NTJedi said:
I've never seen weak little mage pretenders sent into the death match... and I've played many games. There's so many opponents already attending the death match that your SC will do little or no effect for the results. Whether you send someone or not all of them will die except one. And the one which wins will most likely never meet your SC. As a test see how often you win the death match early game against 10 AI opponents... after a few of these tests you'll see it's better just to sit in the stadium and watch the results.
Weak little mages? No.
Very expensive (and very weak) priests? Yes.
Propehts? Yes.
Combat-Useless pretenders (like the Great Mother)? Yes.
Also, if you saw an AI enter his pretender into the deathmatch, you can easily slay it in the next deathmatch by preparing the proper counter. (especially since the AI tends to send his pretenders with almost no magical items and "badly scripted")