Hey there!
As another in my (very) occasional line of slowpace cames, I present Pyrothere.
Turns will be 96 hours (although I hope players will be rather faster than that for the first 10 turns).
Spring Rains, with custom start points.
Other settings: Vanilla, renaming on.
Hosting: Llamaserver.
Mods: None.
Gregstrom - Mictlan
Greenaris - Ulm
Agema - Utgard
AlpineJoe - Marignon
Unoptimized - Ermor
Fate - Jomon
P3D - Gath
Caerun - Atlantis
cupido2 - R'lyeh
Gokufan1988 - Pythium
Anticipatient - Agartha
AreaOfEffect - Bogarus
Aethyr - Midgard
hEad - Pangaea
Illuminated One - T'ien Ch'i
Licker - Caelum
LdiCesare - Man