Lets face it, we all knew that they would be lucky to see five seasons. It angers me greatly that the series was shuffled butted around on that god forsaken crap network UPN, but that is the name of the game when your dealing with idiot dribble like the SOB's that run UPN. Hell my retard stepbrother could run UPN far better than the momma's boys they got now.
And WTF was paramount thinking any ways? It sickens me that they would produce seven years of that shudder inducing, barf summoning Voyager, but cancel ENT after only four simple getting to know you seasons.
This is just a clear indication of how utterly enept the people running Paramount, Star Trek, and UPN are. They
refuse to listen to the fans, play shuffle board with the time slots, and employ hack writers to come up with "Romulan" episodes for a series that by all rights SHOULD NOT HAVE HAD Romulans in it.
Oh there was a work around for it, but again the idiot yuppies who were producing Enterprise refused to listen. The show suffored, the fan base evaporated, and now the show is all but failed. This is a sad day indeed. Not since TOS was cancelled have we seen such a thing.
When you consider the fans stupid, and refuse to listen to what they are saying, and go ahead and produce episodes that
decimate establish Trek lore, you get burned.
If I were producing Enterprise the first rule I would have had would have been to state that the Romulan Conflict happened BEFORE the series started. Or, even better, have the Romulan Conflict as the catalyst for Enterprise and not this crappy *** temperal war BS that was force fed to us.
The reason that no one knew what the Romulan looked like was because Star Fleet deemed it top secret in order to preserver the Human Vulcan alliance. Hell if people of earth found out that the people they just fought a war with were the direct ansestors of their ally, they would raise holly hell over it.
But oh no, this was to complicated for the Dumb arse over at Paramount to figure out.
The Klingon ridge issue could have been explained away as the Klingons while attempting to appear more human in order to inflitrate the Federation, suffored a horrific biological catastrophy that resulted in the genetic alteration of their appearance and swept through their poplulace like a raging plague.
The Klingons would be embarassed by this and would spend the next 120 years looking for a way to reverse it. This would explain away the differance between TOS and TMP klingons. Again, this was too complicated for the writers to figure out.
I am so PO'ed right now that I need to go do something else.
I should post this over at
(Remember you cannot use names when making direct comments about poeple because those named might sue you for emotional or professional distress. GD cry babies!)