im kinda surprised im getting to add these two in... they happen to be two of my very Favorites.
At alteration 5 you get drain life which is range 25 but awesome for many many reasons. Apparently so long as your not shooting an inanimate target it fatigues the target even if you miss, while doing 14+ armor negating damage when you hit. Also the fatigue and damage(?) you do get given to the caster, or some fraction of it.
At alteration 6 you get petrify which is also range 25, and while magic resistance negates, a failed MR means instant death, and even if you make your MR you get paralyzed. Very good for anti-SC fire.
alteration 6 is probably my favorite magical research level to hit. Theres just so many magical goodies in alteration 5-6 (and the first few for that matter). I guess my other two would be construction 6 and conjuration 9
[ July 06, 2004, 18:15: Message edited by: Cheezeninja ]