I'm really loving the Newbie game hosted by Sheap. That's the reason I wish to host another one.
A few things I wish to concretize beforehand:
- It will be an early age game.
- You must consider yourself a newbie in Dominions 3.
- You must not use heavy Bless strategy if you are using Niefelheim, Vanheim, Helheim or Mictlan. Anyone reported and found to violate this rule will be set to AI with master password.
- It will be 24h quickhost.
- All settings will be default, except the hall of fame, that will be set to 15.
- All players must set a password.
- The map will be decided after I we know how many are interested in joining.
Any ideas? I think I will make it PBEM, or better uploading the files to my server, so the players could download. This will keep the mailboxes clean. And I will write in here when a new turn is generated. Or if someone would help me, like hosting on a server... That would be the best. Please be patient with me, since this will be my very first D3 hosting.
[I would like to play Abysia, and I will not use heavy bless strategy with Burning Ones. - Since we will start 3.00 Burning One bless is not possible, since those poor burning guys got a huge fatigue due a bug.]
Nations and leaders:
Abysia - WSzaboPeter
Agartha - Zebion
Caelum - Shovah32
C'tissssss - RamsHead
Ermor - Saarud
Kailasa - Zrave
Pangaea - Foodstamp
Ryleh - Potatoman
Sauromatia - LeSquide
Ulm - Havis
Tien Chi - Faj
Atlantis - CharonJr
1. Kydorias <-- if you wish you can join in AdrianP's place.
2. Hako
3. YellowCactus
4. Mind Elemental
Any ideas for the map? Anyone? I think
AomOrc 3.00 by Ballbarian would be a great choice... Any o ther suggestion?
Sheap offered to host the game on his server. Thanks a lot.
Server details: ip: port: 2002
Shortcut: dom3.exe -C --ipadr --port 2002 --nocredits --nonationsel