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Old September 30th, 2005, 03:40 PM
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Default Re: Extra toys for scenario designers...

I put them in the UN, along with the 'suicide bombers' etc as (currently) that is a convenient place for such items without impinging on other slots in the OOB, and is available over the whole time-range.
"Ki te mutunga" - "Through to the end".
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Old October 10th, 2005, 02:04 PM

Marek_Tucan Marek_Tucan is offline
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Default Re: Extra toys for scenario designers...

I have been trying to make similar units into my OOB, incl. also aircrafts hangars (light, heavy, underground) or protected A/C dispersals (open-top), radio and radar antennaes, fuel dumps (class "Ammo dump" to provide great explosions), perhaps I'd try to elaborate.

Btw what about giving radio and radar masts FC of 100 ratehr than vision? And then they'd be able to be targeted by SEAD aircrafts (say a scen in which the failure of SEAD strike to elliminate one of mission critical targets, say AAA radar, leads to changes in player plan under fire etc...).
This post, as well as being an ambassador of death for the enemies of humanity, has a main message of peace and friendship.
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Old October 11th, 2005, 03:37 PM
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Default Re: Extra toys for scenario designers...

Btw what about giving radio and radar masts FC of 100 ratehr than vision? And then they'd be able to be targeted by SEAD aircrafts (say a scen in which the failure of SEAD strike to elliminate one of mission critical targets, say AAA radar, leads to changes in player plan under fire etc...).
Good point, what good is there to have a radar tower stading still if you cannot shower it with ARMs first place? If nothing else that would be a good start for such a scenario, having a pre-planned SEAD strike (successful or not) rushing at the target radar (or radar to defend?...).

Now if anything else, you could use such a fixed radar unit as the commanding unit of a SAM battery, each SAM launcher with lower EW and no radio, so once the target unit/search radar/battery HQ destroyed they would be at a loss doing any harm to enemy planes...
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