Space Monsters!!!
Ok folks, I'm writing a mod for space monters... only need to finish the AI_const_vehicles, AI_DesignCreation, find componet/facility pics and get permission to use the Cephalopeia ship set.
But I have a question for you... Would you want a mod that is "error-trapped" OR one that is compatible with TDM???
Here's my quandry, right now it's compatible with TDM... it adds stuff, but dosen't change anything already there. But there *can* be some problems... if the monsters get ahold of tech their not suppose to (particularly ship construction) they might produce ships that aren't "right"... also their facilities are WAY overpowered if a human captures one (they are balanced for them though), this shouldn't be too easy as they are to produce lots of troops and most of their systems will have a "Change bad Intelligence -100%" ability... but it can happen.
The way to fix this is by going the P&N route and creating a "normal tech - racial trait" thus disallowing the space monsters the normal technology (and I wouldn't need to make such uber facilities to ensure that the space monsters use 'em and only them)... this is a bit of extra work on my part, and means that all empires will need to be "adapted", it dosen't take too long but it reduces compatiability.
What do you guys think?
Also, if you have/know of good "organic-looking" componets facility pics let me know... I need 'em and I'm not an artist!
[This message has been edited by Trachmyr (edited 08 July 2001).]