Thendara was a very small Empire, but I have been leading in score for most of the game. I was myself attempting to reach the east as fast as possible, but only reached Stellar Manipulation V this turn. (Contrary to what my bluffing attempts said)
I had only 130 Battleships this turn, but with two hundred being constructed by year these Last few turns. (A bit more than one hundred space yards working on my APB/Organic Armour Battleships) So you would have had quite an opposition against the Gemini I guess if you had waited for a few more turns.
For the record, I was at 2,6 million points because of all my bases (131, meaning about 700 000 points), with only 93 planets. It was also why I went to war with the Scouters Hive to the south, as I needed the resources to put all these bases to good use. (And leaving my warfleet home was such a waste, wouldn't you think so?