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Old January 13th, 2001, 05:42 PM

Eisenhans Eisenhans is offline
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Default Re: Remote minning

Still this is THE invention to get some value out of those research planets. I usually have quite a few and although I only use low ressource planets for research colonies it's still not necessary to let the ressources just sit there. Great strategy!
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Old January 13th, 2001, 08:00 PM

SirDarwin SirDarwin is offline
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Default Re: Remote minning

But remeber, to remote mine, the planet can't be colonized first. You'd have to drain it of minerals first, then colonize it and make it a research planet.
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Old January 14th, 2001, 04:38 AM

Eisenhans Eisenhans is offline
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Default Re: Remote minning

Yeeaah, I figured that out by now. Pretty stupid of me. It says it right in the remote miner's description that you can't mine colonized planets.
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Old January 15th, 2001, 10:54 AM

alasyr alasyr is offline
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Default Re: Remote minning

I think there is a way around decreasing values of planets by using religious tech adv. racial trait.One of the facilities there improves value of all planets in the system by 1, 2, 3 depending of Version.So with I you get no loss from RM, with 2 and 3 you actually get improvment.The other thing about RM is that it is not affected by appropriate racial characteristics (mining, farming, extraction).so if you are going for RM as you main source of resources (I'm trying to take that road) you could get points from there.I haven't checked does the system value improvement thingy works, but it seems t me that it should.
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Old January 15th, 2001, 11:02 AM

alasyr alasyr is offline
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Default Re: Remote minning

One other thing.I find tiny valuable world (rock, ice) very suitable for RM.My strategy is to colonize them, build SY and minning base (battlestation is minimum).This way I can have minning base up in 7-10 turns (depending on SY and robo-miner level used)level.I know that yardships could do this in same times (more or less) but idea here is to get RM Online fast without getting to much tech in the begining (only tech required is base const 2 for battlestation).
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Old January 15th, 2001, 11:15 AM
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Default Re: Remote minning

Ok, let me get this strait. You build a Starbase at a planet, namely a research planet, and fill it with remote miners?

And as a result, it will mine the planet. Hum, sounds interesting. I will have to give it a shot.

Thanks for the tip. AI look out.

[This message has been edited by Atrocities (edited 15 January 2001).]
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Old January 15th, 2001, 11:37 AM

alasyr alasyr is offline
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Default Re: Remote minning

No I bulid a starbase on a tiny valuable planet and abandon that planet letting minning starbase to do the rest.The idea here is to use minimal technology invsetment to get desired effect (battlestation with 14 minning robots minning a mineral rich tiny world).

[This message has been edited by alasyr (edited 15 January 2001).]
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Old January 15th, 2001, 12:05 PM
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Default Re: Remote minning

Originally posted by alasyr:
I think there is a way around decreasing values of planets by using religious tech adv. racial trait.One of the facilities there improves value of all planets in the system by 1, 2, 3 depending of Version.So with I you get no loss from RM, with 2 and 3 you actually get improvment.The other thing about RM is that it is not affected by appropriate racial characteristics (mining, farming, extraction).so if you are going for RM as you main source of resources (I'm trying to take that road) you could get points from there.I haven't checked does the system value improvement thingy works, but it seems t me that it should.

I dont think you can do this, I think only one value improvement plant works per system or per planet.

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Old January 15th, 2001, 03:58 PM

alasyr alasyr is offline
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Default Re: Remote minning

Sorry, in my previous post about system value improvement facilities (SVI in further text) I wasn't precise enough.I did't mean putting 3 (as quatity) SVI in system but one of the either SVI I, II, III Version.Version I improves 1% per turn, II 2% and III 3%.So what I ment is if i put one SVI I system i get no decrease in values because remote mining decrease values of planet by 1 and SVI I increaces the same value by 1 thoroght the system, and SVI II and III improves the values of remote mined planets by 1, 2 (other planets by 2, 3).Hope this clears thing up.Still I haven't test this yet.
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Old January 16th, 2001, 01:23 AM

Eisenhans Eisenhans is offline
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Default Re: Remote minning

Sadly remote mining decreases the value of the planet/asteroid by 1 percentage point PER robominer. So with fifteen robos on one battlestation it takes only ten turns to suck the world dry.

Another drawback is maintenance for the battlestation. It will stay the same amount, while return from the mined planet will decrease with its value.

It's not possible to mine a colonized planet.

In total I give the battle station mining project no positive business report. Bad return on investment. You have to build the thing first, then after sucking the planet dry (or even sooner when maintenance outweihgs return) you'll have to scrap it losing two thirds of your investment.

For a battlestation with 15 robominers II:

Cost: Battlestation: 18 kt
maintenance(10 turns) 35 kt
53 kt

Scrap_Value of Base 18kT * 0.3 = 5.400

Incomeformula: (Planet_Value / Number_Robominers) * (Robominer_Return * Number_Robominers) * (Planet_Value / 100 / 2)

( with (Planet_Value / 100 / 2) being the average mining value because of the decreasing Planet_Value )

For a Planet_Value of 150% and 15 Robominers II with a return of 700 each:

150/15 * 700*15 * 150/100/2 = 10 turns * 10.500/turn * 0,75 = 78.750

For a Planet_Value of 120

120/15 * 700*15 * 120/100/2 = 8 * 10.500 * 0,6 = 50.400

For P_V of 105 you only get 38.587,5


P_V 150%: 78.750 - 53.000 + 5.400 = 31150

P_V 120%: 50.400 - 53.000 + 5.400 = 2.800

P_V 105%: 38.588 - 53.000 + 5.400 = -9012

(Sorry, I used German notation: thousands point and decimal comma)

So in the end you'll be way better off with Heavy or Medium Satellites. Less maintenance cost plus you can relocate the sats after one location is out of minerals.

[This message has been edited by Eisenhans (edited 16 January 2001).]
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