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Old December 19th, 2004, 02:49 PM

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Default Re: Power of Themes

I was wondering if some one could rank the themes in order of what they thin is the best theme.
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Old December 23rd, 2004, 12:05 PM

Steerpike Steerpike is offline
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Default Re: Power of Themes

I have been thinking about this question for a while.
there is oodles of Forum space dedicated to which is the best nation to play and it seems it depends on so many variables(pretender, Dominion, Scales, national troops, Summons, damage spells) that it is virtually impossible to give a definitive 'BEST' answer. I have crushed Caelum in Multi player and been crushed by said nation. (I have only played 3 multi games, so what do I know).
THAT is the beauty of this game.
How does Fatigue affect (so called) SC's, I found out in my Last game playing Niefel Giants( answer: A LOT).
Bet you never asked yourself that question.
How does fighting in Cold provinces affect Fatigue(answer:A LOT)
This game is complex, really, really complex and the only way to discover just how complex is to play multi.
Hell I have heard that the QT3 boys have completely different tactics to the forum boys. I would love to see a grudge match.
Why am I talking at length on a seemingly dead thread?
I think its because I have been a lurker for so long (long enough to pine for Norfleets return, Or wonder why Arryn hasnt posted in ages, or SOB that Mosehansen got sick of the game and took away his awesome website for hosting games)
They are all good, except for Tien Chi which seems to be the ugly duckling played by people who love punishment.
Just play against people and you will learn soooo much it will open your eyes forever.
I know it did for me.
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Old December 23rd, 2004, 12:30 PM
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Default Re: Power of Themes

Even T'ien Ch'i, seen as the weakest nation (usually), can win games; Zen did, with Spring & Autumn. T'ien Ch'i has some strengths, the basic troops covered, a very cheap non capitol-only researcher, and makes for a nice ally to have around. A matter of styles I guess. Ulm is the one nation I would call too weak myself, even in the early game when their troops are supposed to be superior.

I was wondering the same about Arryn actually. My guess is that she grew tired with the forum, but I am not her spokesperson, so.
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Old December 23rd, 2004, 12:56 PM
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Default Re: Power of Themes

I don't get why T'ien Ch'i is considered hopeless either. Seems like rigid thinking to me.
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Old December 23rd, 2004, 01:32 PM
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Default Re: Power of Themes

I like both Ulm and T'ien Ch'i, though I wouldn't necessarily argue they have some sort of net advantage over the others. They both have some good strengths. Depends on whom they have to fight, at what research levels, under what game settings, on what map, etc.

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Old December 23rd, 2004, 07:11 PM

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Default Re: Power of Themes

If Ulm could just get 1 random on their smiths, they would be great...
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Old December 24th, 2004, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: Power of Themes

Which is essentially what Iron Faith Ulm has.

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Old December 24th, 2004, 03:44 PM
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Default Re: Power of Themes

Except that Iron Faith loses the research-immunity to Drain, and has otherwise reduced magic compared to the smiths (1E1? vice 2E1F). This is hardly "great", especially given that Iron Faith has an enforced drain scale, pretty much crippling magic research for them.

True, they get better priests than base Ulm, and a decent (but resource heavy and capitol only) sacred troop, but it still seems like a crippled Ulm to me. As though base Ulm needed to be crippled.
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Old December 24th, 2004, 05:50 PM
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Default Re: Power of Themes

One of my gripes about Tien Chi is that the Imperial troops are too expensive. For 13 gold (30% more than regular human troops), you get +2 morale and +1 def, or +1 morale and +2 precision. For a nation which is supposed to have superior soldiers, this is unimpressive. Vanheim hirdmen have +1 attack, +1 defence and +1 morale for only 12 gold, for example. Machaka hoplites, which also cost 12, are better still.
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Old December 25th, 2004, 02:25 PM
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Default Re: Power of Themes

I enjoy playing both regular Ulm and if Ulm. Gaining a random pick and priests is a major advantage, and Black Templars are a minor advantage if you'd be using Black Knights (halved upkeep at the very least). So having the major disadvantage to research just makes them different to my mind, not crippled. With random picks allowing forging of more research items, I think Ulm can eventually catch up on research, and Ulm doesn't particularly need research in the early game. With IF though I think it is more tempting to take a many-path pretender, so power boost items can be forged for all those level-1 magic abilities.

As for imperial T'ien Ch'i, I tend to agree I'd like to see the troops be cheaper. What kind of obedient massed minions demand premium salaries? Off with their heads! However their archers are better than most in at least three ways: type of bow, access to speed-2 archers, and shortswords rather than daggers.

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