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Old November 3rd, 2005, 12:40 PM
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Default Re: steel naval

welk said:
Citation :
"Is there a way to integrate the naval oob's, icons, lbm's into the 'regular' game easily, without overwriting existing files? I'd love to use these in existing scenarios, played against the AI."

Beeg : Sorry, I don't understand because the automatic translator works bad. Can you explain with others words ?
Welk, for instance, can the naval units you created be transferred to the original WinSPMBT without erasing and replacing the original units? So I can play an original beach (land) scenario with your naval units?

Sorry about my language skills...maybe someone can help. Plasma?

Thanks again,

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Old November 3rd, 2005, 05:00 PM

welk welk is offline
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Default Re: steel naval

OK, I understand

Yes, it is possible:

1- Transfer all the files of the repertoire " Pictures " (LBM files) of the game towards a repertoire "SOS" and to keep(preserve) them there: game will work without images
" Pictures " (it is necessary, because otherwise certain tanks will have images of vessels)

2- Restore WSPMBT's original OOB for any countries safe GREEN and RED (this 2 OOB of the mod has to remain implanted)

3- Create a scenario with a country of your choice

4- Having bought the units of this country, use function(office) "Ally" to buy vessels: choose the flag GREEN or RED and to buy the vessels which you want

5- Continue your scenario as usual.

The handwrittings of vessels were create besides handwritting of the game, so there will be no problem.

Attention : it is necessary to play without the sound because the mod uses certain sounds of armored cars and weapons of the game, and you will have strange sounds if you use sounds (cf: armoured with a noise of boat)
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Old November 3rd, 2005, 05:03 PM

welk welk is offline
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Default Re: steel naval

Her is a new patch for STEEL_NAVAL( some news ships and pictures)

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Old November 4th, 2005, 05:13 AM
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Default Re: steel naval

Thinking about this, Welk,

maybe you could, besides the main mod you issued here, come up with a small standard pack adding a number of standard ready-to-use naval units of yours into the standard WinSPMBT game? Jut what you described above, only fully squared out and compatible.
That pack would include your custom icons, images, sounds, and use one or several custom OOBs, that would allow the SPMBT player to buy off some ships as allied units.

Or just get out an icon+lbm+sound pack, then anyone can edit their ships using MOBhack (I've already seen this done, only with a gunboat icon and land weapons it wastes it somehow...)




Welk, � propos de ce que demandais Beeg,

Je me disais qu'il serait peut-�tre possible de sortir un pack "all�g�" et standardis� pour WinSPMBT, avec une s�lection d'unit�s navales de ton mod regroup�es dans un OOB standard, qui pourraient ainsi �tre achet�es comme unit�s alli�es par les joueurs, comme tu le proposais. Ce pack comprendrait bien s�r les ic�nes, images et sons correspondants, le tout compatible avec les fihiers d'origine (pas de fichiers SPMBT supprim�s).
En fait, le fichier .oob est presque superflu, une s�lection de fichiers ic�nes+lbm+sons plac�s aux bons endroits pourrait permettre � tout le monde d'�diter ses propres unit�s navales dans le jeu de d�part.

Si tu te sens de sortir un truc dans ce genre (sorte de "patch naval" pour WinSPMBT), �a pourrait �tre interessant aussi, et �a faciliterait le travail de ceux qui veulent rajouter des unit�s navales dans le jeu.

Au fait, j'ai commenc� � revoir ton readme en anglais, je t'envoie une version r�vis�e d�s que possible.
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Old November 4th, 2005, 06:47 AM

welk welk is offline
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Default Re: steel naval


Merci pour le readme, c'est tr�s sympa. Tu es tomb� dans une marmite d'anglais quand tu �tais petit ?

Pour le pack all�g� : c'est une excellente id�e, mais pb : Modder Steel Panthers me fatigue pas mal les yeux et je pr�f�re ne pas trop forcer. Et aussi, ce qui me pla�t dans le modding, c'est explorer les possibilit�s d'un domaine totalement vierge. Maintenant, je connais d�j� le sujet, et j'ai moins envie de bosser la-dessus : je vais faire encore quelques sc�narios de d�mo et puis je laisserai les joueurs et autres moddeurs �ventuels s'emparer de la b�te

Si quelqu'un veut s'y atteler, pas de pb. Pour les graphismes : ils sont ajout�s en plus et sont donc compatibles avec les fichiers d'origine

Pour les sons : il serait possible d'utiliser les sons du jeu de base pour le mouvement des navires et des avions
( il faudrait retrouver les N� exacts qui correspondent), ainsi que pour le son des canons.

Pour les Pictures LBM : l�, pb : on peut implanter des LBM diff�rents dans WSPMBT, mais je n'ai jamais r�ussi � en ajouter de nouveaux sans prendre le nom de fichier d'un lbm original.


Thank you for the readme translation, it is very nice. Did you fall in a pot of English When you were young ?

For the pack : it is an excellent idea, but pb: this modding work with SPMBT tires me Badly eyes and I prefer too much not to force.

On the other hand, if somebody wants to get down to it, not of pb.

For icones : They are added in more and are so compatible with the files of origin

For sounds: it would be possible to use the sounds of the basic game for Movement of vessels and planes (it would be necessary to find the exact number which correspond), as well as for the sound of artillery.

For Pictures LBM: there, pb: we can implant different LBM in WSPMBT, but I have never managed to add it of new without taking the name of file Of an original lbm.

Sorry for my poor english !
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Old November 4th, 2005, 07:25 AM

Marek_Tucan Marek_Tucan is offline
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Default Re: steel naval

welk said:
Sorry for my poor english !
Heh, don't worry, I'm afraid that had I tried to write something such in French (despite the fact I'm learning it) it'd be a pure disaster
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Old November 4th, 2005, 08:57 AM
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Default Re: steel naval

Plasma, thanks for your help. You explained what I was trying to say perfectly.

I've wanted to have larger and more diverse naval units available for use in SPMBT & SPWW2 for a while now - just for my own use. I like the frigate that Listy designed (excellent work, Listy) which can be configured to represent a number of different naval units. The only drawback is that it's in 3 sections.

As we've discussed, there is a nice naval destroyer in SPWaW. Maybe welk can have a look at it, just for reference, not to use or copy.

I realize larger naval units don't fit the scope of SPMBT but I enjoy playing with the flexibity the game offers...which is another reason it's the best game of it's type.

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Old November 4th, 2005, 09:41 AM

welk welk is offline
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Default Re: steel naval

Here are 2 demo scenarios for STeel Naval :

Naval 4 : French Navy (cocorico!!!!!!!!!!) vs Italian Navy

Naval 5 : Great aeronaval battle in Pacific ( US Navy vs Japanese Navy )


Beeg : I have not downloaded SPWAW (I don't like it, I prefer WSPMBT and SPWW2. Can you send me a screenshot of the destroyer ? ( for create it, you must choose "Windowed" in the main screen when you lunch SPMBT ) - Thanks

I take advantage of the occasion to say this to all : I know that american players make much more of modding than French players. So, the interrested players in naval warfare can use Steel Naval's files to create their own naval mods or to modify Steel Naval as they want without ask me and to diffuse it then : no problem for that, Steel_naval is free. Juste send me 5000 Us dollars when you use it...
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Old November 4th, 2005, 10:10 AM
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Default Re: steel naval

Beeg said:
Plasma, thanks for your help. You explained what I was trying to say perfectly.
Also, as I said, there is always the option of tweaking some PBR using the 'D' function in the scenario deploy phase, that's what is generally done, it seems even easier with the new version (last time I tried it with DOS SPMBT I could't reach the things' EW, so they performed very poorly against aircrafts), but you'll always have to use ground systems as a base (like, say, no Standard SAMs).

That was why I thought that some built-in blue water crafts (reserved for player use of course) could be used, particularly with good graphics and sounds available.

BTW, Beeg, if you'd like to scavenge the STEEL_NAVAL files to wrap it up into some compact mod, I think you can have a good time, ask Welk about it, but he seems to have stopped any work on this very mod.

Oh, and if you do so (or anyone), please, please not in the UN OOB, there is also the expanded UN mod ready (for UN campaigns), I'll have to beat me hard enough to get back to work on it, but at least I want to be able to play both!
Aw, no worries, I'm the silly bugger in that case, I can spend some time readjusting a couple files as well!
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Old November 4th, 2005, 10:14 AM
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Default Re: steel naval


I cannot get a screen capture from SPWaW...it doesn't appear there is a windowed mode. I don't play it very often, so I'm not sure.

Thank you for the permission to use your mod. My check for $5000 is in the mail

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