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Old January 15th, 2004, 09:31 PM
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Default Re: New Dom2 Quick Reference Sheet


[ January 15, 2004, 20:24: Message edited by: Saber Cherry ]
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Old January 15th, 2004, 09:48 PM

Kjeld Kjeld is offline
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Default Re: New Dom2 Quick Reference Sheet

Marignon looks much more spanish than french (inquisition and, in the theme, navigators)
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Old January 15th, 2004, 09:51 PM

UNIVAC UNIVAC is offline
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Default Re: New Dom2 Quick Reference Sheet

Thanks for sharing your work with us!!
Keep it rolling!
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Old January 15th, 2004, 09:54 PM

HJ HJ is offline
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Default Re: New Dom2 Quick Reference Sheet

Originally posted by Saber Cherry:

Arc: SSS N F E A W ??? HHH hpr srm
A quick question: Why FEAW here? I know mystics get a random in elemental magic, but still, why not represent them as random (seeing that you also have ??? later on)? It's not guaranteed that you'll start with all of these, and it's not included in you initial mage selection.

And a quick note : Jotunheim is spelled "Jotumheim" in the pdf.
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Old January 15th, 2004, 10:35 PM
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Default Re: New Dom2 Quick Reference Sheet

EXCELLENT work. Another great example that Users can fill in the blanks nicely. Especially for a game where the devs allow the re-use of in-game graphics.
Thank You

[ January 15, 2004, 20:35: Message edited by: Gandalf Parker ]
This game is NOT suitable for students, interns, apprentices, or anyone else who is expected to pass tests on a regular basis. Do not think about strategies while operating heavy machinery. Before beginning this game make arrangements for someone to check on you daily. If you find that your game has continued for more than 36 hours straight then you should consult a physician immediately (Do NOT show him the game!)
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Old January 15th, 2004, 10:56 PM
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Default Re: New Dom2 Quick Reference Sheet

Originally posted by HJ:
Originally posted by Saber Cherry:

Arc: SSS N F E A W ??? HHH hpr srm
A quick question: Why FEAW here? I know mystics get a random in elemental magic, but still, why not represent them as random (seeing that you also have ??? later on)? It's not guaranteed that you'll start with all of these, and it's not included in you initial mage selection.
In my experience, if you build 2 or 3 mystics, you will have all the elemental paths at at least level 1. Technically Dominions has "#" (random elemental) "$" (random sorcery) and "?" (random magic) but these are not shown in the game, so there are no graphics but "?" for the PDF.
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Old January 15th, 2004, 10:57 PM

Gothmog Gothmog is offline
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Default Re: New Dom2 Quick Reference Sheet

Originally posted by Saber Cherry:
The whole amazing glut of info *snipped*
Good GRIEF, Saber Cherry. You're amazing. I'll try and get this stuff in over the next few days...
Great job! Boy do I have my work cut out for me!

Oh and great addition of the leader types. That'll work great.
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Old January 15th, 2004, 11:08 PM
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Default Re: New Dom2 Quick Reference Sheet

Originally posted by Gothmog:
Originally posted by Saber Cherry:
The whole amazing glut of info *snipped*
Good GRIEF, Saber Cherry. You're amazing. I'll try and get this stuff in over the next few days...
Great job! Boy do I have my work cut out for me!

Oh and great addition of the leader types. That'll work great.

Yeah, you BETTER appreciate it! I was supposed to be working and you distracted me

P.S. This might not all fit on your cute little reference chart, so if it doesn't, don't worry=) However, some things you might be able to condense by iconizing them: Flying, Poison, Stealthy, Fireproof, Trample, and etc have icons... and some, like Heavy and Light Cavalry, might be iconized by cutting a typical HCAV and LCAV unit pic from the game.

But please, don't feel pressured to do a huge amount of work just because I posted some information - if it's not fun, don't bother

[ January 15, 2004, 21:14: Message edited by: Saber Cherry ]
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Old January 16th, 2004, 01:17 AM
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Default Re: New Dom2 Quick Reference Sheet

Default Theme Nation Overview

National Priests and Mages:

Abbreviations: Fire Earth Air Water aStral Death Nature Blood Holy Unholy

Man: NNN AA ? HH
Ulm: EE F HH
Arc: SSS N F E A W ??? HHH
Erm: DD SS ? UUU
Jot: WW BB D N ?? HHH
Rly: SSS W ?? HHH
Tie: WW A S F ? HHH

National Troops:

arc=archers, xbow=crossbow, lbow=longbow, cmpbow=composite bow, sling=slingers, jav=javelins, psu=powerful sacred units, trmp=tramplers, bzk=berzerkers, fly=fliers, stealth=stealthy units, standard=has a standard-bearing unit, HCAV=heavy cavalry, MCAV=medium cavalry, LCAV=light cavalry, HI=Heavy Infantry, MI=Medium Inf, LI=Light Infantry, MLT=militia, monster=monsters (like hydras and spiders), poison (poison-using units), shifter (shape-shifters, like werewolves and were-spiders)

Light = Protection < 9
Medium = Protection 9 - 15
Heavy = Protection 16+

Aby: MI HI psu bzk monster
Atl: LI HI psu trmp poison
Pyt: MI HI HCAV jav monster poison standard
Man: MLT MI HI LCAV HCAV lbow sling psu stealth
Ulm: HI HCAV xbow
Cti: MLT LI MI HI jav monster poison standard
Arc: LI HI LCAV MCAV sling psu trmp monster
Cae: LI MI HI arc psu trmp fly monster
Erm: MI HI jav standard
Mar: MI HI HCAV xbow psu
Pan: MLT LI MI MCAV HCAV jav lbow trmp bzk fly stealth monster
Van: MI jav bzk psu stealth shifter fly
Jot: MLT MI HI LCAV jav stealth
Rly: MLT LI MI HI psu trmp monster
Mic: MLT LI MI sling jav psu standard shifter fly
Tie: MI HI LCAV MCAV cmpbow
Mac: MLT LI HI LCAV HCAV arc jav stealth psu monster poison

National Leaders:

assn=assassins, spy=spies, scout=scout, sprst=Stealth PRieSTs, sacrifice=Blood SaCrifice, srm=SacRed Mages, summon=summon allies, fly=flying, sail=sailing max=max leadership, stmax=stealthy max leadership

Aby: assn fly srm sacrifice max=50
Atl: scout srm max=125
Pyt: scout assn srm max=50
Man: scout spy srm max=50 stmax=25
Ulm: spy max=50
Cti: assn max=75
Arc: scout srm max=75
Cae: scout fly max=25
Erm: summon max=25
Mar: scout spy assn sprst srm max=80 stmax=25
Pan: scout sprst summon fly srm stmax=50
Van: scout sprst sail srm sacrifice stmax=50
Jot: scout max=50 stmax=25
Rly: scout summon srm max=25
Mic: scout summon srm sacrifice max=75
Tie: scout spy srm max=75
Mac: assn sprst shifter max=50 stmax=10

National Ranged Weapons:

sbow=short bow, xbow=crossbow, lbow=longbow, cmpbow=composite bow, sling=sling, jav=javelins, web=spider web spit, p.sling=poison sling

Aby: -
Atl: -
Pyt: jav
Man: lbow, sling
Ulm: arbalest
Cti: jav, p.sling
Arc: sling, jav, sbow
Cae: sbow
Erm: jav
Mar: xbow
Pan: lbow, jav
Van: jav
Jot: jav, boulders
Rly: mind bLast
Mic: jav, sling
Tie: cmpbow
Mac: sbow, jav, web

National Abilities:

Aby: heatproof, radiate heat, superhuman stats, likes heat+3, supply immune to death scale, wasteland survival, low precision
Atl: amphibious, aquatic units
Pyt: 2 strat move, communion slaves,
Man: spell-songs, cheap temples, exceptional archers
Ulm: cheap forging, drain immunity, low MR, super-heavy armor, +25% resources at castles
Cti: coldblooded, poison resistant, likes heat+1, low morale
Arc: troop-healing, scrying in dominion, cheap labs
Cae: flying, coldproof, high precision, cold-tempering armor, eat a lot, likes cold+3, magical weapons
Mar: priests suppress enemy dominion, high morale
Pan: recuperation for all units, low morale
Van: glamour on sacred units, likes cold+1
Jot: coldproof, giant and tiny units, likes cold+2
Rly: amphibious, aquatic units, high MR, high morale units, mindless units, magical units, mind-bLasting, hybrids in coastal provinces
Mic: priests cannot preach, must blood sacrifice
Tie: can summon celestial warriors, order domain RARELY increases province defense
Mac: likes heat+2


P.S. Someone else can do the subthemes=)
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Old January 16th, 2004, 02:58 AM

Gothmog Gothmog is offline
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Default Re: New Dom2 Quick Reference Sheet

Well, here's a quick update.
Update image

I've tried to incorporate as much of Saber Cherry excellent data, but I've tried to forgo the whole abbreviation thing. (This was supposed to be geared toward newbies after all.) I'll probably have to drop the keyboard shortcuts, and put it on a LEGAL size sheet because of adding in the Themes. What do you think of the screenshot?

Originally posted by Saber Cherry:

P.S. Someone else can do the subthemes=)
Well, everyone since we can't bother SC to gather anymore info, on account of SCs already impressive contribution, please help by gathering theme information in the form SCs already submitted. As you can see on the screenshot, I've got alot of blank cells to fill...
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