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Old December 16th, 2003, 01:48 PM
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Default Re: Unrest=?

So, if a medium duration game is supposed to take 200 turns.
What method will generate more money -
1. tax 100% let population grow and tax will grow as well over time.
2. tax 100+x% (30<=x<=100).

I want that magic number called optimum )
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Old December 17th, 2003, 04:09 PM
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Default Re: Unrest=?

Originally posted by Taqwus:
Constant, uniform, otherwise unexplained unrest/turn => probably hidden blood site(s).
Yes you were correct... I had to cast bowl of blood to find the place. The blood site brings me a fiend of darkness every turn. These flying terrors are strong and stealthy... still planning my attack with them.
There can be only one.
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Old December 18th, 2003, 10:24 PM

atul atul is offline
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Default Re: Unrest=?

Originally posted by izaqyos:
So, if a medium duration game is supposed to take 200 turns.
What method will generate more money -
1. tax 100% let population grow and tax will grow as well over time.
2. tax 100+x% (30<=x<=100).

I want that magic number called optimum )
Sorry, I know I shouldn't but I can't resist...

...well, if you assume no random events, order&turmoil affecting only income but not unrest as in Dom1, enough patrollers to keep the unrest at 0 all the time, a linear relationship between pop and income, growth being added and income collected before patrols, a constant death rate from patrols that are keeping the unrest at bay at certain tax level (does amount of dead vary from tot pop of a province or only of tax rate?), keeping that tax level at all times, no bloodhunting or instilled unrest...

...the formula for one turn's income after n turns of constant patrolling should be something like

Inc(n)= delta*(pop*growth^n - sum_i_from_0_to_n-1(Red*growth^i))*dis^n - pat_up*dis^n

delta = the relationship between population and income (modified by patrolling, scales, terrain, etc?) Inc=delta*pop
growth=growth rate (as in 1,002)
Red=pop reduction from patrols
dis=discount value (describes how much interest your money should pay, if you play with slow-starters very near 1, if with rushers a bit less [like ~0,75-0,95}, if you're only interested in pure money not actual use this is 1)
pat_up=patrol upkeep
(sum-thing left out on n=0)

Not quite certain about growth part, tho... ...or anything else about that formula, wrote it on a piece of paper during a tv-show...

But if the formula above is valid for n:th turn it should be quite easy to write a code to compare total incomes at 200 turns for different tax rates when everything else is constant... should take only two (one, perhaps) for-loops with matlab, and one plotting routine, might write it at work some day if bored. IF the income goes like that.

Just a long way to say that there probably is no optimum, just dependencies.

Who, geek, me? Not alone here, it's just that my game has been on status 'shipped' for 'bout 10 days now and still no note from post office. All work, no game, you've seen the rest. =)
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