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Old March 19th, 2003, 11:53 PM

Rexxx Rexxx is offline
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Default Re: AI DEATH MATCH 2

Originally posted by Master Belisarius:
A few questions: the small and medium fighters had the same weapon (I assume "no").
Yes (sorry, I couldn't resist). Different weapons.

Originally posted by Master Belisarius:
What weapons and level, had the medium and small fighters?
Small fighters DUC III, medium fighters TKP I. Switching happened immediately after medium fighters were researched. DUCs III were discovered before medium fighters.
WPs: Small WPs CSM V, Medium WPs TKP III, switching happened immediately after medium WPs were researched. CSMs V were discovered before medium WPs.
That would mean that your presumption is correct. If the highest level for a certain weapon is attained the AI will not "forget" this achievement. It will always switch back to the design using this "achievement" regardless of any other - more recently - discoveries. By the way, switching back still happened from a large fighter with small TKPs III to the small one with small DUCs III. (The AI obviously has quite a good memory )

Ships: CSM V was discovered before Cruiser class was researched, at this time TKP II was available.
TKP V was researched before battle cruiser tech. Switching occured only after DN class had been discovered (about 20 turns after that) and AI switched back to LCs not cruisers.
Ship Designs: Escort to cruiser with CSM, BC to DN with TKP.
That would also mean the AI switches back to the first design which had the highest level of the first weapon (again: never forgetting the "achievement", the LC was the first design coming with a CSM V.) Exactly what it did with units.
The only question that remains: why does it wait until DN tech is researched...

Originally posted by Master Belisarius:
No problem Rexxx. Simply I dislike to see many good AIs building pathetic designes (alternated with the good ones) in the late game!!!
Yeah, "pathetic" there were. But now only part of Gron history . Thanks again.
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Old March 20th, 2003, 12:17 AM
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Default Re: AI DEATH MATCH 2

It seems to be always the same for the EA when they lose: They start in the bottom right and don't get enough radioactive planets. If I assign them one manually, they will fight back massively and have turned the tight again. I think the problem are the 100%-all-the-same planets for my races.
For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal. - JFK
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Old March 20th, 2003, 01:04 AM
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Default Re: AI DEATH MATCH 2

Originally posted by Mephisto:
It seems to be always the same for the EA when they lose: They start in the bottom right and don't get enough radioactive planets. If I assign them one manually, they will fight back massively and have turned the tight again. I think the problem are the 100%-all-the-same planets for my races.
Hug, are you talking about this contest?
Because can't see this problem with the current map and settings.

A few points.

A) Does exist systems with 140% in radioactives. Then IMHO, your races should select most of these planets as radioactive colony in those systems, unless they're lack of other thing.

B) With "low bonus", is not easy to see races with lack of resources.
I can't remember a race with lack of resources on this current contest. In fact specially checked the EA against the Fazrah, and didn't see that they were lack of any resource.

C) You know that if the AI is lack of something, will assign planets for the resource that need. This is why I did planets with 140%/100%/100%, 100%/140%/100% and 100%/100%/140%.
If the AI is lack of radioactives, will have not problems to use one of the planets with 140%/100%/100% or 100%/140%/100% to compensate the problem.

[ March 19, 2003, 23:08: Message edited by: Master Belisarius ]
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Old March 20th, 2003, 01:22 AM
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Default Re: AI DEATH MATCH 2

Originally posted by Rexxx:
Yes (sorry, I couldn't resist). Different weapons.

Originally posted by Rexxx:

Small fighters DUC III, medium fighters TKP I. Switching happened immediately after medium fighters were researched. DUCs III were discovered before medium fighters.
Ok, this is the usual behavior: the AI use the biggest available design, without consider the weapon level for the new design.

Originally posted by Rexxx:

By the way, switching back still happened from a large fighter with small TKPs III to the small one with small DUCs III.
Yes, this is my point.
At some moment, the AI realize that can't continue improving the TKP. Then, to design their new fighter, take the best design with other weapon, and then, select the DUC III regardless are placed in smallest designes...

Originally posted by Rexxx:

The only question that remains: why does it wait until DN tech is researched...
Yes. Good question. But think that all this behavior is for the High Tech games.
Usually, the AI upgrade their ships when reach an improvement at some component. But after some time, will not exist more improvements anymore... then, to keep the AI creating new designs, think Aaron did it.

Originally posted by Rexxx:
Yeah, "pathetic" there were. But now only part of Gron history . Thanks again.
Hope was not offensive... and by the way, my AIs had this problem in the past!

Think all the AI modders should know this problem... would you mind to write it and our fix in a new post?? Think your english is better than my "pathetic" language skills!

[ March 19, 2003, 23:23: Message edited by: Master Belisarius ]
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Old March 20th, 2003, 01:55 AM
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Default Re: AI DEATH MATCH 2

Colonial vs Gron.

The Gron won at the turn 200. The Colonials had not opportunity.

Here the link: Colonials_vs_Gron_B6.zip

Toron vs Khrel.
The Toron defeated the Khrel at the turn 270. Then, does exist 3 races with the same points in the group B6, then, I need to play a Tie Break.

Here the file: Khrel_vs_Gron_B6.zip

Standings in the group B6.

Gron 2
Khrel 2
Toron 2
Colonials 0
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Old March 20th, 2003, 11:17 AM

Rexxx Rexxx is offline
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Default Re: AI DEATH MATCH 2

Originally posted by Master Belisarius:
Hope was not offensive...
Not at all, just very helpful.

Originally posted by Master Belisarius:
Think all the AI modders should know this problem... would you mind to write it and our fix in a new post??
Yes, I will.
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Old March 20th, 2003, 12:02 PM
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Default Re: AI DEATH MATCH 2

Hug, are you talking about this contest?
Because can't see this problem with the current map and settings.
Indeed we are. Every time I checked the EA it had to few radioactive planets. The EA has no deficit but an unbalance. It has 300k minerals and only 10k radioactive. Because of this it won't build ships. However I have to correct myself in one way. It is not because of the 100% planets but seems to be a problem with bonus. In a non bonus game, the EA keeps a good balance between all resources but in the bonus game it gets to much minerals and to few radioactive for a good balance. But until we can finally teach the AI to adjust its economy to its needs I will have to live with it.
For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish our children's futures. And we are all mortal. - JFK
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Old March 20th, 2003, 03:14 PM
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Default Re: AI DEATH MATCH 2

Originally posted by Mephisto:
The EA has no deficit but an unbalance. It has 300k minerals and only 10k radioactive. Because of this it won't build ships.
Honestly, NEVER knew that a resource unbalance would force the AI to stop to build ships.
Never considered this, and then, I'll do my own tests...

About the Fazrah vs EA, I have checked how the EA selected the planets: only had 2 Refining Colonies in the systems that I did for it.
Why? Because in the planets.txt the EA have this option "Max Per System := 2"
Then, agree that this could affect the EA behavior: they were not designed to have many Refining Colonies placed in the same system. But I have assumed that if any AI would be lack of resources, always could use a planet not specially designed for Refining Colony and still get good resources.

About the problem with the "Low Bonus", I have my own guess: think the AI doesn't consider the bonus to select the kind of colony.
It mean, that they could FORCE a planet to be a Mining Colony, because believe that is lack of mineral without consider the bonus...
I have noted that my AIs used the planets with 70/70/70 for Mining Colony, when they still had a lot of Mineral available.
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Old March 20th, 2003, 03:52 PM

Rexxx Rexxx is offline
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Default Re: AI DEATH MATCH 2

Originally posted by Master Belisarius:
About the problem with the "Low Bonus", I have my own guess: think the AI doesn't consider the bonus to select the kind of colony.
I can confirm this. In recent test games (with AI bonus) my AIs quite freqeuntly didn't follow my calls in the planet_types-file. They built up mining colonies on planets with a mineral value from 50%-99%. After realizing that I switched off the bonus (setting the AI to human control) and found everytime that the minerals net production per turn had become negative.
I think you're right. The AI didn't take the bonus factor into account, the colonizing decisions are based on the "basic" not the "bonus" income.

BTW I'm quite sure that this safety device (overriding my colony calls) only takes place if the planet has a value of 50% or more. I never had an AI (no bonus and bonus games) using a planet with a min/org/rad value lesser than 50% as a mining/farming/refining colony. No matter how big its lack of resources was.
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Old March 20th, 2003, 04:39 PM
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Default Re: AI DEATH MATCH 2

Originally posted by Rexxx:
I can confirm this. In recent test games (with AI bonus) my AIs quite freqeuntly didn't follow my calls in the planet_types-file. They built up mining colonies on planets with a mineral value from 50%-99%. After realizing that I switched off the bonus (setting the AI to human control) and found everytime that the minerals net production per turn had become negative.
I think you're right. The AI didn't take the bonus factor into account, the colonizing decisions are based on the "basic" not the "bonus" income.
Ok, thanks!

Originally posted by Rexxx:

BTW I'm quite sure that this safety device (overriding my colony calls) only takes place if the planet has a value of 50% or more. I never had an AI (no bonus and bonus games) using a planet with a min/org/rad value lesser than 50% as a mining/farming/refining colony. No matter how big its lack of resources was.
Good! Then it was fixed, because in the past, I saw the AI select a planet as Mining Colony, when the planet had 0% in Mineral!!!
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