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Old February 14th, 2011, 06:00 PM
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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released

CBM 1.82 "forest of a thousand eyes" descr:
"The sorceror reaches makes a connection through the spiders of the forest he occupies to the spiders of a distant forest."

Is the bold part a valid English phrase?
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Old February 14th, 2011, 06:20 PM
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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released

Hey, I'm all for giving Machaka power since it was seriously UP but, isn't foul sacrifice too much?

It costs as little as 4N, 80 gold and one turn of mage recruitment to get 5 hunter spiders. Combine that with F9 or W9 or both bless and the fact that it's pre researched (lvl 0).

Is there something I'm missing since them hunters are solid all around unit with only possible weakness of size and mediocre+ MR.

On the good side: I love the nice touch of extra power to the sorceress.

I'm really curious how will Machaka do in MP post 1.82. I have a feeling that players expecting the old weakling nation are in for a nasty surprise
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Old February 15th, 2011, 02:26 AM
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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released

Oh, it summons black spiders? Oooh. I thought from the description is the grey ones, and thought the spells is pretty meh.

Hmm. Interesting
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Old February 15th, 2011, 03:19 AM
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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released

You get a small ver. of them hunters, then on the next turn they grow to full size. It's pretty amazing and I'd really like to hear accounts of how 1.8 Machake fares in MP.

I tried it in SP and IMO it's seriously more powerful than before as a result of a number of additions and small touches.
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Old February 15th, 2011, 11:18 AM
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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released

Yucks, I failed MR resist check for the spell "possession by greater pedantic spirit"

Some more typos (bold):

"The Divine Emperor is the ruler of the Empire. He is the son of the previous Emperor, who was deified upon death. As the Son of God, he has great power. With power comes arrogance and now the Son of God claims godhood himself. The Divine Emperor is not a warrior and travels only by palanquin. In battle, the Emperor's presence inspires fananticism and bravery."

"The Bandar are large, black apes who tower over their fellow apes and monkeys. The colour of their caste is red, the colour of blood and war. The Bandar are the warrior caste and although few in number command great influence. The Rakshasas allow lesser Bandar kings to rule the monkey people. The axe is a weapon used only by the Rajas. Unlike the sword it is not a noble weapon in and of itself, but it comes with the power to execute, a power of the king. Fear of retribution inspires brave deeds from the Raja's troops in battle."

The Father of Winter likes it cold and his physical power increases in cold provinces. He is constantly surrounded by a large whirlwind of snow that will freeze anyone nearby. He is a master of the magics of Winter, and the freezing wind of the north.

The Lord of the Summer Plague is a titan claiming dominion over the summer heat. With the heat comes drought and famine, plague and pestilence. The lion-headed Lord is a god of death, while his bow strikes men with sure and deadly illness.
" (double space)

Cave Drakes are huge reptiles that are almost imprevious to damage. This Cave Drake has been trained to warfare by some Agarthan master trainer with the aid of a magical whip. They are scarred, fierce and quite ill-tempered from the constant whippings, becoming enraged at slightest provocation.

Daidalos is a genius who crafts automatons and strange devices. His engineering skills earned him his place as head of Lykeion. He perfected the winged harness, which he named after his unfortunate son, that the soldiers use in battle. He built the great maze that protected Asterios during his early years. Daidalos is very good at crafting Mechanical Men and Clockwork Horrors, which he builds in his spare time.
" I actually don't get what this sentence was supposed to mean and not sure it's syntactically valid

The Coral King is the oldest living reef dweller, rivalling the age of many of the Basalt Kings. His magical skill and respect among the reef dwellers are sources of great suspicion for the Basalt Kings, but he has proved too useful to be done away with. Coral crafting is his invention, and he has gained great skill in it over the years.

The Future Queen is the most influential of the Basalt Queens. She is able to see the future in her dreams and prevent bad events in the province where she resides. She is a strong-willed leader of the atlantean race and very resistant to all forms of magical coercion. Recently she has seem some disturbing dreams of an alien race and unreal horrors dominating the seas. The Future Queen has now stopped dreaming and has come to serve the Awakening God to prevent the vision.
" seen?

IIRC from english classes, shouldn't all "atlantean" be changed to "Atlantean"?
There are many such mistakes and I could post them here as well.

Uru'gallu is a lizard of few friends. He has served as a mercenary in several kingdoms and never cared abut the politics of the lizard kings. Recently, Uru'gallu became aware of the rise of Pretenders and decided that if he was to live under the yoke of godhood it would not be the yoke of a pink human god with xenophobic priests. Uru'gallu is tremendously strong and his scales are thicker than any known in C'tis. It is said that his mother mated with an alligator, but few actually believe it. He fights with his jaws and morningstar of black iron, and always wears black scale mail.

Unfortunately, there seem to be more such glitches. QM/llama, would you like me to post them?
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Old February 15th, 2011, 11:32 AM

Festin Festin is offline
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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released

The colour of their caste is red, the colour of blood
It is British spelling, as opposed to American "color". Both are correct. Or is there some other mistake I fail to see?
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Old February 15th, 2011, 11:40 AM
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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released

Nope. I'm used to American spelling and wasn't aware of British spelling
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Old February 15th, 2011, 06:03 PM

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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released

WraithLord (and others) - please do post any typos you find, I will hunt them down! (Already fixed the ones you listed and am about to submit them to qm.)
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Old February 16th, 2011, 05:10 AM
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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released


BTW, I gave the foul sacrifice some thought and I guess it's ok.

Yes. It costs as 4N + 80 gold and you get 5 hunters after three turns (a- recruit mage, b- cast, c- wait a turn for them to grow).
Compare to just recruit them which costs 400g and one turn and not losing a turn for mage recruitment.

Now, imagine the surprise when the enemy beseiges your research center and then all of a sudden you sacrifice your researchers to get an army of W9/F9 hunters

More typos:
This warrior belongs to a group of C'tissian mercenaries serving under the hero Uru'gallu. They are tough elite slave warriors who have survived many combats alongside their commander. Although Uru'gallu is not an especially charismatic leader, he does not care for the social status of his fighters and treats them better than most commanders of C'tis. They have tough scales like their master and are better equipped with shields and helmets. They call themselves 'The Sons of the Alligator' as a crude joke towards the ill rumor concerning Uru'gallu's mother.
double space

The tribe of Levi are known for their fanaticism and religious fervor. It is the only tribe allowed to train priests. Sometimes a particularly pious Levite emerges to claim prophethood and lead other Levites. These Nabi'im are not trained in the temple and are regarded with some suspicion by the Gittites. To secure faith and loyalty, they are given the outfit of a Kohen Gadol. The Nabi'im's fervor is such they spread dominion wherever they tread, and bands of Levite zealots follow them to the ends of the earth.
" is

The Goliath of Gath is the greatest warrior in the realm. He is the champion of the Gibborim, the mighty men, and stands taller than even the Serens of the Palace of the Sage King. The Goliath loves to pound lesser foes to the ground as he mocks their gods. He is utterly ungodly, sprouting heresies and desecrating icons of false faiths whenever possible. It is rumoured that he has some blood of the Nephilim flowing in his veins and that he was fathered by one of the three Sons of Anak. The Goliath is a skilled and strong warrior that has not lost a single battle, and in his arrogance refuses to wear a helmet.

The mysterious Trickster is an ancient half-giant, birthed in a time long past when the Jotuns and Vanir married one another. He took part in the war against Aesir and fathered three monstrous children with Angerbodå. The Trickster is gifted with cunning and is skilled in crafting illusions. He loves to play seemingly random tricks and pranks on those around him. But beneath his trickery lies a sinister plan, for he has been prophesied to play a great part in the war of gods. Pantokrator imprisoned him by poison, but now he has escaped and come to serve the awakening god to fulfil his destiny. The Trickster is a skilled sorcerer and a master of illusions. He can spread chaos and confusion amongst the enemy ranks. However, his mischievous pranks will cause unrest in the province where he resides.

Hashi Saburo is the legendary leader of the Aka-Oni Samurai company. Saburo and his companions painted their armors red and tricked their enemies to believe that they were Red Devils of the night. His bravery and cunning is widely known and his company is almost fanatically loyal. Hashi Saburo wears a red demon mask that has been enchanted by a powerful Shugenja to induce fear in enemy troops.
" Should it start capital?

The Kharahasara is a Rakshasa, a demon-ogre of Lanka. Smaller than other Rakshasa, Kharahasara are men with the features of rabbits, strong, hardy and swift of foot. Though smaller than other Rakshasa, they are quick and defeat their opponents through cunning and skill rather than brute force. They are sneaky and mischievous creatures and they do not eat flesh, preferring grasses, shoots and flowers. However, they eagerly seek young human girls, but do not devour them. Instead, they spirit them away for a time, after which the girls are permitted to wander home, dazed, dishevelled and often pregnant. They are also skilled in the magics of nature and air to play their mischievous tricks. They are considered sacred to the monkey people.

Angelique was a simple peasant girl who witnessed the destruction of her home village at the hands of the Inquisition. Before the blazing flames, she swore to avenge her family. For years she fought the Inquisition as best she could, be it alone or with brigands. But a horrible incident changed her utterly; after witnessing her brigand friends feasting upon the flesh of a slain Friar, she abandoned them and went to the Inquisition to confess her sins. She was tested in the House of Just Fires and was deemed righteous and given absolution. Angelique now serves the Inquisition with a burning hatred of Ermorian heretics. She has killed dozens upon dozens of Ghouls and has slowly become immune to their poisoneus claws.
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Old February 16th, 2011, 06:19 AM
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Default Re: CBM 1.8 released

WraithLord, Dominions 3 uses British spelling in the game. You seem to list british spelling as typos, while I believe it is actually the american spelling that should be considered typos in this case for the sake of consistency
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