kharam Dzu

Now of course this is my opinion

but these guys feel more like Goblins Than Dwarfs. You gotta use horde tatics and if anything big shows up expect to lose craploads. I dont see y Dwarfs couldnt be size 2 while not as tall as humans im sure they could make up for it in bulk. Hp in line with humans feels wrong. Dwarfs are supposed to be "tougher" .. And then late age and only 6 Protection :| Dwarfs die by the boatloads to shortbows and slings. Then Dwarfs using Falchions?!?!?!?!?

Have to agree with a guy above. Air Magic makes more sense then Death

Stil a fun mod and a nice change of pace.
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Old February 17th, 2007, 01:50 PM

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Default Re: Kharam Dzu

They're pirate dwarves, not warhammer or Lord of the rings dwarves. I like the fact that they're different too. Dominions is a game which tends to shy away from stereotypical fantasy nations.
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Old June 4th, 2007, 05:16 PM
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Default Re: Kharam Dzu

There are graphics for a very nice "cannon" unit, which doesn't seem to be in this mod yet. Any plans to add it?
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Old June 4th, 2007, 05:24 PM
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Default Re: Kharam Dzu

Even in LoTR, dwarves carried around swords a lot more than they did axes. Infact-I'm not sure-but I think that in the Hobbit, the dwarves all had swords, not an axe among them.
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Old June 4th, 2007, 07:07 PM

BandarLover BandarLover is offline
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Default Re: Kharam Dzu

You would be correct Honeybadger. I think the axes only came into play at the Battle of Five Armies...even then though, I dunno. Been too long since I last read The Hobbit.
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