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Old March 10th, 2004, 08:46 PM
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Wauthan Wauthan is offline
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Default Units seldom used.

Just curious if you fellers know a trick or two about some units I never find any use for. Since there's no such thing as a redundant option I was hoping you might save them from a "moddy" end. If you can not then perhaps you can make a suggestion on how to improve the units? Feel free to add your own comments about units you don't use.

Abyssia - Humanbreds and Salamanders. The former is simply a lite Version of the basic troops and the latter is way expensive for it's punch. They're sole saving grace is a two point move but what's the point of being speedy if you can't actually beat anything you catch up with?

Arcosephale - Slingers and Light Cavalery. Slingers are waste of gold, which explains why they make out your PD. Even with spellsupport shortbow archers beat the snot out of them. Light Cavalery is expensive, fragile and inaccurate. Even if they get around the infantery they can not take down the commanders.

Atlantis - Spearmen. Sure they are cheap but I rather buy 5 reefwarriors over 10 spearmen. The former might Last the battle atleast.

Caelum Return of the Raptors - Raptor and Ravenguard have so far failed to prove why I should ever buy these units instead of the basic troops. Even when modding I could not come up with a balanced idea to "save" them.

C'Tis - Militia, Falchioneers, Slave and Elite Warriors. Militia suffers from the ordinary quantity does not beat quality problem. Falchioneers die far too fast and kill far too little, much like the Slave and Elite Warriors. The other C'Tis troops are remarkably more useful than these.

Ermor - Preatorian Guard. I get a highfatigue unit with an automatic affliction. The fact that it's got high morale (if it doesn't start with Battlefright) doesn't do much for this oldtimer.

Jotunheim - Jotun Huskarls and Hurlers. 1 point better morale verus 3 points lower protection. If I'm short on gold and resources I'll go for javelintossers (who got the range of a bow). Hurlers do a lot of damage yes? But the range is so short they are usually enter melee before throwing boulders and if they do those highdamage stones knocks down your own troops at an alarming rate. Again I go for Javelineers. Or the coolest unit ever created, the Mooseriders.

Machaka - Milita and Spider Riders. Spider Riders are not worth the price of 5 regular archers nor do they have anything like the staying power of a Spider Knight. When do you build these?

Man - Militia and Slingers.

Marignon - You get three units with increasingly longer weapons. I can see the use of only one of them. What am I missing here?

Pangea - When do you build Revelers? I never found their use.

Summons - Soulless, when you can get longdeads that actually hit something? Corpse Construct, you get a really expensive Soulless for those precious airgems. Iron Pigs, well they're cute and all but a size three trampler isn't really worth the magic.
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