Re: Bug - Asteroid w/ sphere/ring world
Actaully. . .
The point about Ring worlds/Sphere worlds being soo large adn takign up so much space and also the point about other planets not getting light.
1) If you build a gigantic sphere around a sun - guess what? It'll be hollow. This saves on alot of resources.
Q: Okay, but then you ask, but its 10x As big as a large planet.
A: If you build something like this the designers would design it to cram as many people into a small area as possible.
Think of our own earth. How much of the actual planet do we use? Not much, not much at all. If we were to dig downwards, and build upwards we could extend the volume size of the planet massively.
If you've got a Sphereworld, you'll work all this out to massive levels, and it'll be essentially hollow!
The point about light and other e-m waves getting to planets. . .
This doesn't happen in the game, but imaging making a giant sphere with sliding parts, like continents. These continents would slide around with cities on their backs letting light & heat through carefully spaced holes to follow the planets.
Thinking about it absoletely amaxing actually. . . but if you cna build a planet around a sun without getting inncinerated, then I think anything is possible.
My view on planet condension with no Sun in the system: I think you should be able to do.
MM might have done it so you have to reserch Sun Creator tech first, or something, but the error about a Sphere world not being a sun is a mess up IMO.
::new idea for SE4::
Customizable Sphereworlds.
If you are designing a planet, building it from scracth. . . why would you ened to build facilities on it AFTERWARDS?
Wouldn't you build them on the Gravithingy plating parts before you built the planet?
edit: Customizable Gravythingy plating parts, say each plate you can build 10 facilities on, and the whole Sphere world takes up 10x10=100 facilites as it does now.
John Beech