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Old January 27th, 2004, 02:51 AM

Saxon Saxon is offline
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Default Dominion Spread

Dominion and how is it spread. I did a search and did not see anything, but, as always, if I missed a good thread, please feel free to point me to it.

Let us say I really want my dominion to spread and I am C’tis. I have a nice choke point with a temple and Ulm has a temple on the other side. I believe the preaching only effects the province I am in.

1. How quickly, if at all, is my dominion going to spread to his province?
2. Does this depend on my dominion strength?
2. The home province effect. How far does it reach?
3. The pretender and prophet effects. Do they reach beyond the province they are in?
4. My dominion strength. How does it really work? (I guess this is my key question)
5. I build more temples. Does the rate of spread go up as your strength goes up, or is it just to maximum total you can have?

My fiendish plan is to take advantage of my control of the oceans to surround him with temples. Then, as I can muster the troops, do hit and run, destroying his temples to reduce his counter to my temples. As you may have guessed, I am having a tough time taking Ulm out in battle, but I seem to have better dominion and have Mimosa, so spreading disease seemed like a nice idea.
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