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Old October 13th, 2006, 10:21 PM
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Default Re: Modding SEV Thread Questions

I have been looking into this and I think you have it backwards. After looking at each weapon in the components file and reading the manual I see that Weapon Type is one of the four aforementioned types and that Weapon Delivery Type is what you make it.

The manual says there should be various files that are Description_xxx but I don�t see them. Did MM take them all out and if so how can we get them?
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Old October 13th, 2006, 10:36 PM
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Default Re: Modding SEV Thread Questions

Oh, I gotcha.
The arbitrary one is just a hook; you can make things (racial traits, talisman-ish components, etc) multiply damage amounts caused by the named weapon delivery type.

For example, in GGmod, I set them all to "generic"
Then for the disposable culture I set +100% damage from "generic" weapons, and for preservationists, -50% to damage from "generic" weapons.
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Old October 14th, 2006, 01:07 AM
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Default Re: Modding SEV Thread Questions

Why are there both Min and Max Damage Modifier Formulas? I�m going to take a stab and say the Min formula is for the min damage the weapon will do and the max formula is for the max damage the weapon will do? How does SE know which formula to apply?
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Old October 14th, 2006, 01:17 AM
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Default Re: Modding SEV Thread Questions

It specifies a range of damage for the weapon. For example if the min is 30 and the max is 40, the weapons will do between 30-40 damage.
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Old October 14th, 2006, 01:22 AM
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Default Re: Modding SEV Thread Questions

Perfect thanks; is there a utility or aid of some sort to help calculate the formula for the Hit Modifier?
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Old October 14th, 2006, 01:35 AM
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Default Re: Modding SEV Thread Questions

Wait no; I just don�t get that line. What is it doing? I read the description earlier but it makes no sense. For example:

0 � ([%Range%] * .5)

Is this saying that at range 50 I lose x accuracy? What value is x and how can I change it?

Can I make a weapon that will have the following hit probability?

Range : 0 � 10 � 20 � 30 � 40 � 50 � 60 � 70 � 80 � 90 � 100
% to hit: 90 � 90 � 90 � 80 � 80 � 80 � 70 � 60 � 50 � 30 � 10
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Old October 14th, 2006, 01:45 AM

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Default Re: Modding SEV Thread Questions

That line is sayng that you'll lose 0.5% of accuracy per LS of distance. So at 50 LS you'll have a -25% modifier. You change the X by changing .5 to something else, or inputing a different forumla.

Doing that line won't be easy and it won't be short- you'll need lots of tested ifs.

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Old October 14th, 2006, 02:13 AM

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Default Re: Modding SEV Thread Questions

President_Elect_Shang said:

Can I make a weapon that will have the following hit probability?

Range : 0 � 10 � 20 � 30 � 40 � 50 � 60 � 70 � 80 � 90 � 100
% to hit: 90 � 90 � 90 � 80 � 80 � 80 � 70 � 60 � 50 � 30 � 10
At least you can easily do
Range : 0 � 10 � 20 � 30 � 40 � 50 � 60 � 70 � 80 � 90 � 100
% to hit: 100 � 90 � 80 � 70 � 60 � 50 � 40 - 30 � 20 - 10 - 0

by simply adding 100 to the current formula and changing the multiplication factor. However 0 means "hit every time" while 100 would mean that you could have -100 malus from other component and still hit every time..

(Big guys may correct me if I'm wrong on this)
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Old October 14th, 2006, 02:18 AM

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Default Re: Modding SEV Thread Questions

The final forumla, or one way of doing it, looks like this:
0 - iif([%Range%] < 30, 10, iif([%Range%] < 60, 20, iif([%Range%] < 80, (30 + ([%Range%] - 60)), (50 + (([%Range%] - 80) * 2)))))

Just a bit messy. Most forumlas will not be anywhere NEAR this complicated, you just happened to pick a difficult one to do.

Here's the breakdown..

0 -
iif([%Range%] < 30, 10,
iif([%Range%] < 60, 20,
iif([%Range%] < 80, (30 + ([%Range%] - 60)),
(50 + (([%Range%] - 80) * 2)))))

First, a little note: %RANGE% is a variable- it is whatever the current range to the target is. If he's at 50ls its 50, if he's at 10ls its 10, 5 at 5ls, etc.

First line: 0 is just there to make the rest of the numbers negative by using the following - sign. The base to-hit in SE5 is 100%, so what this means is "100% - the result of the following formula" (call that X).

Second line: iif is an if/then statement. The format is iif(value (sign), (then), else). This says IF the range is less than 30, THEN X is 10. ELSE it runs the next IF statement. Why 30? Because that's where your values start to change from that flat -10% chance. Same with all of the breakpoints below- the value checked for is the value where the result changes.

Third line: Same thing. IF the range is less than 60, THEN x is 20. ELSE it runs the next IF statement.

Fourth line: Last if/then. This one says IF the range is less than 80, THEN run the formula (30 + ([%Range%] - 60) and set X to that. If not run the formula (50 + (([%Range%] - 80) and set X to that.

The tricky part is keeping all the blasted parathesis straight..

Elsemeravin: you've got it pretty much right. By default all SE5 weapons hit all the time; unless there's some negative number in the to-hit field you'll never miss.

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Old October 14th, 2006, 08:23 AM
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Default Re: Modding SEV Thread Questions

Ok now I understand and I have to say that formula is a work of beauty. I printed it out as a guide for future formulas. One more question and I think I will be up to par with range.

Let�s say for example that I want to hit a target at range 30 for -20 (80% accuracy). When I set up my formula wouldn�t I want to write the formula for:

Greater than or equal to 21 and less than or equal to 30.

If I don�t explicitly restrict the range I want that one accuracy percent at won�t SE spill it over to the next range IF the next range is undefined? One more time using the example formula you gave; SE will apply the -10 to hit on all ranges from 0 to 30 since your formula said <30 correct?

New question I was reading an earlier post in this thread I came to the impression SE does all ranges in 10�s; which I assume is what you are calling 10 LS, by default. You can change the max range but the base 10�s is programmed. What is the max range; 290 LS?
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